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better differentiation between pure-export and get-study-id-from-file…
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turbomam committed Jan 30, 2024
1 parent 95b116f commit 5a24e62
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Showing 2 changed files with 124 additions and 141 deletions.
251 changes: 121 additions & 130 deletions project.Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -95,14 +95,14 @@ local/usage_template.tsv: nmdc_schema/nmdc_materialized_patterns.yaml # replaces
--report-style exhaustive

examples/output/Biosample-exhaustive_report.yaml: src/data/valid/Biosample-exhasutive.yaml # replaces misspelled Biosample-exhasutive_report target
poetry run exhaustion-check \
$(RUN) exhaustion-check \
--class-name Biosample \
--instance-yaml-file $< \
--output-yaml-file $@ \
--schema-path src/schema/nmdc.yaml

examples/output/Biosample-exhasutive-pretty-sorted.yaml: src/data/valid/Biosample-exhasutive.yaml
poetry run pretty-sort-yaml \
$(RUN) pretty-sort-yaml \
-i $< \
-o $@

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -259,12 +259,6 @@ local/biosample-slot-range-type-report.tsv: src/schema/nmdc.yaml
--schema-class Biosample

### example of preparing to validate napa squad data
curl -o $@
# need to remove lines like this (see_alsos whose values aren't legitimate URIs)
# see_also:
# - MIxS:experimental_factor|additional_info
yq eval-all -i 'del(select(fileIndex == 0) | .. | select(has("see_also")) | .see_also)' $@

curl -o $@
Expand All @@ -276,169 +270,139 @@ local/nmdc-schema-v7.8.0.yaml:
yq -i 'del(' $@ # kludge modify schema to match data
rm -rf $@.bak

local/nmdc-schema-v8.0.0.owl.ttl: local/nmdc-schema-v8.0.0.yaml
$(RUN) gen-owl --no-use-native-uris $< > $@

local/nmdc-schema-v7.8.0.owl.ttl: local/nmdc-schema-v7.8.0.yaml
$(RUN) gen-owl --no-use-native-uris $< > $@

$(RUN) get-study-related-records \
--api-base-url \
extract-study \
--study-id $(subst nmdc-,nmdc:,$(basename $(notdir $@))) \
--search-orphaned-data-objects \
--output-file $@

# we use Apache's Jena RDF/SPARQL framework
# Jena provides command line tools for accessing RDF *files*
# or you can use a TDB as the data backend
# Fuseki is a web interface for submitting SPARQL queries
# we are foing all of this in docker so you don't have to install any of this software
# we use a Jena TDB2 database as the backend (as opposed to operating over files)
# Fuseki is Jena's web interface for submitting SPARQL queries
# we are doing all of this in docker so you don't have to install any of this system software

.PHONY: thorough-docker-fuseki-cleanup-from-host # this level of cleanup may not be needed ona regular basis
.PHONY: thorough-docker-fuseki-cleanup-from-host # this level of cleanup may not be needed on a regular basis
thorough-docker-fuseki-cleanup-from-host: some-napa-collections-cleanup
- docker compose down
rm -rf local/fuseki-data
rm -rf local/nmdc-data*
rm -rf local/nmdc-tdb2*
rm -rf local/sparql-results/*
rm -rf .venv
docker system prune --force # very aggressive. may delete containers etc that you want but are not currently running

.PHONY: docker-startup-from-host
docker compose up --build --detach # --build is only necessary if changes have been made to the Dockerfile
docker-compose run app poetry install
docker-compose run app create-nmdc-tdb2-from-app

# manually: `docker compose exec app bash`
# then you can do any nmdc-schem makefile commands in the 'app' environment
# from host: checkout the desired branch, fetch and pull
# from host: `docker compose exec app bash`
# it's best if there isn't already a ./.venv, especially if the environment wasn't built for Linux
# in container: `poetry install`
# in container: `make build-schema-in-app`

