Causal Loop Diagram Style Guide for MermaidJS
This a project for creating causal loop diagrams that are shareable,iteratively editable, and able to be generated using LLMs using mermaidjs. The goal is to make CLDs more accessible. In addition the goal is to expand the language to support CLDs specifically in token engineering, as well as interactive diagrams that can be generated bidirectionally
Chat GPT - Casually Looped - [] simply prompt a system you'd like to genenerate a CLD for. and it will generate a CLD of your choosing, and try to provide context for what that looks like. High Level Curve Defi LP Rewards CLD example
To use this simply go to MermaidJS Live and copy the example from the template.mmd file and launch or Use this from your IDE like VS-code or just get started on your own with a blank graph
graph LR
%% class def at the bottom adds a transparecy to the nodes
classDef tr fill:#00000000, stroke:#00000000;
- Nodes should be initialized at the top of the graph
graph LR
%% fooState[some label text here] allows us to initialize node with no connections
%% it allows us to have an easy reference to the label
%% class def at the bottom adds a transparecy to the nodes
classDef tr fill:#00000000, stroke:#00000000;
- Nodes names should be camelCased
graph LR
%% initialized
camelCaseState --> |+|barState
barState --> |-|camelCaseState
%% class def at the bottom adds a transparecy to the nodes
classDef tr fill:#00000000, stroke:#00000000;
- Outgoing links should be grouped together
graph LR
fooState -->|+| barState
fooState -->|-| carState
barState -->|+| bazState
barState -->|-| carState
bazState -->|-| carState
carState -->|+| barState
%% class def at the bottom adds a transparecy to the nodes
classDef tr fill:#00000000, stroke:#00000000;
- Directions should be normalized to point one way
graph LR
someState --> otherState
otherState --> someState
%% class def at the bottom adds a transparecy to the nodes
classDef tr fill:#00000000, stroke:#00000000;
graph LR
someState --> otherState
someState <-- fooState
%% class def at the bottom adds a transparecy to the nodes
classDef tr fill:#00000000, stroke:#00000000;
- classDefs go at the bottom of the file '
graph LR
corrAction["correlated action"]:::tr
%% makes the node background transparent and outline transparent
classDef tr fill:#00000000, stroke:#00000000;
- Delays in the graph are represented by //
graph LR
corrAction["correlated action"]:::tr
someAction -->|-//| corrAction
corrAction -->|+| someAction
%% makes the node background transparent and outline transparent
classDef tr fill:#00000000, stroke:#00000000;
Diagrams are an essential tool in token engineering. Not having a way to share,reuse, iterate,extend and collaborate on diagrams hurts. Additionnally with the emergence of LLMs, making tools that can interface with them is critical for being able to integrate with future tech and vastly improve accessibiiliity.
Let's start this token diagrams in code movement, with one of the most important diagrams that you encounter in token engineering, the Causal Loop Diagram.
Causal Loop Diagrams are diagrams that help us visualize the relationships between entities. ‘+’ represent positively correlated relationships and ‘-’ negatively correlated relationships.
Early blog post on Casually Looped
- better LLM support
- improved naming convention think char limit
- ability to add notes to diagram
- improved generation for the diagrams
- meta language for describing CLDs including connection weights
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