Pollination Server OpenAPI Definition
This C# SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.1.0
- SDK version: 1.1.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.CSharpClientCodegen For more information, please visit https://pollination.solutions
- .NET Core >=1.0
- .NET Framework >=4.5
- RestSharp - 105.1.0 or later
- Json.NET - 7.0.0 or later
- JsonSubTypes - 1.2.0 or later
The DLLs included in the package may not be the latest version. We recommend using NuGet to obtain the latest version of the packages:
Install-Package RestSharp
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
Install-Package JsonSubTypes
NOTE: RestSharp versions greater than 105.1.0 have a bug which causes file uploads to fail. See RestSharp#742
Run the following command to generate the DLL
- [Mac/Linux]
/bin/sh build.sh
- [Windows]
Then include the DLL (under the bin
folder) in the C# project, and use the namespaces:
using PollinationSDK.Api;
using PollinationSDK.Client;
using PollinationSDK.Model;
A .nuspec
is included with the project. You can follow the Nuget quickstart to create and publish packages.
This .nuspec
uses placeholders from the .csproj
, so build the .csproj
nuget pack -Build -OutputDirectory out PollinationSDK.csproj
Then, publish to a local feed or other host and consume the new package via Nuget as usual.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using PollinationSDK.Api;
using PollinationSDK.Client;
using PollinationSDK.Model;
namespace Example
public class Example
public static void Main()
Configuration.Default.BasePath = "http://localhost";
// Configure HTTP bearer authorization: JWTAuth
Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
var apiInstance = new APITokensApi(Configuration.Default);
var aPITokenCreate = new APITokenCreate(); // APITokenCreate |
// Create a new API token
APITokenPrivate result = apiInstance.CreateToken(aPITokenCreate);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling APITokensApi.CreateToken: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
APITokensApi | CreateToken | POST /tokens | Create a new API token |
APITokensApi | DeleteToken | DELETE /tokens/{token_id} | Delete an API Token |
APITokensApi | ListTokens | GET /tokens | List user API tokens |
APITokensApi | RegenerateToken | PUT /tokens/{token_id} | Regenerate an API token |
AccountsApi | CheckAccountName | GET /accounts/check/{name} | Check if an account with this name exists |
AccountsApi | GetAccount | GET /accounts/{name} | Get an account by name |
AccountsApi | ListAccounts | GET /accounts | List Accounts on the Pollination platform |
AccountsApi | ListQuotas | GET /accounts/{name}/quotas | List Quotas |
ApplicationsApi | CreateApplication | POST /applications/{owner} | Create an Application |
ApplicationsApi | DeleteApplication | DELETE /applications/{owner}/{slug} | Delete a Application |
ApplicationsApi | DeleteApplicationOrgPermission | DELETE /applications/{owner}/{slug}/permissions | Remove a Application permissions |
ApplicationsApi | DeleteApplicationVersion | DELETE /applications/{owner}/{slug}/versions/{tag} | Remove a Application version |
ApplicationsApi | GetApplication | GET /applications/{owner}/{slug} | Get an application |
ApplicationsApi | GetApplicationAccessPermissions | GET /applications/{owner}/{slug}/permissions | Get application access permissions |
ApplicationsApi | GetApplicationDeployment | GET /applications/{owner}/{slug}/deployment | Get application deployment |
ApplicationsApi | GetApplicationVersions | GET /applications/{owner}/{slug}/versions | Get application versions |
ApplicationsApi | ListApplications | GET /applications | List Applications |
