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Put all password hashing operations in one place
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Once they are all in that effect, we can start asking for either the user ID or
the IP address and use that to rate limit.

1. Move verifyPassword and verifyPasswordWithStatus to wire-subsystems
2. verifyPasswordWithStatus doesn't ask password to be updated if the current
config says that the password should be hashed with Scrypt.
3. Move PasswordStatus type to wire-subsystems as it is not part of the API.
4. Use Wire.Sem.Random (and hence openssl in prod) to generate salt.
5. Move all password tests from wire-api to wire-subsystems.
6. Use HashPassword effect for password verification everywhere.
  • Loading branch information
akshaymankar committed Dec 2, 2024
1 parent d29db85 commit 00c7a95
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Showing 25 changed files with 651 additions and 555 deletions.
307 changes: 14 additions & 293 deletions libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Password.hs
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@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}

-- This file is part of the Wire Server implementation.
Expand All @@ -20,39 +19,28 @@

module Wire.API.Password
( Password (..),
PasswordStatus (..),
PasswordReqBody (..),

-- * Misc

-- * Only for testing

import Cassandra hiding (params)
import Crypto.Error
import Crypto.KDF.Argon2 qualified as Argon2
import Crypto.KDF.Scrypt as Scrypt
import Crypto.Random
import Data.Aeson qualified as A
import Data.ByteArray hiding (length)
import Data.ByteString.Base64 qualified as B64
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as C8
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (fromStrict, toStrict)
import Data.Misc
import Data.OpenApi qualified as S
import Data.Schema
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as Text
import Imports
import OpenSSL.Random (randBytes)
import Util.Options
import Wire.API.Password.Argon2id
import Wire.API.Password.Scrypt

-- | A derived, stretched password that can be safely stored.
data Password
Expand All @@ -74,151 +62,8 @@ instance Cql Password where
Argon2Password argon2pw -> encodeArgon2HashedPassword argon2pw
ScryptPassword scryptpw -> encodeScryptPassword scryptpw

data Argon2HashedPassword = Argon2HashedPassword
{ opts :: Argon2.Options,
salt :: ByteString,
hashedKey :: ByteString

data ScryptHashedPassword = ScryptHashedPassword
{ params :: ScryptParameters,
salt :: ByteString,
hashedKey :: ByteString

data PasswordStatus
= PasswordStatusOk
| PasswordStatusNeedsUpdate
deriving (Show, Eq)


data ScryptParameters = ScryptParameters
{ -- | Bytes to randomly generate as a unique salt, default is __32__
saltLength :: Word32,
-- | log2(N) rounds to hash, default is __14__ (i.e. 2^14 rounds)
rounds :: Word32,
-- | Block size, default is __8__
-- Limits are min: @1@, and max: @blockSize * scryptParallelism < 2 ^ 30@
blockSize :: Word32,
-- | Parallelism factor, default is __1__
-- Limits are min: @0@, and max: @blockSize * scryptParallelism < 2 ^ 30@
parallelism :: Word32,
-- | Output key length in bytes, default is __64__
outputLength :: Word32
deriving (Eq, Show)

defaultScryptParams :: ScryptParameters
defaultScryptParams =
{ saltLength = 32,
rounds = 14,
blockSize = 8,
parallelism = 1,
outputLength = 64

fromScrypt :: ScryptParameters -> Parameters
fromScrypt scryptParams =
{ n = 2 ^ scryptParams.rounds,
r = fromIntegral scryptParams.blockSize,
p = fromIntegral scryptParams.parallelism,
outputLength = 64

argon2OptsFromHashingOpts :: Argon2idOptions -> Argon2.Options
argon2OptsFromHashingOpts Argon2idOptions {..} =
{ variant = Argon2.Argon2id,
version = Argon2.Version13,
iterations = iterations,
memory = memory,
parallelism = parallelism


-- | Generate a strong, random plaintext password of length 16
-- containing only alphanumeric characters, '+' and '/'.
genPassword :: (MonadIO m) => m PlainTextPassword8
genPassword =
liftIO . fmap (plainTextPassword8Unsafe . Text.decodeUtf8 . B64.encode) $
randBytes 12

mkSafePasswordScrypt :: (MonadIO m) => PlainTextPassword' t -> m Password
mkSafePasswordScrypt = fmap ScryptPassword . hashPasswordScrypt . Text.encodeUtf8 . fromPlainTextPassword

mkSafePassword :: (MonadIO m) => Argon2.Options -> PlainTextPassword' t -> m Password
mkSafePassword opts = fmap Argon2Password . hashPasswordArgon2id opts . Text.encodeUtf8 . fromPlainTextPassword

