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Outliner File Format

Trevor Williams edited this page Jun 12, 2020 · 1 revision

Outliner stores documents in the XML data format. This page describes the XML nodes and attribute structure for the Outliner file format. All attributes listed in the description below are optional unless otherwise specified.

XML Format Description


Because Outliner documents are XML documents, the first line of the file must be:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Main Node

  • Parent: none

The main node is the outliner node which must be the first XML node of the document. This node may contain the following attributes.

Attribute Values Default Description
condensed true
false Specifies if the document should be displayed in the condensed format (true) or normal format (false).
listtype none
none Specifies the outline format displayed to the left of the text in a row. A value of "none" displays no value. A value of "outline" displays I., A., 1., a., etc. depending on the depth. A value of "section" displays section and subsection information in the form of 3., 3.1., 3.1.2., etc.
version ex. 1.8.0 Outliner version that output this file type.
name-font-family Font family Sans Font family used in the row text.
name-font-size number 12 Font size used in the row text.
note-font-family Font family Sans Font family used in the note text.
note-font-size number 12 Font size used in the note text.
show-tasks true
false Controls whether task checkboxes are displayed in the document.
show-depth true
false Controls whether depth lines are displayed in the document.
markdown true
false Controls whether rich-text formatting is used or Markdown formatting is used.


  • Parent: outliner

The theme node represents which of the built-in themes to use when displaying the document. The node has a single parameter: name. This attribute can have one of the following values:

  • default
  • dark
  • solarized_light
  • solarized_dark


  • Parents: outliner or node

This node contains zero or more node child nodes where each node is a row within the group. This node contains no attributes.


  • Parent: nodes

The node XML node represents a single row in the outline. This XML node contains the following attributes:

Attribute Values Default Description
expanded true
true If this node has child nodes, this attribute specifies whether those children are displayed in the outline (true) or not (false).
hidenote true
true If this node contains a note, specifies if the note should be displayed (false) or hidden (true).
task open
none If tasks are enabled, specifies the display of the task checkbutton in the document. A value of "none" means that a checkbox will not be displayed. A value of "open" displays an empty checkbox. A value of "doing" displays a checkbox with a dash within it. A value of "done" displays a checkbox with a check within it.

Node Data

  • Parent: node

The name XML node contains data about the row text including the text itself as well as positional information and rich-text formatting information. The following attributes are valid for this node; however, all attributes are optional and should not be set for external applications.

Attribute Values Description
posx number Specifies the X dimension position of the row text.
poxy number Specifies the Y dimension position of the row text.
maxwidth number Width of the row text in the default window size.

Note Data

  • Parent: node

The note XML node contains data about the row note including the text itself as well as positional information and rich-text formatting information. The following attributes are valid for this node; however, all attributes are optional and should not be set for external applications.

Attribute Values Description
posx number Specifies the X dimension position of the row text.
poxy number Specifies the Y dimension position of the row text.
maxwidth number Width of the row text in the default window size.
Node/Note Text
  • Parents: name or note

The text XML node represents the text of the row text or row note. This XML node has only one attribute: data. The contents of this attribute is the raw text.

Node/Note Formatting Tags
  • Parent: text

These XML nodes represent the various rich-text formatting tags, their start/end positions in the text, and any additional information associated with the formatting tag (i.e., header number, RGB color value, link, etc.). If the text does not have any text tagged with a given tag, the tag does not need to be displayed in the document. The following nodes fall within this category.

Node Description
bold Represents the bold tags in the text.
italics Represents the italicized tags in the text.
underline Represents the underlined tags in the text.
strikethru Represents the stricken tags in the text.
code Represents the code tags in the text.
subscript Represents the subscript tags in the text.
superscript Represents the superscript tags in the text.
header Represents header tags in the text. The value of the extra attribute is a value of 1 through 6, representing the size of the header.
color Represents font foreground coloring tags in the text. The value of the extra attribute is the RGB value of the color.
hilite Represents font background coloring tags in the text. The value of the extra attribute is the RGB value of the color.
url Represents link tags in the text. The value of the extra attribute is the URL associated with the link.
Formatting Tag Ranges
  • Parent: bold, italics, underline, strikethru, code, subscript, superscript, header, color, hilite or url

The range XML node represents a single segment of formatted text for the associated tag. This node has the following mandatory attributes. Each text node can have one or more range nodes.

Attributes Value Description
start number Represents the byte position of the first character in the tag.
end number Represents the byte position of the character that is one greater than the last character in the tag.
extra number
Only valid for certain types of tags (header, color, hilite, url).


  • Parent: outliner

The labels XML node contains zero or more labels used within the document. These will be applied when the document is first displayed. A document can have up to 9 labels where each label must have a value between 1 and 9, inclusive. For external applications, this node should be avoided.


  • Parent: labels

The label XML node contains information about a single label. This node must have the following attributes specified.

Attribute Values Description
index 0-8 Specifies which of the 9 labels this one pertains to.
node value Specifies which node in the document that this label is associated with. The value is a comma-separated list of numbers where each number is the child index of its parent and the comma represents a hierarchical depth. (Example: 3,3,0 The fourth main row, fourth child row of that row, first row of that row).


  • Parent: outliner

The tags XML node represents all of the used tags in the document. This list of tags is used for tag auto-completion and selection. Each tags node can have zero or more tag nodes specified within it.


  • Parent: tags

The tag XML node represents a single tag used in the document. This node contains the following required attributes.

Attribute Value Description
value tag-text Specifies the name of the tag without the preceding '@' symbol.
count number Specifies the number of rows that use this tag.