ApplicationsApi | UpdateApplication | PUT /applications/{owner}/{slug} | Update a Application |
ApplicationsApi | UpsertApplicationPermission | PATCH /applications/{owner}/{slug}/permissions | Upsert a new permission to a application |
ApplicationsApi | UpsertApplicationVersion | PATCH /applications/{owner}/{slug}/versions | Upsert a new version to a application |
ArtifactsApi | CreateArtifact | POST /projects/{owner}/{name}/artifacts | Get an Artifact upload link. |
ArtifactsApi | DeleteArtifact | DELETE /projects/{owner}/{name}/artifacts | Delete one or many artifacts by key/prefix |
ArtifactsApi | DownloadArtifact | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/artifacts/download | Download an artifact from the project folder |
ArtifactsApi | ListArtifacts | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/artifacts | List artifacts in a project folder |
JobsApi | CancelJob | PUT /projects/{owner}/{name}/jobs/{job_id}/cancel | Cancel a Job |
JobsApi | CreateJob | POST /projects/{owner}/{name}/jobs | Schedule a job |
JobsApi | DeleteJob | DELETE /projects/{owner}/{name}/jobs/{job_id} | Delete a Job |
JobsApi | DownloadJobArtifact | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/jobs/{job_id}/artifacts/download | Download an artifact from the job folder |
JobsApi | GetJob | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/jobs/{job_id} | Get a Job |
JobsApi | ListJobs | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/jobs | List Jobs |
JobsApi | RetryJob | PUT /projects/{owner}/{name}/jobs/{job_id}/retry | Retry failed runs for a Job |
JobsApi | SearchJobFolder | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/jobs/{job_id}/artifacts | List files/folders in a job folder |
LicensesApi | DeleteActivation | DELETE /licenses/pools/{pool_id}/activations/{activation_id} | Delete the activation |
LicensesApi | GetAvailablePools | GET /licenses/pools | Get license pools available to authenticated user |
LicensesApi | GetLicenseActivations | GET /licenses/pools/{pool_id}/activations | Get the activations for the license |
LicensesApi | GetPoolLicense | GET /licenses/pools/{pool_id}/license | Get the license associated with a pool |
LicensesApi | GrantAccessToPool | PATCH /licenses/pools/{pool_id}/permissions | Grant access to the license pool |
LicensesApi | RegenerateLicensePool | POST /licenses/pools/{pool_id}/regenerate | Regenerate the license associated with the pool |
LicensesApi | RevokeAccessToPool | DELETE /licenses/pools/{pool_id}/permissions | Revoke access to the license pool |
LicensesApi | UpdateLicensePool | PUT /licenses/pools/{pool_id} | Update the license pool |
OrgsApi | CreateOrg | POST /orgs | Create an Org |
OrgsApi | DeleteOrg | DELETE /orgs/{name} | Delete an Org |
OrgsApi | DeleteOrgMember | DELETE /orgs/{name}/members/{username} | Remove an Org member |
OrgsApi | GetOrg | GET /orgs/{name} | Get an Org |
OrgsApi | GetOrgMembers | GET /orgs/{name}/members | List organization members |
OrgsApi | ListOrgs | GET /orgs | List Orgs |
OrgsApi | UpdateOrg | PUT /orgs/{name} | Update an Org |
OrgsApi | UpsertOrgMember | PATCH /orgs/{name}/members/{username}/{role} | Add or update the role of an Org Member |
PluginsApi | CreatePlugin | POST /plugins/{owner} | Create a Plugin |
PluginsApi | CreatePluginPackage | POST /plugins/{owner}/{name}/tags | Create a new Plugin package |
PluginsApi | DeletePlugin | DELETE /plugins/{owner}/{name} | Delete a Plugin |
PluginsApi | DeletePluginOrgPermission | DELETE /plugins/{owner}/{name}/permissions | Remove a Repository permissions |
PluginsApi | GetPlugin | GET /plugins/{owner}/{name} | Get a plugin |