-- | Verify a plaintext password from user input against a stretched
-- password from persistent storage.
verifyPassword :: PlainTextPassword' t -> Password -> Bool
verifyPassword = (fst .) . verifyPasswordWithStatus

verifyPasswordWithStatus :: PlainTextPassword' t -> Password -> (Bool, PasswordStatus)
verifyPasswordWithStatus (fromPlainTextPassword -> plain) hashed =
case hashed of
(Argon2Password Argon2HashedPassword {..}) ->
let producedKey = hashPasswordWithOptions opts (Text.encodeUtf8 plain) salt
in (hashedKey `constEq` producedKey, PasswordStatusOk)
(ScryptPassword ScryptHashedPassword {..}) ->
let producedKey = hashPasswordWithParams params (Text.encodeUtf8 plain) salt
in (hashedKey `constEq` producedKey, PasswordStatusNeedsUpdate)

hashPasswordScrypt :: (MonadIO m) => ByteString -> m ScryptHashedPassword
hashPasswordScrypt password = do
salt <- newSalt $ fromIntegral defaultScryptParams.saltLength
let params = defaultScryptParams
let hashedKey = hashPasswordWithParams params password salt
pure $! ScryptHashedPassword {..}

encodeScryptPassword :: ScryptHashedPassword -> Text
encodeScryptPassword ScryptHashedPassword {..} =
[ showT defaultScryptParams.rounds,
showT defaultScryptParams.blockSize,
showT defaultScryptParams.parallelism,
Text.decodeUtf8 . B64.encode $ salt,
Text.decodeUtf8 . B64.encode $ hashedKey

hashPasswordArgon2id :: (MonadIO m) => Argon2.Options -> ByteString -> m Argon2HashedPassword
hashPasswordArgon2id opts pwd = do
salt <- newSalt 16
pure $! hashPasswordArgon2idWithSalt opts salt pwd

hashPasswordArgon2idWithSalt :: Argon2.Options -> ByteString -> ByteString -> Argon2HashedPassword
hashPasswordArgon2idWithSalt opts salt pwd = do
let hashedKey = hashPasswordWithOptions opts pwd salt
in Argon2HashedPassword {..}

encodeArgon2HashedPassword :: Argon2HashedPassword -> Text
encodeArgon2HashedPassword Argon2HashedPassword {..} =
let optsStr =
[ "m=" <> showT opts.memory,
"t=" <> showT opts.iterations,
"p=" <> showT opts.parallelism
in "$argon2"
<> Text.intercalate
[ variantToCode opts.variant,
"v=" <> versionToNum opts.version,
encodeWithoutPadding salt,
encodeWithoutPadding hashedKey
encodeWithoutPadding = Text.dropWhileEnd (== '=') . Text.decodeUtf8 . B64.encode

parsePassword :: Text -> Either String Password
parsePassword expected =
case parseArgon2idPasswordHashOptions expected of
Expand All @@ -233,139 +78,6 @@ parsePassword expected =
<> ", Scrypt parse error: "
<> scryptParseError

newSalt :: (MonadIO m) => Int -> m ByteString
newSalt i = liftIO $ getRandomBytes i
{-# INLINE newSalt #-}

parseArgon2idPasswordHashOptions :: Text -> Either String Argon2HashedPassword
parseArgon2idPasswordHashOptions passwordHash = do
let paramsList = Text.split (== '$') passwordHash
-- The first param is empty string b/c the string begins with a separator `$`.
case paramsList of
["", variantStr, verStr, opts, salt, hashedKey64] -> do
version <- parseVersion verStr
parseAll variantStr version opts salt hashedKey64
["", variantStr, opts, salt, hashedKey64] -> do
parseAll variantStr Argon2.Version10 opts salt hashedKey64
_ -> Left $ "failed to parse argon2id hashed password, expected 5 or 6 params, got: " <> show (length paramsList)
parseVersion =
maybe (Left "failed to parse argon2 version") Right
. splitMaybe "v=" numToVersion

parseAll :: Text -> Argon2.Version -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Either String Argon2HashedPassword
parseAll variantStr version parametersStr salt64 hashedKey64 = do
variant <- parseVariant variantStr
(memory, iterations, parallelism) <- parseParameters parametersStr
-- We pad the Base64 with '=' chars because we drop them while encoding this.
-- At the time of implementation we've opted to be consistent with how the
-- CLI of the reference implementation of Argon2id outputs this.
salt <- from64 $ unsafePad64 salt64
hashedKey <- from64 $ unsafePad64 hashedKey64
pure $ Argon2HashedPassword {opts = (Argon2.Options {..}), ..}
parseVariant =
maybe (Left "failed to parse argon2 variant") Right
. splitMaybe "argon2" letterToVariant
parseParameters paramsT =
let paramsList = Text.split (== ',') paramsT
in go paramsList (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
go [] (Just m, Just t, Just p) = Right (m, t, p)
go [] (Nothing, _, _) = Left "failed to parse Argon2Options: failed to read parameter 'm'"
go [] (_, Nothing, _) = Left "failed to parse Argon2Options: failed to read parameter 't'"
go [] (_, _, Nothing) = Left "failed to parse Argon2Options: failed to read parameter 'p'"
go (x : xs) (m, t, p) =
case Text.splitAt 2 x of
("m=", i) -> go xs (readT i, t, p)
("t=", i) -> go xs (m, readT i, p)
("p=", i) -> go xs (m, t, readT i)
(unknownParam, _) -> Left $ "failed to parse Argon2Options: Unknown param: " <> Text.unpack unknownParam

