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CoreML tvOS xcode16.0 b2

Rolf Bjarne Kvinge edited this page Aug 29, 2024 · 3 revisions


diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2024-05-30 05:06:53
+++ /Applications/	2024-06-15 10:49:59
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
                     usingState:(MLState *)state
                        options:(MLPredictionOptions *)options
              completionHandler:(void (^)(_Nullable id<MLFeatureProvider> output, NSError * _Nullable error))completionHandler
-                 API_AVAILABLE(macos(16.0), ios(18.0), watchos(11.0), tvos(18.0))
+                 API_AVAILABLE(macos(15.0), ios(18.0), watchos(11.0), tvos(18.0))
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2024-05-30 02:24:05
+++ /Applications/	2024-06-15 10:50:00
@@ -39,13 +39,28 @@
 API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), tvos(16.0), watchos(9.0))
 @interface MLModelAsset : NSObject
-/// Construct an optimized model asset from the contents of specification data.
+/// Construct a model asset from the contents of specification data.
 /// - Parameters:
 ///   - specificationData: Contents of .mlmodel as a data blob.
 ///   - error: When the model asset creation fails error is populated with the reason for failure.
 + (nullable instancetype)modelAssetWithSpecificationData:(NSData *)specificationData
                                                    error:(NSError * _Nullable __autoreleasing *)error API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), tvos(16.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos) NS_SWIFT_NAME(init(specification:));
+/// Construct a model asset from an ML Program specification by replacing blob file references with corresponding in-memory blobs.
+/// An ML Program may use `BlobFileValue` syntax, which stores the blob data in external files and refers them by URL.
+/// This factory method enables in-memory workflow for such models by using the specified in-memory blob data in place of the external files.
+/// The format of in-memory blobs must be the same as the external files. The dictionary must contain all the reference URLs used in the specification.
+/// - Parameters:
+///   - specification: Contents of .mlmodel as a data blob.
+///   - blobMapping: A dictionary with blob URL as the key and blob data as the value.
+///   - error: When the model asset creation fails error is populated with the reason for failure.
++ (nullable instancetype)modelAssetWithSpecificationData:(NSData *)specificationData
+                                             blobMapping:(NSDictionary<NSURL *, NSData *> *)blobMapping
+                                                   error:(NSError * _Nullable __autoreleasing *)error API_AVAILABLE(macos(15.0), ios(18.0), tvos(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos) NS_SWIFT_NAME(init(specification:blobMapping:));
 /// Constructs a ModelAsset from a compiled model URL.
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2024-05-30 05:06:53
+++ /Applications/	2024-06-15 09:08:14
@@ -11,9 +11,7 @@
- * Allowed data types for multidimensional arrays
- */
+/// The data type of scalars in the multi-array.
 typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, MLMultiArrayDataType) {
     MLMultiArrayDataTypeDouble  = 0x10000 | 64,
     MLMultiArrayDataTypeFloat64 API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.0), ios(14.0), watchos(7.0), tvos(14.0)) = 0x10000 | 64,
@@ -23,10 +21,29 @@
     MLMultiArrayDataTypeInt32   = 0x20000 | 32,
 } API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.13), ios(11.0), watchos(4.0), tvos(11.0));
- * Multidimensional Array
- */
+/// Use `MLMultiArray` to store a multi-dimensional value.
+/// Unlike `MLShapedArray` or `MLTensor`, `MLMultiArray` can be used in Obj-C code. Unlike `MLTensor`, `MLMultiArray` is
+/// always backed by a concrete storage.
+/// The object has properties to define the interpretation of the storage.
+/// `.dataType` defines the interpretation of raw bytes into a numeric scalar value. For example,
+/// `MLMultiArrayDataTypeFloat32` means the backing storage uses IEEE 754 Float32 encoding.
+/// `.shape` defines the multi-dimensional space. For example, 30 x 20 image with three color components (Red, Green,
+/// Blue) could be defined using the shape `[3, 20, 30]`.