PluginsApi | GetPluginAccessPermissions | GET /plugins/{owner}/{name}/permissions | Get plugin access permissions |
PluginsApi | GetPluginByTag | GET /plugins/{owner}/{name}/tags/{tag} | Get a plugin tag |
PluginsApi | ListPluginTags | GET /plugins/{owner}/{name}/tags | Get a plugin tags |
PluginsApi | ListPlugins | GET /plugins | List plugins |
PluginsApi | UpdatePlugin | PUT /plugins/{owner}/{name} | Update a Plugin |
PluginsApi | UpsertPluginPermission | PATCH /plugins/{owner}/{name}/permissions | Upsert a new permission to a plugin |
ProjectsApi | CreateProject | POST /projects/{owner} | Create a Project |
ProjectsApi | CreateProjectRecipeFilter | POST /projects/{owner}/{name}/recipes/filters | Upsert a recipe filter to a project |
ProjectsApi | DeleteProject | DELETE /projects/{owner}/{name} | Delete a Project |
ProjectsApi | DeleteProjectOrgPermission | DELETE /projects/{owner}/{name}/permissions | Remove a Project permissions |
ProjectsApi | DeleteProjectRecipeFilter | DELETE /projects/{owner}/{name}/recipes/filters | Remove a Project recipe filter |
ProjectsApi | GetProject | GET /projects/{owner}/{name} | Get a project |
ProjectsApi | GetProjectAccessPermissions | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/permissions | Get project access permissions |
ProjectsApi | GetProjectRecipeFilters | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/recipes/filters | Get project recipe filters |
ProjectsApi | GetProjectRecipeRepositories | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/recipes/repositories | Get project recipe repositories |
ProjectsApi | GetProjectRecipes | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/recipes | Get project recipe versions |
ProjectsApi | ListProjects | GET /projects | List Projects |
ProjectsApi | Update | PUT /projects/{owner}/{name} | Update a Project |
ProjectsApi | UpsertProjectPermission | PATCH /projects/{owner}/{name}/permissions | Upsert a new permission to a project |
RecipesApi | CreateRecipe | POST /recipes/{owner} | Create a Recipe |
RecipesApi | CreateRecipePackage | POST /recipes/{owner}/{name}/tags | Create a new Recipe package |
RecipesApi | DeleteRecipe | DELETE /recipes/{owner}/{name} | Delete a Recipe |
RecipesApi | DeleteRecipeOrgPermission | DELETE /recipes/{owner}/{name}/permissions | Remove a Repository permissions |
RecipesApi | GetRecipe | GET /recipes/{owner}/{name} | Get a recipe |
RecipesApi | GetRecipeAccessPermissions | GET /recipes/{owner}/{name}/permissions | Get recipe access permissions |
RecipesApi | GetRecipeByTag | GET /recipes/{owner}/{name}/tags/{tag} | Get a recipe tag |
RecipesApi | ListRecipeTags | GET /recipes/{owner}/{name}/tags | Get a recipe tags |
RecipesApi | ListRecipes | GET /recipes | List recipes |
RecipesApi | UpdateRecipe | PUT /recipes/{owner}/{name} | Update a Recipe |
RecipesApi | UpsertRecipePermission | PATCH /recipes/{owner}/{name}/permissions | Upsert a new permission to a recipe |
RegistriesApi | GetPackage | GET /registries/{owner}/{type}/{name}/{digest} | Get Package |
RegistriesApi | GetPackageJson | GET /registries/{owner}/{type}/{name}/{digest}/json | Get Package in JSON format |
RegistriesApi | GetRegistryIndex | GET /registries/{owner}/index.json | Get Registry Index |
RegistriesApi | PostPlugin | POST /registries/{owner}/plugins | Push a plugin to the registry |
RegistriesApi | PostRecipe | POST /registries/{owner}/recipes | Push an Recipe to the registry |
RunsApi | CancelRun | PUT /projects/{owner}/{name}/runs/{run_id}/cancel | Cancel a run |
RunsApi | DownloadRunArtifact | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/runs/{run_id}/artifacts/download | Download an artifact from the run folder |
RunsApi | GetAllRunSteps | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/runs/{run_id}/all-steps | Query the steps of a run |
RunsApi | GetRun | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/runs/{run_id} | Get a Run |
RunsApi | GetRunOutput | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/runs/{run_id}/outputs/{output_name} | Get run output by name |
RunsApi | GetRunStepLogs | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/runs/{run_id}/steps/{step_id}/logs | Get the logs of a specific step of the run |
RunsApi | GetRunSteps | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/runs/{run_id}/steps | Query the steps of a run |
RunsApi | ListRunArtifacts | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/runs/{run_id}/artifacts | List artifacts in a run folder |
RunsApi | ListRuns | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/runs | List runs |
RunsApi | QueryResults | GET /projects/{owner}/{name}/results | Query run results |
RunsApi | RetryRun | PUT /projects/{owner}/{name}/runs/{run_id}/retry | Retry a run |
SubscriptionPlansApi | ListSubscriptionPlans | GET /subscription-plans/ | List Subscription Plans |
SubscriptionsApi | CancelSubscription | DELETE /subscriptions/{subscription_id} | Cancel a subscription |
SubscriptionsApi | CreateSubscription | POST /subscriptions/ | Subscribe account to subscritpion plan |
SubscriptionsApi | GetSubscription | GET /subscriptions/{subscription_id} | Retrieve a subscription by ID |
SubscriptionsApi | ListPollinationSubscriptions | GET /subscriptions/ | List Subscriptions |
SubscriptionsApi | ListSubscriptionPayments | GET /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/payments | List Payment for a Subscription |
SubscriptionsApi | ListSubscriptionQuotas | GET /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/quotas | List the quotas for a given subscription |
SubscriptionsApi | UpdateSubscription | PUT /subscriptions/{subscription_id} | Update a subscription |
SubscriptionsApi | UpdateSubscriptionPreivew | PUT /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/preview | Preview the effect of a subscription update |
TeamsApi | CreateTeam | POST /orgs/{org_name}/teams | Create a Team |
TeamsApi | DeleteOrgTeamMember | DELETE /orgs/{org_name}/teams/{team_slug}/members/{username} | Remove a team member |
TeamsApi | DeleteTeam | DELETE /orgs/{org_name}/teams/{team_slug} | Delete a Team |
TeamsApi | GetOrgTeamMembers | GET /orgs/{org_name}/teams/{team_slug}/members | List team members |
TeamsApi | GetTeam | GET /orgs/{org_name}/teams/{team_slug} | Get a Team |
TeamsApi | ListOrgTeams | GET /orgs/{org_name}/teams | List Teams |
TeamsApi | UpdateTeam | PUT /orgs/{org_name}/teams/{team_slug} | Update a Team |
TeamsApi | UpsertOrgTeamMember | PATCH /orgs/{org_name}/teams/{team_slug}/members/{username}/{role} | Add or update the role of an Team Member |
UserApi | CreateUser | POST /user | Register a new user |
UserApi | GetMe | GET /user | Get authenticated user profile. |
UserApi | GetRoles | GET /user/roles | Get the authenticated user roles |
UserApi | UpdateUserProfile | PUT /user | Update the authenticated user |
UsersApi | CheckUsername | GET /users/check_username/{username} | Check if a username is already taken |
UsersApi | GetOneUser | GET /users/{name} | Get a specific user profile |
UsersApi | ListUsers | GET /users | List Users |
- Model.APIToken
- Model.APITokenAllOf
- Model.APITokenCreate
- Model.APITokenCreateAllOf
- Model.APITokenList
- Model.APITokenListAllOf
- Model.APITokenPrivate
- Model.APITokenPrivateAllOf
- Model.AccessPolicy
- Model.AccessPolicyAllOf
