Copy pictures to folders based on their exif date information.
Simple python3 utility script that copies or moves images from an input folder to an output folder hierarchy that may depend on exif date information of the pictures. This means that the specified output folder may contain the placeholders '%d', '%m', or '%y' for the day, month, or year of the image's 'EXIF DateTimeOriginal' information. The script can also search for sidecar (.xmp) files and perform the same copy / move operations on them as on the pictures.
One can also specify a command to be run after copying the single files, so that the pictures may e.g. be compressed.
For the script to work, from exifread import process_file
must succeed in
Python 3.2 or above (this requires the exifread
The script should work on every OS, but only linux is tested by the author.
%y: year
%m: month
%d: day
%f: file name
%b: base name (file name without extension)
%n: processing number (each picture to be processed obtains such a number)
Usage: Portpics -- Copy/move image files based on exif date information
[-h] [-i INDIR] [-o OUTDIR] [-e EXTS] [-n NAME] [-c COMMAND]
[-D DIGITS] [-O OFFSET] [-R] [-s] [-v] [-q] [-r] [-d]
-i,--input input directory
-o,--output output directory
-e,--extensions comma separated list of file extensions that are
searched for in the input directory [default: jpg]
-n,--name name of the output files; may contain %y,%m,%d,%f,%b,%n;
in this case %f is the basename of the original
target file [default: %f]
-c,--command command that shall be applied on the copied files;
may contain %y,%m,%d,%f,%b,%n; in this case %f and %b are the
names of the copied file
-D,--digits number of digits that %n is replaced with; e.g. for
10 pictures and -p 3 the values of %n would go from
001 to 010 [default: digits of number of pictures]
-O,--offset offset of %n; -O 10 would mean that %n starts at 11
instead of at 1. (-D and -O allow to get a consistent
numbering with %n between different runs of portpics)
[default: 0]
-R,--recursive if given the input directory is searched recursively
-s,--sidecar if given sidecar files (.xmp, .XMP) are also copied
/ moved
-v,--verbose if given more information is printed
-q,--quiet causes the script to run quietly
-r,--replace if given target files that already exist are overwritten
(by default they are not!)
-d,--delete if given the pictures are moved to their destination
instead of copied.
Examples of usage:
./ -i /media/mmcblk0p1/DCIM/ -o ~/pictures/%y/%m/%d -e jpg,raw
./ -i ... -o ... -e jpg -c 'convert %f -resize 2000 -quality 70% small_%f'
- testing (especially, if shutils.copy2 is the right choice)...
- Compression?
- SSH?
- Sort by date so that %n is deterministic on the pictures