Urlgate Extract URLS from a text file in bure bash
Urlgate allows you to...
- Get list of URLS
- Read from pipeline
- Grep to special URLS
- Curl text file from the web
- Use dmenu for Selection
- Exec a command after select
Urlgate automatically...
- Check if the file exist
- Check all possible user mistakes
Installation requires :
Set up Urlgate:
git clone https://gitlab.com/zakariaGatter/urlgate.git ~/brash mkdir -p ~/.local/bin cp ~/brash/bin/urlgate ~/.local/bin chmod +x ~/.local/bin/urlgate
URLGATE Extract URLs from a text file
Usage: urlgate [OPTIONS] ... [FILE] ...
Or: [CMD] | urlgate [OPTIONS]
-f <file> : Extract URLs from file
-c <url> : Extract URLs from the web
-l : List All Extracted URLs
-g <text> : Use only URLs that match TEXT
-s : Dmenu Selection menu
-e <file> : Exec command or script to use [%u = URL]
-r <regx> : REGEX regular expressions to use
-h : Display this help text and exit
URLGATE_GREP_CMD Command to grep with. Default [grep]
URLGATE_DMENU_CMD Dmenu command to use. Default [dmenu -p Urlgate -l 10 -i]
URLGATE_CURL_CMD Command to curl Web page. Default [curl -s]
URLGATE_EXEC_CMD Exec command or script to use. Default [xdg-open %u] "(%u) Replaced by the link"
URLGATE_REGEX REGEX regular expressions to use
Export URLGATE Variables before you use them
Urlgate is a work in progress, so any ideas and patches are appreciated.
- List URLs from file
- Use Curl for web file
- Read from STDIN
- Grep URL list
- Use Dmenu to select
- Exec command after select
- Mofidy dmenu, grep, and search options