All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- Wrap map keys in doouble quotes when required (#94, #95)
- Encode structs by turning them to lists before mapping over them
In this release we changed the way DateTime
is encoded (see below). This can be a breaking change if you rely on the old date format with spaces. Because of this change, version 3.0.0 is now again compatible with Elixir 1.10
- use
as it's more efficient according to credo recommendations - Change the serialization of timestamps to use the canonical (iso8601) format, i.e. before:
2022-07-31 14:48:48.000000000 Z
and now:"2022-07-31T14:48:48Z"
(#87, #90)
- 2.0 and upwards don't support Elixir 1.10 anymore. Use version 1.x for Elixir 1.10 support.
- Date and DateTime support (#17)
- yaml_elixir upgraded to 2.6.0
- excoveralls upgraded to 0.14.0
- ex_doc upgraded to 0.24.1
- credo upgraded to 1.5.5
- dialyxir upgraded to 1.1.0
- Date and DateTime support (#17)
- yaml_elixir upgraded to 2.6.0
- excoveralls upgraded to 0.14.0
- ex_doc upgraded to 0.24.1
- credo upgraded to 1.5.5
- dialyxir upgraded to 1.1.0
- Rescue ArgumentError exception for oversize floats according to Float.parse/1 doc
No changes in this release. We have tested the library on a big bunch of CRDs and feel confident to publish a sable relese.
First ymlr beta release