# then you can do any nmdc-schema makefile commands in the 'app' environment

.PHONY: build-schema-in-app
# # Warning: 'get-study-related-records' is an entry point defined in pyproject.toml, but it's not installed as a script. You may get improper `sys.argv[0]`.
# # The support to run uninstalled scripts will be removed in a future release.
# # Run `poetry install` to resolve and get rid of this message.
# poetry install # it's best if there isn't already a ./.venv, especially if it's not for Linux
build-schema-in-app: pre-build
make squeaky-clean all test

.PHONY: pre-build
pre-build: local/gold-study-ids.yaml create-nmdc-tdb2-from-app

.PHONY: create-nmdc-tdb2-from-app
create-nmdc-tdb2-from-app: # Fuseki will get it's data from this TDB2 database. It starts out empty.
curl \
--user 'admin:password' \
--data 'dbType=tdb&dbName=nmdc-tdb2' \

## does this with work in both the datasets offline and active states?
# tdb2.tdbquery \
# --loc=$(FD_ROOT)/nmdc-tdb2 \
# --query=assets/sparql/tdb-graph-list.rq \
# --results=TSV > $@

# curl -X DELETE \
# --user 'admin:password' \
# http://fuseki:3030/nmdc-tdb2/data?default
## Option 2 of 2 for getting data from MongoDB for Napa QC: get-study-id-from-filename
# advantage: can retreive records that have known, chacterized paths to a Study (useful scoping)
# disadvantages:
# some paths to records form some collections aren't implemented yet
# runs slow on Mark's computers in Philadelphia. Running pure-export can reteive more data more quickly, but without any scoping
# the core targets include wildcards in their names,
# but an individual YAML file can be built like this: make local/study-files/nmdc-sty-11-8fb6t785.yaml
# or an explicit subset of YAML files can be built with: make create-study-yaml-files-subset
# or YAML files can be built from a list of study ids (STUDY_IDS) like this: make create-study-yaml-files-from-study-ids-list

# curl -X DELETE \
# --user 'admin:password' \
# http://fuseki:3030/nmdc-tdb2/data?graph=

# can't ever be used without generating local/gold-study-ids.yaml first
STUDY_IDS := $(shell yq '.resources.[].id' local/gold-study-ids.yaml | awk '{printf "%s ", $$0} END {print ""}')

.PHONY: docker-compose-down-from-host
docker compose down
.PHONY: print-discovered-study-ids print-intended-yaml-files

# ----
# can't ever be used without generating local/gold-study-ids.yaml first
@echo $(STUDY_IDS)

.PHONY: print-prefixed-study-ids print-file-list
# Replace colons with hyphens in study IDs
# can't ever be used without generating local/gold-study-ids.yaml first
STUDY_YAML_FILES := $(addsuffix .yaml,$(addprefix local/study-files/,$(subst :,-,$(STUDY_IDS))))

STUDY_IDS := nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 \
nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 nmdc:sty-11-33fbta56 nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 \
nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 nmdc:sty-11-aygzgv51 nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06 nmdc:sty-11-dcqce727 \
nmdc:sty-11-1t150432 nmdc:sty-11-8fb6t785
.PHONY: all-study-yaml-files

# @echo $(STUDY_IDS)
# can't ever be used without generating local/gold-study-ids.yaml first
create-study-yaml-files-from-study-ids-list: $(STUDY_YAML_FILES)

# Replace colons with hyphens in study IDs
STUDY_FILES := $(addsuffix .yaml,$(addprefix local/study-files/,$(subst :,-,$(STUDY_IDS))))

# @echo $(STUDY_FILES)

# Napa nmdc:sty-11-aygzgv51 = "production" gold:Gs0114663

# [('nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150', 4443),
# ('nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62', 471),
# ('nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349', 430),
# ('nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870', 416),
# ('nmdc:sty-11-db67n062', 241),
# ('nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54', 207),
# ('nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36', 134),
# ('nmdc:sty-11-33fbta56', 124),
# ('nmdc:sty-11-076c9980', 105),
# ('nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40', 95),
# ('nmdc:sty-11-aygzgv51', 85),
# ('nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94', 80),
# ('nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06', 60), # Extracted study nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06 from the NMDC database in 0:00:01.475736.
# ('nmdc:sty-11-dcqce727', 53), # Extracted study nmdc:sty-11-dcqce727 from the NMDC database in 0:36:39.633116.
# ('nmdc:sty-11-1t150432', 30), # Extracted study nmdc:sty-11-8fb6t785 from the NMDC database in 0:01:04.012420, 0:01:17.337886.
# ('nmdc:sty-11-8fb6t785', 23)] # Extracted study nmdc:sty-11-8fb6t785 from the NMDC database in 0:01:01.963206.

