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Handle new swift-syntax closure expansion behavior
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This resolves <swiftlang#1788>,
following the discussion of alternatives on
<>. The bulk of the
change updates the translation from SourceKit placeholders to LSP
placeholders to handle nesting.
  • Loading branch information
woolsweater committed Nov 17, 2024
1 parent 380ed38 commit 319f8bf
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Showing 4 changed files with 223 additions and 60 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Sources/SourceKitLSP/Swift/CodeCompletionSession.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -323,9 +323,9 @@ class CodeCompletionSession {
var parser = Parser(exprToExpand)
let expr = ExprSyntax.parse(from: &parser)
guard let call = OutermostFunctionCallFinder.findOutermostFunctionCall(in: expr),
let expandedCall = ExpandEditorPlaceholdersToTrailingClosures.refactor(
let expandedCall = ExpandEditorPlaceholdersToLiteralClosures.refactor(
syntax: call,
in: ExpandEditorPlaceholdersToTrailingClosures.Context(indentationWidth: indentationWidth)
in: ExpandEditorPlaceholdersToLiteralClosures.Context(indentationWidth: indentationWidth)
else {
return nil
Expand All @@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ class CodeCompletionSession {
let bytesToExpand = Array(exprToExpand.utf8)

var expandedBytes: [UInt8] = []
// Add the prefix that we stripped of to allow expression parsing
// Add the prefix that we stripped off to allow expression parsing
expandedBytes += strippedPrefix.utf8
// Add any part of the expression that didn't end up being part of the function call
expandedBytes += bytesToExpand[0..<call.position.utf8Offset]
Expand Down
167 changes: 148 additions & 19 deletions Sources/SourceKitLSP/Swift/RewriteSourceKitPlaceholders.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,34 +14,163 @@ import Foundation
import SKLogging
@_spi(RawSyntax) import SwiftSyntax

func rewriteSourceKitPlaceholders(in string: String, clientSupportsSnippets: Bool) -> String {
var result = string
var index = 1
while let start = result.range(of: "<#") {
guard let end = result[start.upperBound...].range(of: "#>") else {
logger.fault("Invalid placeholder in \(string)")
return string
let rawPlaceholder = String(result[start.lowerBound..<end.upperBound])
guard let displayName = nameForSnippet(rawPlaceholder) else {
logger.fault("Failed to decode placeholder \(rawPlaceholder) in \(string)")
return string
/// Translate SourceKit placeholder syntax — `<#foo#>` — in `input` to LSP
/// placeholder syntax: `${n:foo}`.
/// If `clientSupportsSnippets` is `false`, the placeholder is rendered as an
/// empty string, to prevent the client from inserting special placeholder
/// characters as if they were literal text.
func rewriteSourceKitPlaceholders(in input: String, clientSupportsSnippets: Bool) -> String {
var result = ""
var nextPlaceholderNumber = 1
// Current stack of nested placeholders, most nested last. Each element needs
// to be rendered inside the element before it.
var placeholders: [(number: Int, contents: String)] = []
let tokens = tokenize(input)
for token in tokens {
switch token {
case let .text(text) where placeholders.isEmpty:
result += text

case let .text(text):
placeholders.latest.contents += text

case let .curlyBrace(brace) where placeholders.isEmpty:

case let .curlyBrace(brace):
// Braces are only escaped _inside_ a placeholder; otherwise the client
// would include the backslashes literally.
placeholders.latest.contents.append(contentsOf: ["\\", brace])

case .open:
placeholders.append((number: nextPlaceholderNumber, contents: ""))
nextPlaceholderNumber += 1

case .close:
guard let (number, placeholderBody) = placeholders.popLast() else {
logger.fault("Invalid placeholder in \(input)")
return input
guard let displayName = nameForSnippet(placeholderBody) else {
logger.fault("Failed to decode placeholder \(placeholderBody) in \(input)")
return input
let placeholder =
? formatLSPPlaceholder(displayName, number: number)
: ""
if placeholders.isEmpty {
result += placeholder
} else {
placeholders.latest.contents += placeholder
let snippet = clientSupportsSnippets ? "${\(index):\(displayName)}" : ""
result.replaceSubrange(start.lowerBound..<end.upperBound, with: snippet)
index += 1

