Prediction rating of feedback based on ML.
$ composer install
Save your dataset in datasets/feedbacks.csv
(if you need).
$ bin/console list
$ bin/console <command> --help
Compare accuracy of different classifiers and tokenizers:
$ bin/console app:compare
8/8 [============================] 100%
| Tokenizer | Classifier | Accuracy |
| WordTokenizer | NaiveBayes | 0.91814946619217 |
| WordTokenizer | SVC | 0.97508896797153 |
| WordTokenizer | KNearestNeighbors | 0.94661921708185 |
| NGramTokenizer | NaiveBayes | 0.91814946619217 |
| NGramTokenizer | SVC | 0.97508896797153 |
| NGramTokenizer | KNearestNeighbors | 0.94661921708185 |
Train model:
$ bin/console app:train
Model trained, file: model.wordtokenizer_naivebayes
Train specific model:
$ bin/console app:train --help
app:train [options]
-t, --tokenizer[=TOKENIZER] WordTokenizer|NGramTokenizer [default: "WordTokenizer"]
-c, --classifier[=CLASSIFIER] NaiveBayes|SVC|KNearestNeighbors [default: "NaiveBayes"]
Allowed classifiers and tokenizers
$ bin/console app:train -t NGramTokenizer -c SVC
Model trained, file: model.ngramtokenizer_svc
Rate feedback:
$ bin/console app:rate 'Delivered as promised. So far works great!'
Rating: positive
$ bin/console app:rate 'Package arrived 24 late. Bad experience'
Rating: negative
API is based on API Platform. Start the built-in PHP server:
$ php -S -t public
$ curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/ld+json" -H "Content-Type: application/ld+json" -d "{\"feedback\":\"Delivered as promised\\rSo far works great!\"}"
"@context": "/api/contexts/Rating",
"@id": "/api/ratings/Delivered%2520as%2520promised%250DSo%2520far%2520works%2520great%2521",
"@type": "Rating",
"feedback": "Delivered as promised\rSo far works great!",
"ratingValue": "positive",
"classifier": "NaiveBayes",
"tokenizer": "WordTokenizer"