# local/study-files/nmdc-sty-11-34xj1150.yaml
local/study-files/%.yaml: local/nmdc-schema-v8.0.0.yaml
mkdir -p $(@D)
rm -rf study-file-name.txt study-id.txt
echo $@ > study-file-name.txt
echo $(shell poetry run get-study-id-from-filename $$(<study-file-name.txt)) > study-id.txt
# cumbersome! using python script because can't replace just first hyphen with colon with make text function
# then, can't use $@ inside of a make shell call
# we just want to transform $@, like local/study-files/nmdc-sty-11-8fb6t785.yaml to nmdc:sty-11-8fb6t785
time $(RUN) get-study-related-records \
--api-base-url \
extract-study \
--study-id $$(<study-id.txt) \
--output-file $@
$(RUN) linkml-validate --schema $< $@ > $@.validation.log.txt
rm -rf study-file-name.txt study-id.txt

create-study-yaml-files: local/study-files/nmdc-sty-11-8fb6t785.yaml \
local/study-files/nmdc-sty-11-1t150432.yaml \
# can't ever be used without generating local/gold-study-ids.yaml first
print-intended-yaml-files: local/gold-study-ids.yaml

# includes load into fuseki
# not doing any migration here yet
local/study-files/%.ttl: local/nmdc-schema-v8.0.0.yaml create-nmdc-tdb2-from-app create-study-yaml-files
$(RUN) linkml-convert --output $@ --schema $< $(subst .ttl,.yaml,$@)
curl -X \
POST -H "Content-Type: text/turtle" \
--user 'admin:password' \
--data-binary @$@ http://fuseki:3030/nmdc-tdb2/data?graph=
## we can get a report of biosamples per study with the following
## may help predict how long it will take to run study-id-from-filename on a particular study
## will become unnecessary once aggregation queries are available in the napa nmdc-runtime API
$(RUN) python src/scripts/ > $@

create-load-study-ttl-files: local/study-files/nmdc-sty-11-8fb6t785.ttl \
local/study-files/nmdc-sty-11-1t150432.ttl \
## getting a report of GOLD study identifiers, which might have been used a Study ids in legacy (pre-Napa) data
curl -X 'GET' \
--output $@ \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json'

local/gold-study-ids.yaml: local/gold-study-ids.json
yq -p json -o yaml $< > $@

# seems to work in both the datasets offline and active states
# could also show how to submit to fuseki via curl
# or could run interactively in Fuseki web UI, localhost:3030
# but that may only load in a private browser window
tdb2.tdbquery \
--loc=$(FD_ROOT)/nmdc-tdb2 \
--query=assets/sparql/subjects-lacking-rdf-types.rq \
--results=TSV > $@ # this doesn't take into consideration that some entities have nmdc:type string values, which should be migrated
local/study-files/%.yaml: local/nmdc-schema-v7.8.0.yaml
mkdir -p $(@D)
study_file_name=`echo $@` ; \
echo $$study_file_name ; \
study_id=`poetry run get-study-id-from-filename $$study_file_name` ; \
echo $$study_id ; \
date ; \
time $(RUN) get-study-related-records \
--api-base-url \
extract-study \
--study-id $$study_id \
--output-file $@.tmp.yaml
sed -i.bak 's/gold:/GOLD:/' $@.tmp.yaml # kludge modify data to match (old!) schema
rm -rf $@.tmp.bak
- $(RUN) linkml-validate --schema $< $@.tmp.yaml > $@.validation.log.txt
time $(RUN) migration-recursion \
--schema-path $< \
--input-path $@.tmp.yaml \
--salvage-prefix generic \
--output-path $@ # kludge masks ids that contain whitespace
rm -rf $@.tmp.yaml $@.tmp.yaml.bak

