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YuanBenLian SDK of PHP (v1)



 "php-64bit": ">=7.0",
 "ext-gmp": "*",
 "ext-secp256k1": ">=0.1.0",
 "ext-keccak": "~0.2",
 "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "~6.0",
 "bitwasp/buffertools": "^0.5.0"


ECDH api is destroyed, check the commit of the latest secp256k1 before the merge of 95e99f196fd08a8b2c236ab99d7e7fec8f6dc78f

The dockerfile as a reference


from github

from composer

  • composer require yuanbenio/universe-php-sdk

YuanBenLian API return code

code describe
ok Success
3001 Invalid parameter
3002 Empty parameter
3003 Record does not exist
3004 Record already exists
3005 Permission denied: please register the public key first
3006 Permission denied: please contract Yuanben chain support
3007 Incorrect data
3009 Data storage fail
3010 Data not on YuanBen chain
3011 block information is empty
3012 Query fail
3020 Signature verification fail
3023 Parameter verification fail
3021 Invalid public key
3022 License's parameters are empty
4001 Error connecting to redis server
4002 Error connecting to the first-level node
4003 Broadcast transaction fail
4004 ABCI query fail
4005 Redis handling error
5000 Unknown error

Data flow diagram


API Document

TestNet address:

Metadata Introduction

name type must comment source
type string Y eg:image,article,audio,video,custom,private user-defined
language string Y 'zh-CN', default:zh-CN,user-defined
title string N title user-defined
signature string Y sign by secp256k1 generate by system
abstract string N Content summary default:content[:200],user-defined
category string N eg:"news" user-defined,if there is content, the system will add five more
dna string Y metadata dna generate by system
parent_dna string N - user-defined,link an other metadata
block_hash string Y block_hash on YuanBen chain user-defined
block_height string Y block_hash corresponding block_height user-defined
created integer Y timestamp, eg:1506302092 generate by system
content_hash string Y Keccak256(content) default:Keccak256(content),user-defined
extra TreeMap<String, Object> N user-defined content user-defined
license Metadata.License Y user-defined
license.type string Y the type of license user-defined
license.parameters TreeMap<String, Object> N the parameters of license user-defined
source string N source link. user-defined
data TreeMap<String, Object> N extension data of the type user-defined

Quick Start

  • Note: If you want to use the YuanBenLian OPENAPI, please contact the YuanBenLian owner to register your public key to the YuanBenLian.
  • Note: the API configuration needs to be initialized before using the API method
  • Note: If there is an integer used in metadata, please convert to string


create private key

// if you don't have private key,You can use this method to generate a private key
// generate private key
$privateKey = \YBL\Kernel\Eth\Key::createPrivateKey();
echo $privateKey . PHP_EOL;

// init key
$private_key = \YBL\Kernel\Eth\Key::getPrivateKey()->getHex();

// if you use production env,You can contact the YuanBenLian owner to add the public key to the authorized public key.
$public_key = \YBL\Kernel\Eth\Key::getPublicKey()->getHex();

Authorized secondary account

$uri = "";

// test key
// you can create private key
// $privateKey = \YBL\Kernel\Eth\Key::createPrivateKey();

$privateKey = '4e8c4b58b63e4584b807efa63182cff82440c263e442e21d4ac80ce857ccfbd6';

 * timeout : Float describing the timeout of the request in seconds. default 30 s.
 * verify : Describes the SSL certificate verification behavior of a request.
 * Set to true to enable SSL certificate verification and use the default CA bundle provided by operating system.
 * Set to false to disable certificate verification (this is insecure!).
 * Set to a string to provide the path to a CA bundle to enable verification using a custom certificate.
$config = [
    'private_key' => $privateKey,  // must
    'base_uri' => $uri,  // not must, default is,
    'timeout' => 30,   // not must , default is 30
    'verify' => true,  // not must , default is true

$client = new \YBL\ClientBuilder($config);

