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File Handling

Trevor Williams edited this page Feb 26, 2020 · 1 revision

Creating a new file

To create a new outlining document, click the "New Document" button in the headerbar at the top of the window. This will create a new tab with an initial row added and the row put into editing mode for quick initial entry. Any new document will be given an automatic name and temporarily saved to the user's home directory in .local/share/outliner.

Opening an existing file

To open an existing Outliner file, click the "Open Document" button in the headerbar. This will display a standard document picker window. Use the navigation controls to find the desired document to open (i.e., Outliner files will have the ".outliner" extension) and either double-click it to open or select it and click on the "Open" button.

Saving an existing file

When you want to save the currently displayed document with a given name, click the "Save Document As" button in the headerbar. This will display a standard document save window. Select a directory to save the document to, enter a filename and select the "Save" button. You can save previously named files with a new name by using the same button in the headerbar. This will leave the original file in place and create a copy of that file in the new location.

The name of the currently selected tab will be displayed in the tab itself as well as in the center of the headerbar.

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