+/// `.strides` defines the offset addressing of the scalar for a given coordinates. For example, the image above might
+/// use `[640, 32, 1]` as the `strides`. Then, the scalar at (1, 10, 15) is stored at `640 * 1 + 32 * 10 + 1 * 15`, or
+/// 975th scalar in the storage. In general, the scalar offset for coordinates `index` and strides `strides` is:
+/// ```
+/// scalarOffset = sum_d index[d]*strides[d]
+/// ```
+/// The backing storage can be a heap allocated buffer or CVPixelBuffer. Though CVPixelBuffer backing supports limited
+/// data types, `MLModel` could share the storage with backend hardware such as Apple Neural Engine without copy.
 API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.13), ios(11.0), watchos(4.0), tvos(11.0))
 @interface MLMultiArray : NSObject <NSSecureCoding>
@@ -34,38 +51,99 @@
 /// Unsafe pointer to underlying buffer holding the data
 @property (readonly, nonatomic) void *dataPointer NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER API_DEPRECATED("Use getBytesWithHandler or getMutableBytesWithHandler instead. For Swift, use withUnsafeBytes or withUnsafeMutableBytes.", macos(10.13, API_TO_BE_DEPRECATED), ios(11.0, API_TO_BE_DEPRECATED), tvos(11.0, API_TO_BE_DEPRECATED), watchos(4.0, API_TO_BE_DEPRECATED));
-/// Type of element held
+/// Scalar's data type.
 @property (readonly, nonatomic) MLMultiArrayDataType dataType;
-/// An array containing the sizes of each dimension in the multiarray
+/// Shape of the multi-dimensional space that this instance represents.
 @property (readonly, nonatomic) NSArray<NSNumber *> *shape;
- * An array containing the stride in memory for each dimension.
- * The element referred to by a multidimensional index is located at an offset equal to
- * sum_d index[d]*strides[d]. This offset is in the units of the specified dataType.
- */
+/// Strides.
+/// It defines the offset of the scalar of a given coordinate index in the storage, which is:
+/// ```
+/// scalarOffset = sum_d index[d]*strides[d]
+/// ```
 @property (readonly, nonatomic) NSArray<NSNumber *> *strides;
-/// Count of total number of elements
+/// Count of total number of addressable scalars.
+/// The value is same as `product_d shape[d]`.
 @property (readonly, nonatomic) NSInteger count;
-   Returns the backing pixel buffer if exists, otherwise nil.
- */
+/// Returns the backing pixel buffer if exists, otherwise nil.
 @property (readonly, nullable, nonatomic) CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer API_AVAILABLE(macos(12.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
 @interface MLMultiArray (Creation)
-/// Create by C-style contiguous array by allocating and managing the necessary memory
+/// Creates the object.
+/// The contents of the object are left uninitialized; the client must initialize it.
+/// The scalars will use the first-major contiguous layout.
+/// - Parameters:
+///   - shape: The shape
+///   - dataType: The data type
+///   - error: Filled with error information on error.
 - (nullable instancetype)initWithShape:(NSArray<NSNumber *> *)shape
                                  error:(NSError **)error;
+/// Creates the object with specified strides.
+/// The contents of the object are left uninitialized; the client must initialize it.
+/// ```swift
+/// let shape = [2, 3];
+/// let strides = [4, 1]
+/// let multiArray = MLMultiArray(shape: shape, dataType: .float32, strides: strides)
+/// XCTAssertEqual(multiArray.shape, shape as [NSNumber])
+/// XCTAssertEqual(multiArray.strides, strides as [NSNumber])
+/// ```
+/// ```objc
+/// NSArray<NSNumber *> *shape = @[@2, @3];
+/// NSArray<NSNumber *> *strides = @[@4, @1];
+/// MLMultiArray *multiArray = [[MLMultiArray alloc] initWithShape:shape
+///                                                       dataType:MLMultiArrayDataTypeFloat32
+///                                                        strides:strides];
+/// XCTAssertEqualObjects(multiArray.shape, shape);
+/// XCTAssertEqualObjects(multiArray.strides, strides);
+/// ```
+/// - Parameters:
+///   - shape: The shape
+///   - dataType: The data type
+///   - strides: The strides.
+- (instancetype)initWithShape:(NSArray<NSNumber *> *)shape
+                     dataType:(MLMultiArrayDataType)dataType
+                      strides:(NSArray<NSNumber *> *)strides NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(macos(15.0), ios(18.0), watchos(11.0), tvos(18.0));
-/// Create by wrapping existing data
+/// Creates the object with existing data without copy.
+/// Use this initializer to reference the existing buffer as the storage without copy.
+/// ```objc
+/// int32_t *buffer = malloc(sizeof(int32_t) * 2 * 3 * 4);
+/// MLMultiArray *multiArray = [[MLMultiArray alloc] initWithDataPointer:buffer
+///                                                                shape:@[@2, @3, @4]
+///                                                             dataType:MLMultiArrayDataTypeInt32
+///                                                              strides:@[@12, @4, @1]
+///                                                          deallocator:^(void *bytes) { free(bytes); }
+///                                                                error:NULL];
+/// ```
+/// - Parameters:
+///   - dataPointer: The pointer to the buffer.
+///   - shape: The shape
+///   - dataType: The data type
+///   - strides: The strides.
+///   - deallocator: Block to be called on the deallocation of the instance.
+///   - error: Filled with error information on error.
 - (nullable instancetype)initWithDataPointer:(void *)dataPointer
                                        shape:(NSArray<NSNumber *> *)shape
@@ -73,30 +151,28 @@
                                  deallocator:(void (^_Nullable)(void *bytes))deallocator
                                        error:(NSError **)error;
- * Create by wrapping a pixel buffer.
- *
- * Use this initializer to create an IOSurface backed MLMultiArray, which can reduce the inference latency by avoiding the buffer copy.
- *
- * The instance will own the pixel buffer and release it on the deallocation.
- *
- * The pixel buffer's pixel format type must be OneComponent16Half. As such, MLMultiArray's data type will be MLMultiArrayDataTypeFloat16.
- *
- * \code
- * CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer = NULL;
- * NSDictionary* pixelBufferAttributes = @{
- *     (id)kCVPixelBufferIOSurfacePropertiesKey: @{}
- * };
- *
- * // Since shape == [2, 3, 4], width is 4 (= shape[2]) and height is 6 (= shape[0] * shape[1]).
- * CVPixelBufferCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, 4, 6, kCVPixelFormatType_OneComponent16Half, (__bridge CFDictionaryRef)pixelBufferAttributes, &pixelBuffer);
- * MLMultiArray *multiArray = [[MLMultiArray alloc] initWithPixelBuffer:pixelBuffer shape:@[@2, @3, @4]];
- * \endcode
- *
- * @param pixelBuffer The pixel buffer to be owned by the instance.
- *
- * @param shape The shape of the MLMultiArray. The last dimension of `shape` must match the pixel buffer's width. The product of the rest of the dimensions must match the height.
- */
+/// Create by wrapping a pixel buffer.
+/// Use this initializer to create an IOSurface backed MLMultiArray, which can reduce the inference latency by avoiding the buffer copy.
+/// The instance will own the pixel buffer and release it on the deallocation.
+/// The pixel buffer's pixel format type must be OneComponent16Half. As such, MLMultiArray's data type will be MLMultiArrayDataTypeFloat16.
+/// ```objc
+/// CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer = NULL;
+/// NSDictionary* pixelBufferAttributes = @{
+///     (id)kCVPixelBufferIOSurfacePropertiesKey: @{}
+/// };
+/// // Since shape == [2, 3, 4], width is 4 (= shape[2]) and height is 6 (= shape[0] * shape[1]).
+/// CVPixelBufferCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, 4, 6, kCVPixelFormatType_OneComponent16Half, (__bridge CFDictionaryRef)pixelBufferAttributes, &pixelBuffer);
+/// MLMultiArray *multiArray = [[MLMultiArray alloc] initWithPixelBuffer:pixelBuffer shape:@[@2, @3, @4]];
+/// ```
+/// - Parameters:
+///   - pixelBuffer: The pixel buffer to be owned by the instance.
+///   - shape: The shape of the MLMultiArray. The last dimension of `shape` must match the pixel buffer's width. The product of the rest of the dimensions must match the height.
 - (instancetype)initWithPixelBuffer:(CVPixelBufferRef)pixelBuffer
                               shape:(NSArray<NSNumber *> *)shape API_AVAILABLE(macos(12.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0));
@@ -104,88 +180,80 @@
 @interface MLMultiArray (ScopedBufferAccess)
- * Get the underlying buffer pointer to read.
- *
- * The buffer pointer is valid only within the block.
- *
- * \code
- * MLMultiArray * A = [[MLMultiArray alloc] initWithShape:@[@3, @2] dataType:MLMultiArrayDataTypeInt32 error:NULL];
- * A[@[@1, @2]] = @42;
- * [A getBytesWithHandler:^(const void *bytes, NSInteger size) {
- *     const int32_t *scalarBuffer = (const int32_t *)bytes;
- *     const int strideY = A.strides[0].intValue;
- *     // Print 42
- *     NSLog(@"Scalar at (1, 2): %d", scalarBuffer[1 * strideY + 2]);
- * }];
- * \endcode
- *
- * @param handler The block to receive the buffer pointer and its size in bytes.
- */
+/// Get the underlying buffer pointer to read.
+/// The buffer pointer is valid only within the block.
+/// ```objc
+/// MLMultiArray * A = [[MLMultiArray alloc] initWithShape:@[@3, @2] dataType:MLMultiArrayDataTypeInt32 error:NULL];
+/// A[@[@1, @2]] = @42;
+/// [A getBytesWithHandler:^(const void *bytes, NSInteger size) {
+///     const int32_t *scalarBuffer = (const int32_t *)bytes;
+///     const int strideY = A.strides[0].intValue;
+///     // Print 42
+///     NSLog(@"Scalar at (1, 2): %d", scalarBuffer[1 * strideY + 2]);
+/// }];
+/// ```
+/// - Parameters:
+///   - handler: The block to receive the buffer pointer and its size in bytes.
 - (void)getBytesWithHandler:(void (NS_NOESCAPE ^)(const void *bytes, NSInteger size))handler API_AVAILABLE(macos(12.3), ios(15.4), watchos(8.5), tvos(15.4)) NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;
- * Get the underlying buffer pointer to mutate.
- *
- * The buffer pointer is valid only within the block.
- *
- * Use `strides` parameter passed in the block because the method may switch to a new backing buffer with different strides.
- *
- * \code
- * MLMultiArray * A = [[MLMultiArray alloc] initWithShape:@[@3, @2] dataType:MLMultiArrayDataTypeInt32 error:NULL];
- * [A getMutableBytesWithHandler:^(void *bytes, NSInteger __unused size, NSArray<NSNumber *> *strides) {
- *     int32_t *scalarBuffer = (int32_t *)bytes;
- *     const int strideY = strides[0].intValue;
- *     scalarBuffer[1 * strideY + 2] = 42;  // Set 42 at A[1, 2]
- * }];
- * \endcode
- *
- * @param handler The block to receive the buffer pointer, size in bytes, and strides.
- *
- */
+/// Get the underlying buffer pointer to mutate.
+/// The buffer pointer is valid only within the block.
+/// Use `strides` parameter passed in the block because the method may switch to a new backing buffer with different strides.
+/// ```objc
+/// MLMultiArray * A = [[MLMultiArray alloc] initWithShape:@[@3, @2] dataType:MLMultiArrayDataTypeInt32 error:NULL];
+/// [A getMutableBytesWithHandler:^(void *bytes, NSInteger __unused size, NSArray<NSNumber *> *strides) {
+///     int32_t *scalarBuffer = (int32_t *)bytes;
+///     const int strideY = strides[0].intValue;
+///     scalarBuffer[1 * strideY + 2] = 42;  // Set 42 at A[1, 2]
+/// }];
+/// ```
+/// - Parameters:
+///   - handler: The block to receive the buffer pointer, size in bytes, and strides.
 - (void)getMutableBytesWithHandler:(void (NS_NOESCAPE ^)(void *mutableBytes, NSInteger size, NSArray<NSNumber *> *strides))handler API_AVAILABLE(macos(12.3), ios(15.4), watchos(8.5), tvos(15.4)) NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;
 @interface MLMultiArray (Concatenating)
- * Concatenate MLMultiArrays to form a new MLMultiArray.
- *
- * All the source MLMultiArrays must have a same shape except the specified axis. The resultant
- * MLMultiArray has the same shape as inputs except this axis, which dimension will be the sum of
- * all the input dimensions of the axis.
- *
- * For example,
- *
- * \code
- * // Swift
- * let A = try MLMultiArray(shape: [2, 3], dataType: .int32)
- * let B = try MLMultiArray(shape: [2, 2], dataType: .int32)
- * let C = MLMultiArray(concatenating: [A, B], axis: 1, dataType: .int32)
- * assert(C.shape == [2, 5])
- * \endcode
- *
- * \code
- * // Obj-C
- * MLMultiArray *A = [[MLMultiArray alloc] initWithShape:@[@2, @3] dataType:MLMultiArrayDataTypeInt32 error:NULL];
- * MLMultiArray *B = [[MLMultiArray alloc] initWithShape:@[@2, @2] dataType:MLMultiArrayDataTypeInt32 error:NULL];
- * MLMultiArray *C = [MLMultiArray multiArrayByConcatenatingMultiArrays:@[A, B] alongAxis:1 dataType:MLMultiArrayDataTypeInt32];
- * assert(C.shape == @[@2, @5])
- * \endcode
- *
- * Numeric data will be up or down casted as needed.
- *
- * The method raises NSInvalidArgumentException if the shapes of input multi arrays are not
- * compatible for concatenation.
- *
- * @param multiArrays Array of MLMultiArray instances to be concatenated.
- *
- * @param axis Axis index with which the concatenation will performed. The value is wrapped by the
- * dimension of the axis. For example, -1 is the last axis.
- *
- * @param dataType The data type of the resultant MLMultiArray
- */
+/// Concatenate MLMultiArrays to form a new MLMultiArray.
+/// All the source MLMultiArrays must have a same shape except the specified axis. The resultant
+/// MLMultiArray has the same shape as inputs except this axis, which dimension will be the sum of
+/// all the input dimensions of the axis.
+/// For example,
+/// ```swift
+/// // Swift
+/// let A = try MLMultiArray(shape: [2, 3], dataType: .int32)
+/// let B = try MLMultiArray(shape: [2, 2], dataType: .int32)
+/// let C = MLMultiArray(concatenating: [A, B], axis: 1, dataType: .int32)
+/// assert(C.shape == [2, 5])
+/// ```
+/// ```objc
+/// // Obj-C
+/// MLMultiArray *A = [[MLMultiArray alloc] initWithShape:@[@2, @3] dataType:MLMultiArrayDataTypeInt32 error:NULL];
+/// MLMultiArray *B = [[MLMultiArray alloc] initWithShape:@[@2, @2] dataType:MLMultiArrayDataTypeInt32 error:NULL];
+/// MLMultiArray *C = [MLMultiArray multiArrayByConcatenatingMultiArrays:@[A, B] alongAxis:1 dataType:MLMultiArrayDataTypeInt32];
+/// assert(C.shape == @[@2, @5])
+/// ```
+/// Numeric data will be up or down casted as needed.
+/// The method raises NSInvalidArgumentException if the shapes of input multi arrays are not
+/// compatible for concatenation.
+/// - Parameters:
+///   - multiArrays: Array of MLMultiArray instances to be concatenated.
+///   - axis: Axis index with which the concatenation will performed. The value is wrapped by the dimension of the axis. For example, -1 is the last axis.
