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Providers: Setup Facebook

✌ Makis Tracend edited this page Jan 19, 2015 · 11 revisions

Providers: Setup Facebook

To use Facebook credits you'll need to register an Application in the Developer Center.

From the Developer Center, go to the application you'd like to connect with Onscribe.


In the settings page there are two areas of interest, as shown below:


First, you'll need to add as an accepted app domain:

app domain

Then you'll need to add (or update) the canvas app, and set the url to Onscribe:

canvas url

Note that if you're already using your Facebook canvas and don't want to update this URL, simply make a new application just to handle the subscriptions.


Switch to the payments section, as seen here:


After selecting your company at the top, enable both callback options available, for payments and subscriptions, and enter as the URL value:

subscription callback

If the callback isn't setup your users will still be able to subscribe but Onscribe will not be notified if they modify their subscription outside of Onscribe (for example from the Facebook account settings).


Final step, back to the settings page to pick up the credentials and complete the integration:


At the top you'll find the credentials Onscribe needs to connect with the Facebook app:

App ID and Secret

Simply copy the two fields (key/secret) and paste them in the corresponding fields when creating a new provider at Onscribe:

New provider form at Onscribe

As usual, this is a one-time setup. You are now able to use this Facebook provider in any number of products :)


If you want to stop using Onscribe in the future you can freely reset the secret and eliminate any possible security breach.

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