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Taxon core

Peter Desmet edited this page Aug 29, 2018 · 8 revisions

The taxon core is the core of any checklist. It is defined as:

The category of information pertaining to taxonomic names, taxon name usages, or taxon concepts.

It contains record-level and Taxon Darwin Core terms. Depending on the source data, we recommend to use the following terms:

term mapping example
language vocabulary, static en
license URL, static
rightsHolder abbreviation, static INBO
datasetID DOI, static
institutionCode abbreviation, static (inclusion of this term is pending) INBO
datasetName title, static Checklist of non-native freshwater fishes in Flanders, Belgium
taxonID unique identifier (see Taxon IDs) alien-fishes-checklist:taxon:dec8ee68b3fae146c056b4972e3e6b83
scientificName well-formed name (see Scientific names) Acipenser baeri
kingdom one of the kingdoms Animalia
taxonRank vocabulary (see Taxon ranks) species
nomenclaturalCode abbreviation, static ICZN

For the full list of terms and definitions, see Darwin Core Taxon. For detailed information on how to publish a Darwin Core Archive checklist, see the GBIF Best Practices in Publishing Species Checklists.

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