- Model.AccessPolicyList
- Model.AccessPolicyListAllOf
- Model.Accessor
- Model.AccessorAllOf
- Model.AccountPublic
- Model.AccountPublicAllOf
- Model.AccountType
- Model.Activation
- Model.ActivationAllOf
- Model.ActivationList
- Model.ActivationListAllOf
- Model.Application
- Model.ApplicationAccessPolicy
- Model.ApplicationAccessPolicyAllOf
- Model.ApplicationAccessPolicyList
- Model.ApplicationAccessPolicyListAllOf
- Model.ApplicationAllOf
- Model.ApplicationCreate
- Model.ApplicationCreateAllOf
- Model.ApplicationDeployment
- Model.ApplicationDeploymentAllOf
- Model.ApplicationList
- Model.ApplicationListAllOf
- Model.ApplicationPolicySubject
- Model.ApplicationPolicySubjectAllOf
- Model.ApplicationSortKey
- Model.ApplicationUpdate
- Model.ApplicationUpdateAllOf
- Model.ApplicationVersion
- Model.ApplicationVersionAllOf
- Model.ApplicationVersionList
- Model.ApplicationVersionListAllOf
- Model.ArtifactSource
- Model.ArtifactSourceAllOf
- Model.BakedRecipe
- Model.BakedRecipeAllOf
- Model.BaseReference
- Model.BaseReferenceAllOf
- Model.BaseStatus
- Model.BaseStatusAllOf
- Model.BillingInfo
- Model.BillingInfoAllOf
- Model.BillingOption
- Model.BillingOptionAllOf
- Model.BodyCythonFunctionOrMethodOwnerPluginsPost
- Model.BodyCythonFunctionOrMethodOwnerPluginsPostAllOf
- Model.BodyPostRecipeOwnerRecipesPost
- Model.BodyPostRecipeOwnerRecipesPostAllOf
- Model.BuildStatus
- Model.BuildStatusAllOf
- Model.BuildStatusEnum
- Model.CardType
- Model.CloudJob
- Model.CloudJobAllOf
- Model.CloudJobList
- Model.CloudJobListAllOf
- Model.CreatedContent
- Model.CreatedContentAllOf
- Model.CryptlexBase
- Model.CryptlexBaseAllOf
- Model.DAG
- Model.DAGAllOf
- Model.DAGArrayInput
- Model.DAGArrayInputAlias
- Model.DAGArrayInputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGArrayInputAllOf
- Model.DAGArrayOutput
- Model.DAGArrayOutputAlias
- Model.DAGArrayOutputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGArrayOutputAllOf
- Model.DAGArtifactOutput
- Model.DAGArtifactOutputAlias
- Model.DAGArtifactOutputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGArtifactOutputAllOf
- Model.DAGBooleanInput
- Model.DAGBooleanInputAlias
- Model.DAGBooleanInputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGBooleanInputAllOf
- Model.DAGBooleanOutput
- Model.DAGBooleanOutputAlias
- Model.DAGBooleanOutputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGBooleanOutputAllOf
- Model.DAGFileInput
- Model.DAGFileInputAlias
- Model.DAGFileInputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGFileInputAllOf
- Model.DAGFileOutput
- Model.DAGFileOutputAlias
- Model.DAGFileOutputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGFileOutputAllOf
- Model.DAGFolderInput
- Model.DAGFolderInputAlias
- Model.DAGFolderInputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGFolderInputAllOf
- Model.DAGFolderOutput
- Model.DAGFolderOutputAlias
- Model.DAGFolderOutputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGFolderOutputAllOf
- Model.DAGGenericInput
- Model.DAGGenericInputAlias
- Model.DAGGenericInputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGGenericInputAllOf
- Model.DAGGenericOutput
- Model.DAGGenericOutputAlias
- Model.DAGGenericOutputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGGenericOutputAllOf
- Model.DAGIntegerInput
- Model.DAGIntegerInputAlias
- Model.DAGIntegerInputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGIntegerInputAllOf
- Model.DAGIntegerOutput
- Model.DAGIntegerOutputAlias
- Model.DAGIntegerOutputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGIntegerOutputAllOf
- Model.DAGJSONObjectInput
- Model.DAGJSONObjectInputAlias
