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@CodeNinjaEvan CodeNinjaEvan released this 29 Nov 06:24


Mandatory upgrade

New Features


  1. TIP-697: Migrate pow operation from java.lang.Math to java.lang.StrictMath for cross-platform computational consistency. (#6098)


  1. Solve temporary block synchronization failure in event subscription nodes due to event handling exceptions. (#6096)

  2. Support graceful shutdown with signal -15 (SIGTERM) for nodes enabling backup. (#6095)

  3. Improve duration metrics accuracy of gRPC interfaces. (#6097)

  4. Optimize precompiled contracts. (#6101)

Integrity Check

All available JAR files in this release are signed via this GPG key.
For more information about the GPG public key, please refer to: Integrity Check.

From the download listings below you should see links to the downloadable jar files as well as sig signature files. To verify the authenticity of any jar file, grab the jar and sig files with the same prefix name and then execute the verification process: GPG signature verification

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