These are routines implement Evidence of Absence Regression (EoAR) which estimates the number of missed entities after a series of searches and relates them to covariates. Special cases are the Evidence of Absence (EoA) model of Huso et al. (2015) and the Informed Evidence of Absence (IEoA) approaches.
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The main routine is eoa
. It takes a count vector, model for lambda, and g-values,
Here is an example :
This is fake data from a three year study on seven sites. First, the
alpha and beta parameters for g-value distributions, one per year.
ns <- 3 ny <- 7 g <- data.frame( alpha = rnorm(ns*ny,70,2), beta = rnorm(ns*ny,700,25) )
This is the carcasses count vector, one count per site per year.
Y <- rbinom(ns*ny, c(rep(20,ny), rep(40,ny), rep(60,ny)), g$alpha/(g$alpha+g$beta))
This is the covariate data frame. This data frame contains Year as a linear effect (1,2,3,etc) and Year as a factor (2015, 2016, 2017, etc).
df <- data.frame(year=factor(c(rep("2015",ny),rep("2016",ny),rep("2017",ny))), Year=c(rep(1,ny),rep(2,ny),rep(3,ny)))
The following relates carcass deposition rates to year using vague priors for coefficients:
eoa.1 <- eoa(Y~year, g, df )
The following uses informed distributions:
# Assume prior mean is 10 and prior sd is 3
# Fit intercept-only model to get one mean lambda
intMean <- 2*log(10) - 0.5*log(3^2 + 10^2)
intSd <- sqrt(-2*log(10) + log(3^2 + 10^2))
prior <- data.frame(mean=intMean, sd=intSd, row.names="(Intercept)")
eoa.1 <- eoa(Y~1, g, df, priors=prior )
After either run, you should check convergence.
To do so, run a traceplot and Gelman stats. Any Rhats > 1.1 indicate suspect
convergence. The following commands are useful for inspecting
mixing and convergence:
gelman.diag(ieoa.1$out) # gelmanStats
gelman.plot(ieoa.1$out) # gelmanPlot