parseScryptPasswordHashParams :: ByteString -> Either String ScryptHashedPassword
parseScryptPasswordHashParams passwordHash = do
let paramList = Text.split (== '|') . Text.decodeUtf8 $ passwordHash
case paramList of
[roundsStr, blockSizeStr, parallelismStr, salt64, hashedKey64] -> do
rounds <- eitherFromMaybe "rounds" $ readT roundsStr
blockSize <- eitherFromMaybe "blockSize" $ readT blockSizeStr
parallelism <- eitherFromMaybe "parellelism" $ readT parallelismStr
salt <- from64 salt64
hashedKey <- from64 hashedKey64
let outputLength = fromIntegral $ C8.length hashedKey
saltLength = fromIntegral $ C8.length salt
pure $ ScryptHashedPassword {params = ScryptParameters {..}, ..}
_ -> Left $ "failed to parse ScryptHashedPassword: expected exactly 5 params"
eitherFromMaybe :: String -> Maybe a -> Either String a
eitherFromMaybe paramName = maybe (Left $ "failed to parse scrypt parameter: " <> paramName) Right


hashPasswordWithOptions :: Argon2.Options -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
hashPasswordWithOptions opts password salt = do
let tagSize = 16
case (Argon2.hash opts password salt tagSize) of
-- CryptoFailed occurs when salt, output or input are too small/big.
-- since we control those values ourselves, it should never have a runtime error
CryptoFailed cErr -> error $ "Impossible error: " <> show cErr
CryptoPassed hash -> hash

hashPasswordWithParams ::
( ByteArrayAccess password,
ByteArrayAccess salt
) =>
ScryptParameters ->
password ->
salt ->
hashPasswordWithParams parameters password salt = convert (generate (fromScrypt parameters) password salt :: Bytes)


-- | Makes a letter out of the variant
variantToCode :: Argon2.Variant -> Text
variantToCode = \case
Argon2.Argon2i -> "i"
Argon2.Argon2d -> "d"
Argon2.Argon2id -> "id"

-- | Parses the variant parameter in the encoded hash
letterToVariant :: Text -> Maybe Argon2.Variant
letterToVariant = \case
"i" -> Just Argon2.Argon2i
"d" -> Just Argon2.Argon2d
"id" -> Just Argon2.Argon2id
_ -> Nothing

-- | Parses the "v=" parameter in the encoded hash
numToVersion :: Text -> Maybe Argon2.Version
numToVersion "16" = Just Argon2.Version10
numToVersion "19" = Just Argon2.Version13
numToVersion _ = Nothing

-- | Makes number for the "v=" parameter in the encoded hash
versionToNum :: Argon2.Version -> Text
versionToNum Argon2.Version10 = "16"
versionToNum Argon2.Version13 = "19"

-- | Strips the given 'match' if it matches and uses
-- the function on the remainder of the given text.
splitMaybe :: Text -> (Text -> Maybe a) -> Text -> Maybe a
splitMaybe match f t =
Text.stripPrefix match t >>= f

-- | (UNSAFE) Pad a base64 text to "length `rem` 4 == 0" with "="
-- prop> \bs -> let b64 = encodeBase64 bs in unsafePad64 (T.dropWhileEnd (== '=') b64) == b64
unsafePad64 :: Text -> Text
unsafePad64 t
| remains == 0 = t
| otherwise = t <> pad
remains = Text.length t `rem` 4
pad = Text.replicate (4 - remains) "="

-- Type that can be used to pass a plaintext password as a request body

Expand All @@ -379,3 +91,12 @@ instance ToSchema PasswordReqBody where
object "PasswordReqBody" $
<$> fromPasswordReqBody .= maybe_ (optField "password" schema)


-- | Generate a strong, random plaintext password of length 16
-- containing only alphanumeric characters, '+' and '/'.
genPassword :: (MonadIO m) => m PlainTextPassword8
genPassword =
liftIO . fmap (plainTextPassword8Unsafe . Text.decodeUtf8 . B64.encode) $
randBytes 12

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