- Install dependencies for python
pip install docker
- For obtaining the Docker image for Mission Control Adaptation
cd adaptive_mc
docker build . -t mca:latest
- Start running the docker image
gui-docker --name sim_container mca:latest sleep infinity
- Start terminal #1 for running the simulation scenario in Gazebo
python3 open_terminal.py
This script will open a terminal, inside the terminal type the command:
roslaunch nav_goals mission_scenario.launch
- Start terminal #2 for running the simulation scenario in Gazebo
python3 open_terminal.py
This script will open a terminal, inside the terminal type the command:
rosrun nav_goals robot_controller.py -ns 1
- Start terminal #3 for running the simulation scenario in Gazebo
python3 open_terminal.py
This script will open a terminal, inside the terminal type the command:
rosrun nav_goals robot_controller.py -ns 2