return result

/// Parse a SourceKit placeholder and extract the display name suitable for a
/// LSP snippet.
fileprivate func nameForSnippet(_ text: String) -> String? {
var text = text
/// Scan `input` to identify special elements within: curly braces, which may
/// need to be escaped; and SourceKit placeholder open/close delimiters.
private func tokenize(_ input: String) -> [SnippetToken] {
var index = input.startIndex
var isAtEnd: Bool { index == input.endIndex }
func match(_ char: Character) -> Bool {
if isAtEnd || input[index] != char {
return false
} else {
input.formIndex(after: &index)
return true
func next() -> Character? {
guard !isAtEnd else { return nil }
defer { input.formIndex(after: &index) }
return input[index]

var tokens: [SnippetToken] = []
var text = ""
while let char = next() {
switch char {
case "<":
if match("#") {
} else {

case "#":
if match(">") {
} else {

case "{", "}":

case let c:


return tokens

/// A syntactical element inside a SourceKit snippet.
private enum SnippetToken {
/// A placeholder delimiter.
case open, close
/// One of '{' or '}', which may need to be escaped in the output.
case curlyBrace(Character)
/// Any other consecutive run of characters from the input, which needs no
/// special treatment.
case text(String)

/// Given the interior text of a SourceKit placeholder, extract a display name
/// suitable for a LSP snippet.
private func nameForSnippet(_ body: String) -> String? {
var text = rewrappedAsPlaceholder(body)
return text.withSyntaxText {
guard let data = RawEditorPlaceholderData(syntaxText: $0) else {
return nil
return String(syntaxText: data.typeForExpansionText ?? data.displayText)

private let placeholderStart = "<#"
private let placeholderEnd = "#>"
private func rewrappedAsPlaceholder(_ body: String) -> String {
return placeholderStart + body + placeholderEnd

/// Wrap `body` in LSP snippet placeholder syntax, using `number` as the
/// placeholder's index in the snippet.
private func formatLSPPlaceholder(_ body: String, number: Int) -> String {

private extension Array {
/// Mutable access to the final element of an array.
/// - precondition: The array must not be empty.
var latest: Element {
get { self.last! }
_modify {
let index = self.index(before: self.endIndex)
yield &self[index]
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions Tests/SourceKitLSPTests/RewriteSourceKitPlaceholdersTests.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
import SKTestSupport
@testable import SourceKitLSP
import XCTest

final class RewriteSourceKitPlaceholdersTests : XCTestCase {
func testClientDoesNotSupportSnippets() {
let input = "foo(bar: \(placeholder: "T##Int##Int#"))"
let rewritten = rewriteSourceKitPlaceholders(in: input, clientSupportsSnippets: false)

XCTAssertEqual(rewritten, "foo(bar: )")

func testInputWithoutPlaceholders() {
let input = "foo()"
let rewritten = rewriteSourceKitPlaceholders(in: input, clientSupportsSnippets: true)

XCTAssertEqual(rewritten, "foo()")

func testPlaceholderWithType() {
let input = "foo(bar: \(placeholder: "T##bar##Int"))"
let rewritten = rewriteSourceKitPlaceholders(in: input, clientSupportsSnippets: true)

XCTAssertEqual(rewritten, "foo(bar: ${1:Int})")

func testMultiplePlaceholders() {
let input = "foo(bar: \(placeholder: "T##Int##Int"), baz: \(placeholder: "T##String##String"), quux: \(placeholder: "T##String##String"))"
let rewritten = rewriteSourceKitPlaceholders(in: input, clientSupportsSnippets: true)

XCTAssertEqual(rewritten, "foo(bar: ${1:Int}, baz: ${2:String}, quux: ${3:String})")

func testClosurePlaceholderReturnType() {
let input = "foo(bar: \(placeholder: "{ \(placeholder: "T##Int##Int") }"))"
let rewritten = rewriteSourceKitPlaceholders(in: input, clientSupportsSnippets: true)

XCTAssertEqual(rewritten, "foo(bar: ${1:\\{ ${2:Int} \\}})")

func testClosurePlaceholderArgumentType() {
let input = "foo(bar: \(placeholder: "{ \(placeholder: "T##Int##Int") in \(placeholder: "T##Void##Void") }"))"
let rewritten = rewriteSourceKitPlaceholders(in: input, clientSupportsSnippets: true)

