Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Inputs | List<AnyOfStepStringInputStepIntegerInputStepNumberInputStepBooleanInputStepFolderInputStepFileInputStepPathInputStepArrayInputStepJSONObjectInput> | The inputs used by this step. | |
Outputs | List<AnyOfStepStringOutputStepIntegerOutputStepNumberOutputStepBooleanOutputStepFolderOutputStepFileOutputStepPathOutputStepArrayOutputStepJSONObjectOutput> | The outputs produced by this step. | |
StartedAt | DateTime | The time at which the task was started | |
Id | string | The step unique ID | |
Name | string | A human readable name for the step. Usually defined by the DAG task name but can be extended if the step is part of a loop for example. This name is unique within the boundary of the DAG/Job that generated it. | |
StatusType | StatusType | The type of step this status is for. Can be "Function", "DAG" or "Loop" | |
TemplateRef | string | The name of the template that spawned this step | |
ChildrenIds | List<string> | A list of child step IDs | |
OutboundSteps | List<string> | A list of the last step to ran in the context of this step. In the case of a DAG or a job this will be the last step that has been executed. It will remain empty for functions. | |
Annotations | Dictionary<string, string> | An optional dictionary to add annotations to inputs. These annotations will be used by the client side libraries. | [optional] |
Message | string | Any message produced by the task. Usually error/debugging hints. | [optional] |
FinishedAt | DateTime | The time at which the task was completed | [optional] |
Source | string | Source url for the status object. It can be a recipe or a function. | [optional] |
Status | StepStatusEnum | The status of this step. | [optional] |
Command | string | The command used to run this step. Only applies to Function steps. | [optional] |
BoundaryId | string | This indicates the step ID of the associated template root step in which this step belongs to. A DAG step will have the id of the parent DAG for example. | [optional] |
Type | string | [optional] [readonly] [default to "StepStatus"] |