.PHONY: create-study-yaml-files-subset create-study-ttl-files-subset load-from-some-napa-collections

create-study-yaml-files-subset: local/study-files/nmdc-sty-11-8fb6t785.yaml \
local/study-files/nmdc-sty-11-1t150432.yaml \

local/study-files/%.ttl: local/nmdc-schema-v7.8.0.yaml create-nmdc-tdb2-from-app create-study-yaml-files-subset
$(RUN) linkml-convert --output $@ --schema $< $(subst .ttl,.yaml,$@)

# retreive, validate, convert, repair, load and query selected colelctiosn form the Napa squad's MongoDB
create-study-ttl-files-subset: local/study-files/nmdc-sty-11-8fb6t785.ttl \
local/study-files/nmdc-sty-11-1t150432.ttl \

## Option 2 of 2 for getting data from MongoDB for Napa QC: get-study-id-from-filename
# retrieve selected collections from the Napa squad's MongoDB and fix ids containing whitespace
local/some_napa_collections.yaml: local/nmdc-schema-v7.8.0.yaml
time $(RUN) pure-export \
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -491,8 +455,6 @@ load-from-some-napa-collections: local/some_napa_collections.ttl
--data-binary @$< http://fuseki:3030/nmdc-tdb2/data?graph=

.PHONY: load-non-native-uri-schema
# from linkml/linkml branch issue-1842
# poetry run gen-owl --no-use-native-uris ../nmdc-schema/src/schema/nmdc.yaml > ../nmdc-schema/local/nmdc_with_non_native_uris.owl.ttl
load-non-native-uri-schema: local/nmdc-schema-v7.8.0.owl.ttl create-nmdc-tdb2-from-app
curl -X \
POST -H "Content-Type: text/turtle" \
Expand All @@ -512,11 +474,40 @@ some-napa-collections-cleanup:
rm -rf local/some_napa_collections*
rm -rf local/nmdc-schema*

.PHONY: clear-data-graph some-napa-collections-cleanup
curl -X \
POST -H "Content-Type: application/sparql-update" \
--user 'admin:password' \
--data "CLEAR GRAPH <>" \

.PHONY: docker-compose-down-from-host
docker compose down

## Querying with Fuseki's SAPRQL API is preferred. Here's an example of querying TDB2 database directly.
## We haven't whetehr the direct query is appropriate or preferable in any cases
# or could run interactively in Fuseki web UI, localhost:3030
# but that may only load in a private browser window

# tdb2.tdbquery \
# --loc=$(FD_ROOT)/nmdc-tdb2 \
# --query=assets/sparql/tdb-graph-list.rq \
# --results=TSV > $@

# tdb2.tdbquery \
# --loc=$(FD_ROOT)/nmdc-tdb2 \
# --query=assets/sparql/subjects-lacking-rdf-types.rq \
# --results=TSV > $@ # this doesn't take into consideration that some entities have nmdc:type string values, which should be migrated

## when would we want to delete instead of clearing?
# curl -X DELETE \
# --user 'admin:password' \
# http://fuseki:3030/nmdc-tdb2/data?default

# curl -X DELETE \
# --user 'admin:password' \
# http://fuseki:3030/nmdc-tdb2/data?graph=
14 changes: 3 additions & 11 deletions src/scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

# visit
# todo: when will aggregation query running be avaialble on the production or napa APIs?
# todo: when will aggregation query running be available on the production or napa APIs?
# click authorize
# for now, enter username and password in the OAuth2PasswordOrClientCredentialsBearer (OAuth2, password) form
# some additional authentication methods are already available and still more are to be added
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,13 +67,5 @@

print(f"{len(sorted_study_count)} studies with at least one Biosample part")

# Extract suffix portion from each key and join them into a string
suffix_list = ' '.join(key.split(':')[1] for key in study_count.keys())

print("Desired output:", suffix_list)


# for current_key in study_count.keys():
# print(current_key)
# print(current_key.split(':')[1])
# # Extract suffix portion from each key and join them into a string
# suffix_list = ' '.join(key.split(':')[1] for key in study_count.keys())

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