ymlr - A YAML encoder for Elixir.
The package can be installed by adding ymlr
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:ymlr, "~> 3.0"}
See The usage livebook usage.livemd
for more detailed examples.
iex> Ymlr.document!(%{a: 1})
a: 1
iex> Ymlr.document!({"comment", %{a: 1}})
# comment
a: 1
iex> Ymlr.document!({["comment 1", "comment 2"], %{"a" => "a", "b" => :b, "c" => "true", "d" => "100"}})
# comment 1
# comment 2
a: a
b: b
c: 'true'
d: '100'
iex> Ymlr.documents!([%{a: 1}, %{b: 2}])
a: 1
b: 2