Rouph is an open source programming language, made with reference to rui314/chibicc and here.
There are three way to install rouph; using a precompiled binary, install from source or using docker. Using docker is easiest and recommended. Please note that Rouph is available to run only on x86-64 architecture, GNU/Linux distribution.
To install a precompiled binary, download the zip package from here. Make sure to put it on $PATH
To compile from source, you need Go1.15 or later runtime. After Go environment setup, clone the source code, fetch dependencies and build by running the following command,
git clone
cd rouph
To use docker, run the following command.
git clone
cd rouph
docker build -t rouph:latest .
docker run -ti rouph:latest
To compile rouph
source code, you must provide the command as following.
# build only
rouph build main.rouph
# build and execute immediately
rouph run main.rouph
Sample Rouph source code are also placed on sample
. If you want to build sample/hello-world.rouph, provide the command as following,
rouph build sample/hello-world.rouph
If you want to build and run sample/hello-world.rouph, provide the command as following,
rouph run sample/hello-world.rouph
Language specification is defined on
Licensed under the MIT License.