Util 22.2.0
released this
04 Mar 16:09
151 commits
to develop
since this release
New Features
- util-core: Added Memoize.classValue as a Scala-friendly API for java.lang.ClassValue. b696fdfd
- util-jvm: Register JVM expression including memory pool usages (including code cache, compressed class space,
eden space, sheap, metaspace, survivor space, and old gen) and open file descriptors count in StatsReceiver.
ad617fe9 - util-slf4j-jul-bridge: Add Slf4jBridge trait which can be mixed into extensions of c.t.app.App in
order to attempt installation of the SLF4JBridgeHandler via the Slf4jBridgeUtility in the constructor
of the c.t.app.App instance. ab73d64f
Runtime Behavior Changes
- util-slf4j-api: Update the Logger API to include "call-by-name" method
variations akin to the Logging trait. When creating a Logger from a
Scala singleton object class, the resultant logger name will no longer include
the $ suffix. Remove the deprecated Loggers object which is no longer
needed for Java compatibility as users can now directly use the Logger
apply functions with no additional ceremony. cd99f165 - util: Bump version of Caffeine to 2.9.3. 07b5c2ef
Breaking API Changes
- util-core: The c.t.util.Responder trait has been removed. 88d3c95a