This npm module helps you to bootstrap a NodeJS + ExpressJS API-rest microservice. You can also use it to plug-in several components that add typical backend functionality, such as:
- adding new API-rest access points
For unix-based OS:
Clone this repository:
git clone <<GIT_URL>>
Enter the to the project folder and COPY the path reference to the file "run.js", like this:
Navigate to the path where you want to create your application project.
Type the create command to create the project:
node "/PATH/TO/RUN/FILE/run.js" create <<PROJECT_NAME>>
Result will be printed in terminal.
Then you can try the add command to add a new REST Module to your application:
node "/PATH/TO/RUN/FILE/run.js" add accesspoint --name <<ACCESSPOINT_NAME>> --verbs GET POST PUT DELETE --route <<ROUTE_NAME>>
Result will be printed in terminal.
After that you can start your using your application
Start the server.
node .