$subkeys = [];

for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    $privateKeyTmp = \YBL\Kernel\Eth\Key::createPrivateKey();
    $subkeys[] = \YBL\Kernel\Eth\Key::getPublicKey()->getHex();

$response = $client->registerAccount($subkeys);

echo "result : " . $response->getBody()->getContents() . PHP_EOL;

publish article

$uri = "";

// test key
// you can create private key
// $privateKey = \YBL\Kernel\Eth\Key::createPrivateKey();

$privateKey = '4e8c4b58b63e4584b807efa63182cff82440c263e442e21d4ac80ce857ccfbd6';

 * timeout : Float describing the timeout of the request in seconds. default 30 s.
 * verify : Describes the SSL certificate verification behavior of a request.
 * Set to true to enable SSL certificate verification and use the default CA bundle provided by operating system.
 * Set to false to disable certificate verification (this is insecure!).
 * Set to a string to provide the path to a CA bundle to enable verification using a custom certificate.
$config = [
    'private_key' => $privateKey,  // must
    'base_uri' => $uri,  // not must, default is,
    'timeout' => 30,   // not must , default is 30
    'verify' => true,  // not must , default is true

$client = new \YBL\ClientBuilder($config);

$res = $client->searchLatestBlock();

$result = json_decode($res->getBody()->getContents(), true);

if (isset($result['code']) && $result['code'] == 'ok') {
    $latest_block_hash = $result['data']['latest_block_hash'];
    $latest_block_height = (string)$result['data']['latest_block_height'];
} else {
    echo "get latest block wrong : " . $res;

$content = 'just for test!';

// build metadata parameters
// pubkey is populated by default
$data = [
    'type' => 'article',
    'language' => 'en',
    'title' => 'test ybl article',
    'category' => 'news',
    'block_hash' => $latest_block_hash,
    'block_height' => $latest_block_height,
    'created' => (string)time(),
    'content_hash' => hash('sha256', $content),  // or Keccak::hash($content,256) or other hash algorithm
    'license' => [
        'type' => 'none'

$metadata = $client->buildMetadata($data);

$signature = $client->sign($metadata);

echo "signature : ".$signature . PHP_EOL;

 * you can use signature to generate dna
 * $client->generateDNA($signature);

$metadata = $client->setSignature($metadata, $signature);

$response = $client->publishMetadata($metadata);

echo "result : " . $response->getBody()->getContents() . PHP_EOL;

 * result : {"code":"ok","data":{"dna":"1AGK96C7JR6CC69JUKG0ZJLCSFODZ6GS9JNYSHKWWS3JZ7RJN5"}}


$responseMeta = $client->searchMetadata($dna);

echo "metadata info : " . $responseMeta->getBody()->getContents() . PHP_EOL;

 metadata info : {"code":"ok","data":{"content_hash":"028a6011079dc3316f36198bdcc9476937ea2c3f9b705557c8e11be737b01107","created":"1555508743","block_hash":"627E5DEA02407894CA42EFE1267A9BC4F6770AB3","block_height":"323099","language":"en","signature":"af4123fb82d0ba48f99c604c3990e676f8b21266ad4c74b9632d6fd6519b16e41565453189ccfb7b390629f516eee53c40556620fcbc4b3989441f3606b11b4d00","pubkey":"02960bfff6ffd689b58c87e142e37a47ec348984dfdb79d6a069302cfac89d4368","type":"article","license":{"type":"none"},"category":"news","dna":"1AGK96C7JR6CC69JUKG0ZJLCSFODZ6GS9JNYSHKWWS3JZ7RJN5","title":"test ybl article"},"tx":{"block_hash":"32137a2f4f5d24870caeb535724cf946230f1243","block_height":323101,"sender":"1624de6420e15aee7543c19a01a12ab135416bedc6b77d86ceb373c1bb51785f192c2c8452","proposer":"","time":1555508726,"version":"v4"}}

more examples