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Scaffolding for PowerShell Modules.

Getting Started

  1. Installation process

    Without Repository available, clone directly from Git:

    $CloneType = 'https' # HTTPS or SSH
    $ModuleName = 'PsModuleTemplate'
    $ProjectName = '' # VSTS only, use $null if github
    $OrgName = 'tonypags'
    $uri = if $(ProjectName) {
        if ($CloneType -eq 'https') {
        } else {
            "[email protected]:v3/$($OrgName)/$($ProjectName)/$($ModuleName)"
    } else {
        if ($CloneType -eq 'https') {
        } else {
            "[email protected]:$($OrgName)/$(ModuleName).git"
    $ModuleParent = $env:PSModulePath -split ';' | Where {$_ -like "*$($env:USERNAME)*"} | Select -First 1
    Set-Location $ModuleParent
    git clone $uri
  2. Build a new Module:

    cd PsModuleTemplate
    & .\Scripts\Start-ThisPlaster.ps1

  1. Dependencies

    This module has the following PowerShell Dependancies:
    Plaster Pester
    This module has the following Software Dependancies:
    This module has no dependancies other than a supported Windows OS.

  1. Version History

    • v0.1.0.1 - Initial Commit.

    • v0.1.1.2 - Added more info to readme template, private test file.

      • v0.1.5.3 - Adding Plaster template, starting migration to Plaster.

Build, Test, and Publish

  1. Pester test.

  2. Get next version number v#.#.#.# and a comment [string] for the change log.

  3. Create a new Package folder as .\Package\v#.#.#.#\

  4. Copy the PSD1 files in as-is.

    Update the version number and copyright date if required.

    Update the Exported Function Name array with the basenames of the files under the .\ folder only.

  5. Create a new, blank PSM1 file in here.

    Populate it with all of the PS1 files' content from the .\ and .\Private folders.

  6. Create a NUSPEC file and update the version and change log.

  7. Build the NuGet package.

  8. Push to private repo.


  1. Add your changes to a new feature branch.

  2. Add Pester tests for your changes.

  3. Push your branch to origin.

  4. Submit a PR with description of changes.

  5. Follow up in 2 business days.


Scaffolding for PowerShell Modules.






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