- 2024GAIIC - Dual Spectrum Object Detection from Drone Perspectives. We won the championship in a competition with over 1200 teams and more than 8200 submissions
code - We use mmdet as the training framework and use co-detr as the base model
configs - Contains training and inference configurations
mmdet - Contains various model framework codes
tools - Contains code to transform initial weights into a dual-stream model
dist_train.sh - Distributed training launch script
test.py - Inference script
train.py - Training script
pretrain_model - Download the official ViT initialization weights here
contest_data - Official data
Three pth weights - Used for testing the best performance and performing WBF inference
make_merge_test - Used to generate fused registered RGB images
index.py - Best performance inference script
init.sh - Environment setup script
test.sh - Run inference
train.sh - Run training
wbf.py - Model fusion code
===== Four JSON files will be generated during the process, and the final JSON will be placed in data/result/result.json
===== Note that this version requires an internet connection to run, as some models may have dependencies that need to be downloaded.
- Hardware Configuration: 8 x A100/A800 GPUs (80GB VRAM)
- Training Duration: 2 days in total (Model 1: 12h, Model 2: 12h, Model 3: 24h); for detailed configuration, refer to train.sh.
- Detailed instructions in init.sh comments
- We only used the official contest_data dataset for training, with a total of 17k training images, 1.4k validation images, and 1k test images.
- We only used the official contest_data dataset for training, with a total of 17k training images, 1.4k validation images, and 1k test images.,下载地址
-For network selection, we used Co-DETR, which is close to SOTA on the COCO dataset. Compared to the DETR detector, it adds multiple parallel auxiliary heads and various label assignment methods, increasing the number of positive samples matched with GT and improving the encoder learning ability in end-to-end detectors. The backbone network uses an improved ViT-L structure, and a multi-scale output is added in the neck part, achieving better accuracy than Swin Transformer. -For visible and infrared dual-spectral fusion, we adopted a feature-level fusion method with higher potential. The dual-path structure with the same backbone is used to extract features from visible and infrared input images, and feature fusion is performed at the neck input side. After fusion, the tensor dimensions are kept the same as the original object detection network and then sent to a single path neck and head for object classification and regression. -The model training size uses 640 inputs, consistent with the original image size. Larger input sizes do not retain more valid information and do not bring stable benefits to the final result.
|--rgb # Visible spectrum validation data
|--tir # Infrared spectrum validation data
val.json # Validation data annotation file
|--rgb # Visible spectrum training data
|--tir # Infrared spectrum training data
train.json # Training data annotation file
|--rgb # Visible spectrum test data
|--tir # Infrared spectrum test data
test.json # Test data annotation file, generated during inference
- Training Process
- bash train.sh
- bash test.sh
- During training, four JSON files will be generated, corresponding to Model 1, Model 2, Model 3, and WBF fusion results;
- The final result will be placed in data/result/result.json.