Releases: mr-phazer/RME_Release
Tester for Marthenil
QtRME demo
version: 0.4.9-unstable.alpha.1
Contains the following fixes:
- VarniantMeshDef variant -> FBX can export animations now
- exported FBX files have a skeleton id node that QtRME can later read, and auto-select skeleton when re-imported
- has a blue-tyoe -> Orange-type (CA) normal map converter, (PNG/TIFF/TGA -> DDS)
- Variout stability fixes
You should set up paths for your games, in menu: "settings" -> "setup folder" + restart the program, and then select your game in the "Select Game" menu before you do anything that requires skeleton, animations, textrues and load WSMODEL + VariantMeshDef Loading
QtRME 0.4.7-unstable.alpha.1
You can now open WSMODELs, they open as RMV2s (they load materials from the XML.Material files), and you can export them to FBX.
More Info to come....
More info to come....
QtRME v0.3.7.a
QtRME 0.3.7a demo
To export RMV2s with animations, open an RMV2, click the little arrow next to the FBX button in the window, select "Select Animations To Export", select animations, and then click on the "FBX" button itself to export.
This only works if you have set up folders, under Menu: "settings->setup folder"
(One can still playback animation by double cliking them, while picking animation for exporting)
QtRME Demo 0.3.5a
Add files via upload Tutorial for RMEditor 0.9.7a
More into to come,
You can do VMD -> FBX now....
This tester can
- load WH3 models
- render the "WH3 way"
- play ANIM v8 animations,
- export RMV2->FBX with skeletons (in bindpose),
- import FBX -> RMV2, in theory should work, but it might not, it's pretty new....
There are also some limitations, for the full WH3 rendering, you need to load VMDs, not RMV2s,
and FBX can only be made from RMV2, not VMD, etc.
Some of the WH3 RMV2s reference their textures in a new way, if such a model is loaded, it will not be rendered correctly,
all this bad stuff I will fix :slight_smile:
As for animations import fbx->game, it will come later, I am building a system to playback and manipulate animations directly from the FBX files, ....
- Developer: Phazer
- Vital reverse engineering of file formats: Victimized, Zarathos, Phazer, Marthenil, Frodo
- UI Design Input: Ole
** IMPORTANT: *** I forgot to add a WH3 in the menu "select game", so you have to setup the WH3 folder under one of the other games, and select that.
( model loded in image is from Total War Warhammer II )
RMEditor 0.97 alpha update WIth VMDs working
0.9.7a Create RME_VMD_CONV_095a_release_package_B315_MAY_NOT_WORK.rar