- Model.DAGJSONObjectInputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGJSONObjectInputAllOf
- Model.DAGJSONObjectOutput
- Model.DAGJSONObjectOutputAlias
- Model.DAGJSONObjectOutputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGJSONObjectOutputAllOf
- Model.DAGLinkedInputAlias
- Model.DAGLinkedInputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGLinkedOutputAlias
- Model.DAGLinkedOutputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGNumberInput
- Model.DAGNumberInputAlias
- Model.DAGNumberInputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGNumberInputAllOf
- Model.DAGNumberOutput
- Model.DAGNumberOutputAlias
- Model.DAGNumberOutputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGNumberOutputAllOf
- Model.DAGPathInput
- Model.DAGPathInputAlias
- Model.DAGPathInputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGPathInputAllOf
- Model.DAGPathOutput
- Model.DAGPathOutputAlias
- Model.DAGPathOutputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGPathOutputAllOf
- Model.DAGStringInput
- Model.DAGStringInputAlias
- Model.DAGStringInputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGStringInputAllOf
- Model.DAGStringOutput
- Model.DAGStringOutputAlias
- Model.DAGStringOutputAliasAllOf
- Model.DAGStringOutputAllOf
- Model.DAGTask
- Model.DAGTaskAllOf
- Model.DAGTaskLoop
- Model.DAGTaskLoopAllOf
- Model.DailyUsage
- Model.DailyUsageAllOf
- Model.Dependency
- Model.DependencyAllOf
- Model.DependencyKind
- Model.DeploymentConfig
- Model.DeploymentConfigAllOf
- Model.DockerConfig
- Model.DockerConfigAllOf
- Model.FileMeta
- Model.FileMetaAllOf
- Model.FileMetaList
- Model.FileMetaListAllOf
- Model.FileReference
- Model.FileReferenceAllOf
- Model.FolderReference
- Model.FolderReferenceAllOf
- Model.FromOutput
- Model.FromOutputAllOf
- Model.Function
- Model.FunctionAllOf
- Model.FunctionArrayInput
- Model.FunctionArrayInputAllOf
- Model.FunctionArrayOutput
- Model.FunctionArrayOutputAllOf
- Model.FunctionBooleanInput
- Model.FunctionBooleanInputAllOf
- Model.FunctionBooleanOutput
- Model.FunctionBooleanOutputAllOf
- Model.FunctionFileInput
- Model.FunctionFileInputAllOf
- Model.FunctionFileOutput
- Model.FunctionFileOutputAllOf
- Model.FunctionFolderInput
- Model.FunctionFolderInputAllOf
- Model.FunctionFolderOutput
- Model.FunctionFolderOutputAllOf
- Model.FunctionIntegerInput
- Model.FunctionIntegerInputAllOf
- Model.FunctionIntegerOutput
- Model.FunctionIntegerOutputAllOf
- Model.FunctionJSONObjectInput
- Model.FunctionJSONObjectInputAllOf
- Model.FunctionJSONObjectOutput
- Model.FunctionJSONObjectOutputAllOf
- Model.FunctionNumberInput
- Model.FunctionNumberInputAllOf
- Model.FunctionNumberOutput
- Model.FunctionNumberOutputAllOf
- Model.FunctionPathInput
- Model.FunctionPathInputAllOf
- Model.FunctionPathOutput
- Model.FunctionPathOutputAllOf
- Model.FunctionStringInput
- Model.FunctionStringInputAllOf
- Model.FunctionStringOutput
- Model.FunctionStringOutputAllOf
- Model.GenericInput
- Model.GenericInputAllOf
- Model.GenericOutput
- Model.GenericOutputAllOf
- Model.HTTP
- Model.HTTPAllOf
- Model.HTTPValidationError
- Model.IOAliasHandler
- Model.IOAliasHandlerAllOf
- Model.IOBase
- Model.IOBaseAllOf
- Model.InputFileReference
- Model.InputFileReferenceAllOf
- Model.InputFolderReference
- Model.InputFolderReferenceAllOf
- Model.InputPathReference
- Model.InputPathReferenceAllOf
- Model.InputReference
- Model.InputReferenceAllOf
- Model.InputReferenceBase
- Model.InputReferenceBaseAllOf
- Model.ItemReference
- Model.ItemReferenceAllOf
- Model.ItemType
- Model.Job
- Model.JobAllOf
- Model.JobArgument
- Model.JobArgumentAllOf
- Model.JobPathArgument
