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voodoos committed Sep 25, 2024
1 parent 032426b commit bab41ad
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Showing 125 changed files with 9,931 additions and 10,290 deletions.
182 changes: 96 additions & 86 deletions src/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
(* {{{ COPYING *(
This file is part of Merlin, an helper for ocaml editors
This file is part of Merlin, an helper for ocaml editors
Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015 Frédéric Bour <frederic.bour(_)>
Thomas Refis <refis.thomas(_)>
Simon Castellan <simon.castellan(_)>
Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015 Frédéric Bour <frederic.bour(_)>
Thomas Refis <refis.thomas(_)>
Simon Castellan <simon.castellan(_)>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
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The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
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The Software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or
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The Software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or
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in the Software.
)* }}} *)
)* }}} *)

open Std

Expand All @@ -34,57 +34,67 @@ let dummy_type_scheme desc =
let print_constructor c =
let open Types in
match c.cstr_args with
| [] ->
(dummy_type_scheme (get_desc c.cstr_res))
| [] -> Printtyp.tree_of_type_scheme (dummy_type_scheme (get_desc c.cstr_res))
| args ->
let desc = Tarrow (Ast_helper.no_label,
dummy_type_scheme (Ttuple args),
c.cstr_res, commu_ok)
let desc =
( Ast_helper.no_label,
dummy_type_scheme (Ttuple args),
commu_ok )
Printtyp.tree_of_type_scheme (dummy_type_scheme desc)

let summary_prev = function
| Env.Env_empty -> None
| Env.Env_open (s,_) | Env.Env_value (s,_,_)
| Env.Env_type (s,_,_) | Env.Env_extension (s,_,_)
| Env.Env_module (s,_,_,_) | Env.Env_modtype (s,_,_)
| Env.Env_class (s,_,_) | Env.Env_cltype (s,_,_)
| Env.Env_functor_arg (s,_)
| Env.Env_constraints (s,_)
| Env.Env_open (s, _)
| Env.Env_value (s, _, _)
| Env.Env_type (s, _, _)
| Env.Env_extension (s, _, _)
| Env.Env_module (s, _, _, _)
| Env.Env_modtype (s, _, _)
| Env.Env_class (s, _, _)
| Env.Env_cltype (s, _, _)
| Env.Env_functor_arg (s, _)
| Env.Env_constraints (s, _)
| Env.Env_copy_types s
| Env.Env_persistent (s,_)
| Env.Env_value_unbound (s, _, _) | Env.Env_module_unbound (s, _, _) ->
Some s
| Env.Env_persistent (s, _)
| Env.Env_value_unbound (s, _, _)
| Env.Env_module_unbound (s, _, _) -> Some s

let signature_of_env ?(ignore_extensions=true) env =
let signature_of_env ?(ignore_extensions = true) env =
let signature_of_summary =
let open Env in
let open Types in
(* FIXME: the use of [Exported] here is wrong... The compiler should export
that information. *)
that information. *)
| Env_value (_,i,v) -> Some (Sig_value (i,v,Exported))
| Env_value (_, i, v) -> Some (Sig_value (i, v, Exported))
(* Trec_not == bluff, FIXME *)
| Env_type (_,i,t) -> Some (Sig_type (i,t,Trec_not,Exported))
| Env_type (_, i, t) -> Some (Sig_type (i, t, Trec_not, Exported))
(* Texp_first == bluff, FIXME *)
| Env_extension (_,i,e) ->
begin match e.ext_type_path with
| Env_extension (_, i, e) -> begin
match e.ext_type_path with
| Path.Pident id when id = "exn" ->
Some (Sig_typext (i,e, Text_exception, Exported))
| _ ->
Some (Sig_typext (i,e, Text_first, Exported))
| Env_module (_,i,pr,m) -> Some (Sig_module (i,pr,m,Trec_not,Exported))
| Env_modtype (_,i,m) -> Some (Sig_modtype (i,m,Exported))
| Env_class (_,i,c) -> Some (Sig_class (i,c,Trec_not,Exported))
| Env_cltype (_,i,c) -> Some (Sig_class_type (i,c,Trec_not,Exported))
| Env_open _ | Env_empty | Env_functor_arg _
| Env_constraints _ | Env_copy_types _ | Env_persistent _
| Env_value_unbound _ | Env_module_unbound _ -> None
Some (Sig_typext (i, e, Text_exception, Exported))
| _ -> Some (Sig_typext (i, e, Text_first, Exported))
| Env_module (_, i, pr, m) ->
Some (Sig_module (i, pr, m, Trec_not, Exported))
| Env_modtype (_, i, m) -> Some (Sig_modtype (i, m, Exported))
| Env_class (_, i, c) -> Some (Sig_class (i, c, Trec_not, Exported))
| Env_cltype (_, i, c) -> Some (Sig_class_type (i, c, Trec_not, Exported))
| Env_open _
| Env_empty
| Env_functor_arg _
| Env_constraints _
| Env_copy_types _
| Env_persistent _
| Env_value_unbound _
| Env_module_unbound _ -> None
let summary_module_ident_opt = function
| Env.Env_module (_,i,_,_) -> Some i
| Env.Env_module (_, i, _, _) -> Some i
| _ -> None
let sg = ref [] in
Expand All @@ -98,54 +108,54 @@ let signature_of_env ?(ignore_extensions=true) env =
aux (Env.summary env);
(* Since 4.08 one can't simply call [simplify]. *)
(* Typemod.simplify_signature *) (!sg)
(* Typemod.simplify_signature *)

