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How to add a new packet Page

Eelke Jager edited this page Jan 10, 2018 · 6 revisions

When adding a new page to the wiki use the following conventions:

  1. Edit the Packet-Captures page.
  2. Add the name of the command which is already used, for example Status or Temp Basal.
  3. Add your name between () for future reference.
  4. Fill the empty page with your captured data from different pods and commands using omni_listen_rfcat.
  5. If you can document what was being done with the PDM while the packets were recorded, that would be a plus, but raw data can be helpful too.

For example: Status Response 1D (Lytrix)

If you are sure what the bytes are representing, add an explanation of this part of the message to the message type page, for example 1D status: Command-1D-Status-response

Add your LOTID (L43298) and TID number (0481603) in the beginning of your page to have testable captures later on. These numbers can be found on the POD itself (example).

Start decoding fields for individual commands. A good way to start doing this is to repeatedly perform a certain type of action on the PDM tweaking 1 thing each time, and inspecting the generated packets to see which bytes differ.

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