- Model.JobPathArgumentAllOf
- Model.JobStatus
- Model.JobStatusAllOf
- Model.JobStatusEnum
- Model.KeyRequest
- Model.KeyRequestAllOf
- Model.License
- Model.LicenseAllOf
- Model.LicensePoolAccessPolicy
- Model.LicensePoolAccessPolicyAllOf
- Model.LicensePoolAccessPolicyList
- Model.LicensePoolAccessPolicyListAllOf
- Model.LicensePoolList
- Model.LicensePoolListAllOf
- Model.LicensePoolPolicySubject
- Model.LicensePoolPolicySubjectAllOf
- Model.LicensePoolPolicySubjectList
- Model.LicensePoolPolicySubjectListAllOf
- Model.LicensePoolPublic
- Model.LicensePoolPublicAllOf
- Model.LicensePoolUpdate
- Model.LicensePoolUpdateAllOf
- Model.LicensePublic
- Model.LicensePublicAllOf
- Model.LicenseType
- Model.ListResponseMeta
- Model.ListResponseMetaAllOf
- Model.LocalConfig
- Model.LocalConfigAllOf
- Model.Location
- Model.LocationAllOf
- Model.Maintainer
- Model.MaintainerAllOf
- Model.MetaData
- Model.MetaDataAllOf
- Model.Metadata
- Model.MetadataAllOf
- Model.NewApplicationVersion
- Model.NewApplicationVersionAllOf
- Model.NewPluginPackage
- Model.NewPluginPackageAllOf
- Model.NewRecipePackage
- Model.NewRecipePackageAllOf
- Model.OpenAPIGenBaseModel
- Model.Organization
- Model.OrganizationAllOf
- Model.OrganizationCreate
- Model.OrganizationCreateAllOf
- Model.OrganizationList
- Model.OrganizationListAllOf
- Model.OrganizationMember
- Model.OrganizationMemberAllOf
- Model.OrganizationMemberList
- Model.OrganizationMemberListAllOf
- Model.OrganizationRoleEnum
- Model.OrganizationUpdate
- Model.OrganizationUpdateAllOf
- Model.PackageSortKey
- Model.PackageVersion
- Model.PackageVersionAllOf
- Model.PathOutput
- Model.PathOutputAllOf
- Model.PausedReason
- Model.PayLink
- Model.PayLinkAllOf
- Model.Payment
- Model.PaymentAllOf
- Model.PaymentMethod
- Model.PaymentMethodAllOf
- Model.PaymentMethodEnum
- Model.Permission
- Model.PlanType
- Model.Plugin
- Model.PluginAllOf
- Model.PluginConfig
- Model.PluginConfigAllOf
- Model.PluginPackage
- Model.PluginPackageAllOf
- Model.PluginPackageList
- Model.PluginPackageListAllOf
- Model.PolicySubject
- Model.PolicySubjectAllOf
- Model.Project
- Model.ProjectAccessPolicy
- Model.ProjectAccessPolicyAllOf
- Model.ProjectAccessPolicyList
- Model.ProjectAccessPolicyListAllOf
- Model.ProjectAllOf
- Model.ProjectCreate
- Model.ProjectCreateAllOf
- Model.ProjectFolder
- Model.ProjectFolderAllOf
- Model.ProjectList
- Model.ProjectListAllOf
- Model.ProjectPolicySubject
- Model.ProjectPolicySubjectAllOf
- Model.ProjectRecipeFilter
- Model.ProjectRecipeFilterAllOf
- Model.ProjectRecipeFilterList
- Model.ProjectRecipeFilterListAllOf
- Model.ProjectSortKey
- Model.ProjectUpdate
- Model.ProjectUpdateAllOf
- Model.PublicAccountList
- Model.PublicAccountListAllOf
- Model.Quota
- Model.QuotaAllOf
- Model.QuotaList
- Model.QuotaListAllOf
- Model.QuotaPlan
- Model.QuotaPlanAllOf
- Model.QuotaType
- Model.Recipe
- Model.RecipeAllOf
- Model.RecipeInterface
- Model.RecipeInterfaceAllOf
- Model.RecipeInterfaceList
- Model.RecipeInterfaceListAllOf
- Model.RecipePackage
- Model.RecipePackageAllOf
- Model.RecipePackageList
- Model.RecipePackageListAllOf
- Model.Repository
- Model.RepositoryAccessPolicy
- Model.RepositoryAccessPolicyAllOf
- Model.RepositoryAccessPolicyList
- Model.RepositoryAccessPolicyListAllOf
- Model.RepositoryAllOf
- Model.RepositoryCreate
- Model.RepositoryCreateAllOf
- Model.RepositoryIndex
- Model.RepositoryIndexAllOf
- Model.RepositoryList
- Model.RepositoryListAllOf
- Model.RepositoryMetadata
- Model.RepositoryMetadataAllOf
- Model.RepositoryPackage
- Model.RepositoryPackageAllOf
- Model.RepositoryPolicySubject
- Model.RepositoryPolicySubjectAllOf
- Model.RepositorySortKey
