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ghoulslash edited this page Jul 16, 2020 · 15 revisions

Fix Snow Weather

In vanilla emerald (and Fire Red!) the WEATHER_SNOW is broken and will only emit a few snowflakes before stopping. Let's fix it!

BUG: entering/closing a menu sometimes causes snow to isolate to specific x coordinates

For starters, open src/field_weather_effects.c

Increase the number of snowflakes (optional)

If you want to have the snow be heavier (or lighter), find Snow_InitVars and edit the line gWeatherPtr->targetSnowflakeSpriteCount = 16; to a value of your choosing.

Stop the snow from disappearing

Find the function UpdateSnowflakeSprite, and delete the following code (lines 974-998):

    y = (sprite->pos1.y + sprite->centerToCornerVecY + gSpriteCoordOffsetY) & 0xFF;
    if (y > 163 && y < 171)
        sprite->pos1.y = 250 - (gSpriteCoordOffsetY + sprite->centerToCornerVecY);
        sprite->tPosY = sprite->pos1.y * 128;
        sprite->tFallCounter = 0;
        sprite->tFallDuration = 220;
    else if (y > 242 && y < 250)
        sprite->pos1.y = 163;
        sprite->tPosY = sprite->pos1.y * 128;
        sprite->tFallCounter = 0;
        sprite->tFallDuration = 220;
        sprite->invisible = TRUE;
        sprite->callback = WaitSnowflakeSprite;

    if (++sprite->tFallCounter == sprite->tFallDuration)
        sprite->pos1.y = 250;
        sprite->invisible = TRUE;
        sprite->callback = WaitSnowflakeSprite;
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