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Api: Command Line

✌ Makis Tracend edited this page Jan 27, 2015 · 1 revision

Command Line

The command-line interface (CLI) is a bash executable that works on Unix-like computers (Linux, Mac OS X).


You install it using the node.js package manager (npm):

npm install -g onscribe-cli


After installation the executable onscribe should be exposed in your Terminal. You can verify by requesting its version:

$ onscribe -V

First thing you'll need to do is setup your personal credentials.

The CLI uses a user-login authentication method which requires a username & password. For security reasons we've replaced your account password with a token, which is available in the "advanced options" in your account page

After you've obtained your token, type:

$onscribe setup

and it will prompt you for your email and token.

After that you are free to use the API using any of the available options. Look into the help output for a complete list:

$ onscribe -h

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