- Model.RepositoryUpdate
- Model.RepositoryUpdateAllOf
- Model.RepositoryUserPermissions
- Model.RepositoryUserPermissionsAllOf
- Model.ResourcesDuration
- Model.ResourcesDurationAllOf
- Model.RetryConfig
- Model.RetryConfigAllOf
- Model.RoleEnum
- Model.Run
- Model.RunAllOf
- Model.RunList
- Model.RunListAllOf
- Model.RunMeta
- Model.RunMetaAllOf
- Model.RunProgress
- Model.RunProgressAllOf
- Model.RunResultList
- Model.RunResultListAllOf
- Model.RunStatus
- Model.RunStatusAllOf
- Model.RunStatusEnum
- Model.S3
- Model.S3AllOf
- Model.S3UploadRequest
- Model.S3UploadRequestAllOf
- Model.SDKEnum
- Model.ScriptingLanguages
- Model.SortEnum
- Model.StatusType
- Model.StepArrayInput
- Model.StepArrayInputAllOf
- Model.StepArrayOutput
- Model.StepArrayOutputAllOf
- Model.StepBooleanInput
- Model.StepBooleanInputAllOf
- Model.StepBooleanOutput
- Model.StepBooleanOutputAllOf
- Model.StepFileInput
- Model.StepFileInputAllOf
- Model.StepFileOutput
- Model.StepFileOutputAllOf
- Model.StepFolderInput
- Model.StepFolderInputAllOf
- Model.StepFolderOutput
- Model.StepFolderOutputAllOf
- Model.StepIntegerInput
- Model.StepIntegerInputAllOf
- Model.StepIntegerOutput
- Model.StepIntegerOutputAllOf
- Model.StepJSONObjectInput
- Model.StepJSONObjectInputAllOf
- Model.StepJSONObjectOutput
- Model.StepJSONObjectOutputAllOf
- Model.StepList
- Model.StepListAllOf
- Model.StepNumberInput
- Model.StepNumberInputAllOf
- Model.StepNumberOutput
- Model.StepNumberOutputAllOf
- Model.StepPathInput
- Model.StepPathInputAllOf
- Model.StepPathOutput
- Model.StepPathOutputAllOf
- Model.StepStatus
- Model.StepStatusAllOf
- Model.StepStatusEnum
- Model.StepStringInput
- Model.StepStringInputAllOf
- Model.StepStringOutput
- Model.StepStringOutputAllOf
- Model.SubjectType
- Model.Subscription
- Model.SubscriptionAllOf
- Model.SubscriptionCreate
- Model.SubscriptionCreateAllOf
- Model.SubscriptionPayment
- Model.SubscriptionPaymentAllOf
- Model.SubscriptionPlan
- Model.SubscriptionPlanAllOf
- Model.SubscriptionUpdate
- Model.SubscriptionUpdateAllOf
- Model.SubscriptionUpdateDryRun
- Model.SubscriptionUpdateDryRunAllOf
- Model.TaskArgument
- Model.TaskArgumentAllOf
- Model.TaskFileReference
- Model.TaskFileReferenceAllOf
- Model.TaskFolderReference
- Model.TaskFolderReferenceAllOf
- Model.TaskPathArgument
- Model.TaskPathArgumentAllOf
- Model.TaskPathReference
- Model.TaskPathReferenceAllOf
- Model.TaskPathReturn
- Model.TaskPathReturnAllOf
- Model.TaskReference
- Model.TaskReferenceAllOf
- Model.TaskReferenceBase
- Model.TaskReferenceBaseAllOf
- Model.TaskReturn
- Model.TaskReturnAllOf
- Model.Team
- Model.TeamAllOf
- Model.TeamCreate
- Model.TeamCreateAllOf
- Model.TeamList
- Model.TeamListAllOf
- Model.TeamMember
- Model.TeamMemberAllOf
- Model.TeamMemberList
- Model.TeamMemberListAllOf
- Model.TeamRoleEnum
- Model.TeamUpdate
- Model.TeamUpdateAllOf
- Model.TemplateFunction
- Model.TemplateFunctionAllOf
- Model.UpdateAccepted
- Model.UpdateAcceptedAllOf
- Model.Usage
- Model.UsageAllOf
- Model.UserCreate
- Model.UserCreateAllOf
- Model.UserPermission
- Model.UserPermissionAllOf
- Model.UserPrivate
- Model.UserPrivateAllOf
- Model.UserPublic
- Model.UserPublicAllOf
- Model.UserPublicList
- Model.UserPublicListAllOf
- Model.UserUpdate
- Model.UserUpdateAllOf
- Model.ValidationError
- Model.ValueFileReference
- Model.ValueFileReferenceAllOf
- Model.ValueFolderReference
- Model.ValueFolderReferenceAllOf
- Model.ValueListReference
- Model.ValueListReferenceAllOf
- Model.ValueReference
- Model.ValueReferenceAllOf
Type: API key
API key parameter name: x-pollination-token
Location: HTTP header
- Type: HTTP bearer authentication