let dump_browse node =
let attr attr =
let ({Location . txt; loc},payload) = Ast_helper.Attr.as_tuple attr in
`Assoc [
"start" , Lexing.json_of_position loc.Location.loc_start;
"end" , Lexing.json_of_position loc.Location.loc_end;
"name" , `String (txt ^ if payload = Parsetree.PStr [] then "" else " _")
let { Location.txt; loc }, payload = Ast_helper.Attr.as_tuple attr in
[ ("start", Lexing.json_of_position loc.Location.loc_start);
("end", Lexing.json_of_position loc.Location.loc_end);
( "name",
`String (txt ^ if payload = Parsetree.PStr [] then "" else " _") )
let rec append env node acc =
let loc = Mbrowse.node_loc node in
`Assoc [
"filename" , `String loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_fname;
"start" , Lexing.json_of_position loc.Location.loc_start;
"end" , Lexing.json_of_position loc.Location.loc_end;
"ghost" , `Bool loc.Location.loc_ghost;
"attrs" , `List ( ~f:attr (Browse_raw.node_attributes node));
"kind" , `String (Browse_raw.string_of_node node);
"children" , dump_list env node
] :: acc
[ ("filename", `String loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_fname);
("start", Lexing.json_of_position loc.Location.loc_start);
("end", Lexing.json_of_position loc.Location.loc_end);
("ghost", `Bool loc.Location.loc_ghost);
("attrs", `List ( ~f:attr (Browse_raw.node_attributes node)));
("kind", `String (Browse_raw.string_of_node node));
("children", dump_list env node)
:: acc
and dump_list env node =
`List (List.sort ~cmp:compare @@
Mbrowse.fold_node append env node [])
`List (List.sort ~cmp:compare @@ Mbrowse.fold_node append env node [])
`List (append Env.empty node [])

let annotate_tail_calls (ts : Mbrowse.t) :
(Env.t * Browse_raw.node * Query_protocol.is_tail_position) list =
(Env.t * Browse_raw.node * Query_protocol.is_tail_position) list =
let is_one_of candidates node = List.mem node ~set:candidates in
let find_entry_points candidates (env, node) =
Tail_analysis.entry_points node,
(env, node, is_one_of candidates node) in
(Tail_analysis.entry_points node, (env, node, is_one_of candidates node))
let _, entry_points = List.fold_n_map ts ~f:find_entry_points ~init:[] in
let propagate candidates (env, node, entry) =
let is_in_tail = entry || is_one_of candidates node in
(if is_in_tail
then Tail_analysis.tail_positions node
else []),
(env, node, is_in_tail) in
( (if is_in_tail then Tail_analysis.tail_positions node else []),
(env, node, is_in_tail) )
let _, tail_positions = List.fold_n_map entry_points ~f:propagate ~init:[] in ~f:(fun (env, node, tail) ->
env, node,
if not tail then
else if Tail_analysis.is_call node then
~f:(fun (env, node, tail) ->
( env,
if not tail then `No
else if Tail_analysis.is_call node then `Tail_call
else `Tail_position ))

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