+///   - dataType: The data type of the resultant MLMultiArray.
 + (instancetype)multiArrayByConcatenatingMultiArrays:(NSArray<MLMultiArray *> *)multiArrays
                                             dataType:(MLMultiArrayDataType)dataType API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.0), ios(14.0), watchos(7.0), tvos(14.0));
@@ -205,6 +273,42 @@
 /// Set a value by subindicies (NSArray<NSNumber *>)
 - (void)setObject:(NSNumber *)obj forKeyedSubscript:(NSArray<NSNumber *> *)key;
+@interface MLMultiArray (Transferring)
+/// Transfer the contents to the destination multi-array.
+/// Numeric data will be up or down casted as needed. It can transfer to a multi-array with different layout (strides).
+/// ```swift
+/// let sourceMultiArray: MLMultiArray = ... // shape is [2, 3] and data type is Float64
+/// let newStrides = [4, 1]
+/// let destinationMultiArray = MLMultiArray(shape: [2, 3], 
+///                                          dataType: .float32, 
+///                                          strides: newStrides)
+/// sourceMultiArray.transfer(to: destinationMultiArray)
+/// ```
+/// ```objc
+/// NSArray<NSNumber *> *shape = @[@2, @3];
+/// NSArray<NSNumber *> *sourceStrides = @[@3, @1];
+/// NSArray<NSNumber *> *destinationStrides = @[@4, @1];
+/// MLMultiArray *source = [[MLMultiArray alloc] initWithShape:shape
+///                                                   dataType:MLMultiArrayDataTypeDouble
+///                                                    strides:sourceStrides];
+/// // Initialize source...
+/// MLMultiArray *destination = [[MLMultiArray alloc] initWithShape:shape
+///                                                        dataType:MLMultiArrayDataTypeFloat32
+///                                                         strides:destinationStrides];
+/// [source transferToMultiArray:destination];
+/// ```
+/// - Parameters:
+///   - destinationMultiArray: The transfer destination.
+- (void)transferToMultiArray:(MLMultiArray *)destinationMultiArray API_AVAILABLE(macos(15.0), ios(18.0), watchos(11.0), tvos(18.0));
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2024-05-30 04:15:36
+++ /Applications/	2024-06-15 09:08:15
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
 #import <CoreML/MLExport.h>
 #import <CoreML/MLReshapeFrequencyHint.h>
+#import <CoreML/MLSpecializationStrategy.h>
@@ -24,10 +25,18 @@
 /// CoreML framework needs to reshape the model with new shapes for models with flexible input.
 /// Specify the anticipated reshape frequency (frequent or infrequent), so that the framework can optimize for
-///  fast shape switching or fast prediction on seen shapes.
+/// fast shape switching or fast prediction on seen shapes.
 /// The default value is frequent, which means CoreML tries to switch to new shapes as fast as possible
 @property (readwrite, assign, nonatomic) MLReshapeFrequencyHint reshapeFrequency;
+/// Optimization strategy for the model specialization.
+/// Core ML segments the model's compute graph and optimizes each segment for the
+/// target compute device. This process can affect the model loading time and the prediction latency.
+/// Use this option to tailor the specialization strategy for your application.
+@property (readwrite, assign, nonatomic) MLSpecializationStrategy specializationStrategy API_AVAILABLE(macos(15.0), ios(18.0), watchos(11.0), tvos(18.0));
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	1970-01-01 01:00:00
+++ /Applications/	2024-06-15 09:08:14
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//  MLSpecializationStrategy.h
+//  CoreML_framework
+//  Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+/// The optimization strategy for the model specialization.
+typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, MLSpecializationStrategy) {
+  /// The strategy that works well for most applications.
+  MLSpecializationStrategyDefault = 0,
+  /// Prefer the prediction latency at the potential cost of specialization time, memory footprint, and the disk space usage of specialized artifacts.
+  MLSpecializationStrategyFastPrediction = 1,
+} API_AVAILABLE(macos(15.0), ios(18.0), watchos(11.0), tvos(18.0)) NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;
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