Release 1 - Resumo
Objetivos Alcançados
Entrega do MVP:
- Definição e desenvolvimento da estrutura do backend.
- Desenvolvimento da API em Node.js
- Desenvolvimento do scraper e do ETL
- Desenvolvimento do banco de dados com PostgreSQL
- Desenvolvimento de testes unitários
Desenvolvimento e Configuração de Máquinas:
- Estudos aprofundados em Typescript, Express, Selenium, Pandas, Python e SQL.
- Configuração de máquinas e preparação do ambiente de desenvolvimento.
- Entrega da aplicação em produção.
Documentação, Qualidade e Deploy:
- Documentação da API com swagger.
- Deploy da API utilizando vercel.
- Pipelines de qualidade de código com linter, testes unitários e build.
- Pipeline para deploy automatizado na main.
Próximos Passos
- Continuar a expansão da API para tratar mais dados de acordo com a expansão do escopo do projeto.
- Extração de dados dos anos futuros, quando possível.
Esta Release representa um marco importante no desenvolvimento do projeto, estabelecendo a entrega final do mesmo.
What's Changed
- feat(#3): creating initial backend structure by @dudupaz in #5
- feat(#3): creating initial routes by @DanielFsR in #8
- Feature #6/implement routes and controllers by @dudupaz in #9
- Feature #7/services by @DanielFsR in #10
- Feature#11/implement tests by @rafgpereira in #14
- ci#13: includes quality workflow by @rafgpereira in #15
- Feature #18/matriculas service ordenation by @DanielFsR in #19
- Feat #17/ranking service by @DanielFsR in #20
- feat#22: implements supabase connection by @rafgpereira in #23
- Feature#24/api documentation by @rafgpereira in #26
- feat#27: includes nodemon to run api by @rafgpereira in #28
- Feat #30/static return by @DanielFsR in #32
- Feature #16/indicators service by @dudupaz in #29
- feat: includes deploy configuration by @rafgpereira in #34
- Feature#33/deploy configuration by @rafgpereira in #35
- Feature#33/deploy configuration by @rafgpereira in #37
- feat#33: includes deploy express ci by @rafgpereira in #38
- update main by @rafgpereira in #39
- Feature#33/deploy configuration by @rafgpereira in #40
- update main by @rafgpereira in #41
- feat#27: return nodemon configuration by @rafgpereira in #48
- feat#49: includes pre commit tests by @rafgpereira in #50
- Feat #36/matriculas repository psql by @DanielFsR in #51
- deploy matriculas route by @rafgpereira in #52
- Feature#53/frontend align by @rafgpereira in #54
- randomic static returns by @rafgpereira in #55
- feat(#56): includes codecov on quality pipeline by @rafgpereira in #57
- feat(#56): includes codecov by @rafgpereira in #58
- Feat #59/ranking implementation by @DanielFsR in #60
- Feat #61/implement indicadores by @DanielFsR in #62
- Create by @DanielFsR in #63
- Create by @DanielFsR in #65
- Create by @DanielFsR in #64
- merge develop by @rafgpereira in #66
- Feature #68/api architecture by @dudupaz in #69
- Feature #1/inep data scraper by @johan-rocha in #70
- scraper-etl by @rafgpereira in #71
New Contributors
- @dudupaz made their first contribution in #5
- @DanielFsR made their first contribution in #8
- @rafgpereira made their first contribution in #14
- @johan-rocha made their first contribution in #70
Full Changelog: