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hugo + bulma = hulga


Build exampleSite, you will see:


You can also customize primary and secondary color, for example:

material color


Demo Site

My Blog


  • Based on Bulma v1
  • Small & fast
  • Basic functions:
    • category list&term pages
    • tag list&term pages
    • archives pages
  • Table of contents (TOC) sidebar
  • Modern CSS variables based dark mode
    • prefers-color-scheme media support
    • force light/dark theme
  • Static search with pagefind
  • PWA support


  1. Clone to hugo site themes folder

    git submodule add themes/hulga
  2. Enable it in config.toml

    theme = "hulga"

    and then config it.

  3. To use postcss, you should have hugo extended version installed, then copy package.json and postcss.config.js to the root of your site folder, then npm install.

  4. If your language is not en or zh-cn, you may need to add i18n files in i18n folder to show some i18n strings in this theme.

  5. Ensure the to put all content in a directory titled "post" for the theme to populate the articles. Ex. content\post

  6. To enable search page, install pagefind and run npx pagefind --site public after hugo build. Check pagefind's docs for detail.


You can check the config of the demo site in exampleSite/hugo.toml

An example of avaliable params:

baseURL = ""
languageCode = "zh-cn"
DefaultContentLanguage = "zh-cn"
title = "My New Hugo Site"
paginate = 10
theme = "hulga"

  # show in HTML meta tag
  author = "xxx"
  keywords = "HTML, hugo, CSS"
  description = "xxx's blog, xxx xx xxxx"

  # change bulma's primary color
  primaryColor = "#1d9bf0"

  # use primary color everywhere, default true
  primaryEverywhere = true

  # change bulma's link color (secondary color in this theme)
  # linkColor = "#f91880"

  # subtitle on homepage
  subtitle = "This is a subtitle"

  # copyright text on footer
  copyright = "Copyright © 2020 wlh. All rights reserved."

  # enable katex rendering on every post page, default false
  math = false

  # enable postcss, mainly for css purge (746kB->56kB->9kB gzipped, but this makes build slower), default false
  postcss = true

  # enable showing content summary below post title in home page, default false
  showSummary = true

  # set paginate on taxonomy term page (tags or categories), default 10
  termPaginate = 3

  # enable toc on every post page, default false
  toc = true

  # enable TOC auto collapse, default false
  autoCollapseToc = true

  # enable prefers-color-scheme:dark, default false
  darkMedia = true

  # enable user to toggle dark mode with a menu, default false
  darkToggle = true

  # enable hero section's is-bold effect, default false
  heroBold = false

  # enable hero section that looks like steam deck's home page, default false
  heroSteamDeck = false

  # enable PWA, prepare your icons and DON'T forget to modify manifest.json, default false
  pwa = true

  # disable jsdelivr cdn, default false
  noCDN = false

# for postcss-purgecss
# see
# [build]
#   writeStats = true

# to enable different hightlight themes in light/dark mode 
    noClasses = false

    identifier = "index"
    name = "Home"
    url = "/"
    weight = 1
    identifier = "archives"
    name = "Archives"
    url = "/archives/"
    weight = 2
    identifier = "tags"
    name = "Tags"
    url = "/tags/"
    weight = 3
    identifier = "about"
    name = "About"
    url = "/about/"
    weight = 4
    identifier = "search"
    name = "Search"
    url = "/search/"
    weight = 5

category = "categories"
tag = "tags"