XCTAssertEqual(rewritten, "foo(bar: ${1:\\{ ${2:Int} in ${3:Void} \\}})")

func testMultipleClosurePlaceholders() {
let input = "foo(\(placeholder: "{ \(placeholder: "T##Int##Int") }"), baz: \(placeholder: "{ \(placeholder: "Int") in \(placeholder: "T##Bool##Bool") }"))"
let rewritten = rewriteSourceKitPlaceholders(in: input, clientSupportsSnippets: true)

XCTAssertEqual(rewritten, "foo(${1:\\{ ${2:Int} \\}}, baz: ${3:\\{ ${4:Int} in ${5:Bool} \\}})")

private let placeholderStart = "<#"
private let placeholderEnd = "#>"
fileprivate extension DefaultStringInterpolation {
mutating func appendInterpolation(placeholder string: String) {
self.appendLiteral(placeholderStart + string + placeholderEnd)
48 changes: 10 additions & 38 deletions Tests/SourceKitLSPTests/SwiftCompletionTests.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -864,18 +864,14 @@ final class SwiftCompletionTests: XCTestCase {
sortText: nil,
filterText: "myMap(:)",
insertText: """
myMap { ${1:Int} in
myMap(${1:\\{ ${2:Int} in ${3:Bool} \\}})
insertTextFormat: .snippet,
textEdit: .textEdit(
range: Range(positions["1️⃣"]),
newText: """
myMap { ${1:Int} in
myMap(${1:\\{ ${2:Int} in ${3:Bool} \\}})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -912,18 +908,14 @@ final class SwiftCompletionTests: XCTestCase {
sortText: nil,
filterText: ".myMap(:)",
insertText: """
?.myMap { ${1:Int} in
?.myMap(${1:\\{ ${2:Int} in ${3:Bool} \\}})
insertTextFormat: .snippet,
textEdit: .textEdit(
range: positions["1️⃣"]..<positions["2️⃣"],
newText: """
?.myMap { ${1:Int} in
?.myMap(${1:\\{ ${2:Int} in ${3:Bool} \\}})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -960,22 +952,14 @@ final class SwiftCompletionTests: XCTestCase {
sortText: nil,
filterText: "myMap(::)",
insertText: """
myMap { ${1:Int} in
} _: { ${3:Int} in
myMap(${1:\\{ ${2:Int} in ${3:Bool} \\}}, ${4:\\{ ${5:Int} in ${6:String} \\}})
insertTextFormat: .snippet,
textEdit: .textEdit(
range: Range(positions["1️⃣"]),
newText: """
myMap { ${1:Int} in
} _: { ${3:Int} in
myMap(${1:\\{ ${2:Int} in ${3:Bool} \\}}, ${4:\\{ ${5:Int} in ${6:String} \\}})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1012,22 +996,14 @@ final class SwiftCompletionTests: XCTestCase {
sortText: nil,
filterText: "myMap(:second:)",
insertText: """
myMap { ${1:Int} in
} second: { ${3:Int} in
myMap(${1:\\{ ${2:Int} in ${3:Bool} \\}}, second: ${4:\\{ ${5:Int} in ${6:String} \\}})
insertTextFormat: .snippet,
textEdit: .textEdit(
range: Range(positions["1️⃣"]),
newText: """
myMap { ${1:Int} in
} second: { ${3:Int} in
myMap(${1:\\{ ${2:Int} in ${3:Bool} \\}}, second: ${4:\\{ ${5:Int} in ${6:String} \\}})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1066,18 +1042,14 @@ final class SwiftCompletionTests: XCTestCase {
sortText: nil,
filterText: "myMap(:)",
insertText: """
myMap { ${1:Int} in
myMap(${1:\\{ ${2:Int} in ${3:Bool} \\}})
insertTextFormat: .snippet,
textEdit: .textEdit(
range: Range(positions["1️⃣"]),
newText: """
myMap { ${1:Int} in
myMap(${1:\\{ ${2:Int} in ${3:Bool} \\}})
Expand Down

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