JupyTEP IDE / Jupyteo project description
The main objective of building Jupyter notebook IDE for EO data processing scripts and services is the extension of Jupyter software ecosystem and customization of existing components for the needs of EO scientists and other professional and non-professional users. The general approach is based on configuration, customisation, adaptation and mostly extension of Jupyter, Docker and Spark components on EO data cloud infrastructure - the first candidate is IPT: Innovative Platform Testbed Poland in most flexible way, and on integration with accessible libraries and EO data tools (SNAP, GDAL, etc.).
User-oriented product will be based on web-related user interface in form of extended and modified Jupyter UI (frontend) with customized layout, EO data processing extension, a set of predefined notebooks, widgets and tools. Final IDE will be targeted at remote sensing experts and scientists as well as users who can develop Jupyter notebook with reuse of embedded tools, common WPS interfaces and existing notebooks. The proposed activity is, therefore, well in line with the objectives of the EOEP-5, especially the Programme’s Block 4: “EO Science for Society”.
Staff of the prime contractor Wasat actively participated in a number of consultation workshops and meetings with ESA, thus gaining the decent understanding of the Agency’s plans and expectations. What should be also beneficial for the quality of work in the project is the fact that, apart from software development activities, Wasat provides operationally services partly based on EO data. The company’s customers form a heterogeneous group, which includes advanced users with a scientific or technical background and expectations of state-of-the art service functionalities. Working relations with such users should facilitate a proper design and development of the useful and popular Jupyter notebook IDE.
The operational version of Jupyteo is available on www.jupyteo.com where every user can try all functionalities of our Jupyter EO data processing environment. For more information please visit JupyTEP IDE wiki pages or our YouTube channel with couple of manual movies - JupyTEP IDE YouTube.