Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Name | string | Name for this task. It must be unique in a DAG. | |
Template | string | Template name. A template is a Function or a DAG. This template must be available in the dependencies. | |
Type | string | [optional] [readonly] [default to "DAGTask"] | |
Annotations | Dictionary<string, string> | An optional dictionary to add annotations to inputs. These annotations will be used by the client side libraries. | [optional] |
Needs | List<string> | List of DAG tasks that this task depends on and needs to be executed before this task. | [optional] |
Arguments | List<AnyOfTaskArgumentTaskPathArgument> | The input arguments for this task. | [optional] |
Loop | DAGTaskLoop | Loop configuration for this task. | [optional] |
SubFolder | string | A path relative to the current folder context where artifacts should be saved. This is useful when performing a loop or invoking another workflow and wanting to save results in a specific sub_folder. | [optional] |
Returns | List<AnyOfTaskReturnTaskPathReturn> | List of task returns. | [optional] |