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Yearn Protocol Documentation Website

The yearn devdocs website is built using Docusaurus, a modern static website generator.


yarn install

Local Development

yarn start

This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.


yarn build

This command generates static content into the build directory and can be served using any static content hosting service.


GIT_USER=<Your GitHub username> USE_SSH=true yarn deploy

If you are using GitHub pages for hosting, this command is a convenient way to build the website and push it to the gh-pages branch.


Documentation Structure

We have 2 types of documentation: versioned documentation and non-versioned documentation:

  • Versioned documentation is automatically generated from another repository's code.
  • Non-versioned documentation is generated from markdown or HTML files and edited manually.

For detailed information on the contributing workflow, please see the Contributing Documentation.

Non-versioned Documentation

In the docs folder:

  • getting-started
  • partners
  • v1

Versioned Documentation

Versioning has changed. Because Yearn supports multiple products with their own versions, versioning is now done manually using folder structure to keep things organized. There are folders for all versions of the smart contract NatSpec documentation in:

                    |---- V3 Current (v3.x.x)
                    |           |--- contract 1 
                    |           |--- contract 2
                    |           |--- contract n... 
                    |---- V3 Deprecated 
                    |           |--- v3.x.x
                    |           |     |--- contract 1 
                    |           |     |--- contract 2
                    |           |     |--- contract n... 
                    |           |--- v3.x.x
                    |                |--- contract 1 
                    |                |--- contract 2
                    |                |--- contract n... 
                    |---- V2 Current (v0.4.6)
                    |           |--- contract 1 
                    |           |--- contract 2
                    |           |--- contract n... 
                    |---- V2 Deprecated 
                    |           |--- v0.4.5
                    |           |     |--- contract 1 
                    |           |     |--- contract 2
                    |           |     |--- contract n... 
                    |           |--- v0.x.x
                    |                |--- contract 1 
                    |                |--- contract 2
                    |                |--- contract n... 

Generating V2 Versioned Documentation


  • Clone yearn/yearn-vaults in the same folder where you cloned yearn-devdocs (not inside devdocs, but besides it)
  • Run the yearn-vaults installation, you will need to have brownie installed to run it once so it installs the required dependencies.
  • Check the vyper compiler version on the vaults repo (here) and update the ~/.vvm/vyper-X.X.X in the end of the first command below.
  • Make sure Vault.vy and Registry.vy on yearn-vaults folder has the same compiler version on their first line. If not, bump the file with the lowest version to the current version the other uses.
  • If any contract file in yearn-vaults uses a fixed compiler version (without leading ^) you may have to add it so the solc compiler will run. Also, make sure solc version is up-to-date.
  • If you get errors with global solc try to install it locally on the project with npm


To generate API documentation and coin a new release, do the following.

  1. Generate docs from contracts using vydoc or similar documentation creator.
  2. Create new "current" folder in "docs/developers/smart-contracts/v2/current-<newVersion#>"
  3. Copy new docs into newly created folder.
  4. rename and move deprecated docs folder into deprecated folder

⚠️ Here are the old instructions to create vydoc documentation. They may need updating.

npx vydoc -i ../yearn-vaults/contracts/ -o ./vaults/smart-contracts -t ./templates/contract.ejs -c ~/.vvm/vyper-0.3.3
npx [email protected] --solc-module solc --templates=templates --helpers=helpers/solidityHelpers.js -i ../yearn-vaults/contracts/ -o ./docs/developers/smart-contracts/V2
npm run docusaurus docs:version 0.4.5

If you are developing in Solidity and Foundry you can use [forge-doc](

Custom Elements

Detail Element

This is a Detail element that contains other text inside. If you format the summary section as shown it renders markdown correctly.

<details className="customDetails">

  ## Title Here

### Subtitles as needed

content here


There is also a "customFaqDetails" css class that removes the borders.


The PrettyLink element makes your links into button-like elements with subtle animation and yearn styling. These links will fill the full width of the markdown document. Can be used with naked links or with markdown style links.

<PrettyLink>[your link name](your-link-url)</PrettyLink>

Yearn Admonition

There is a custom informational Yearn-styled admonition that can be used like any other admonition.


text content
