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current react-native-ticketmaster-ignite package version GitHub Actions Workflow Status released under the MIT license PR's welcome!

This library serves as a wrapper for the 3 Ticketmaster Ignite SDK's: Accounts, Retail and Tickets.

In order to use it, setup a developer account with Ticketmaster here. Once you have it you'll get an API key and scheme that you'll need to use to finish the setup (see the setting variables paragraph below).


npm install --save react-native-ticketmaster-ignite
--- or ---
yarn add react-native-ticketmaster-ignite

Setting up iOS

Edit the Podfile and set the platform to 15.0

platform :ios, '15.0'
  • cd into the ios directory and run pod install

Setting up Android

TM scheme

In your project go to android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml and add this snippet:

<string name="app_tm_modern_accounts_scheme">samplescheme</string>

Replace samplescheme with your scheme - you can find it in your Ticketmaster app settings.

Multi Scheme

If you have multiple schemes you can add them using the following format:

<string name="app_tm_modern_accounts_scheme">samplescheme1</string>
<string name="app_tm_modern_accounts_scheme_2">samplescheme2</string>
<string name="app_tm_modern_accounts_scheme_3">samplescheme3</string>
<string name="app_tm_modern_accounts_scheme_4">samplescheme4</string>
<string name="app_tm_modern_accounts_scheme_5">samplescheme5</string>

You can set up to 5 schemes

allowBackup in AndroidManifest

Open the AndroidManifest.xml file and:

  • make sure that the manifest contains xmlns:tools=""
  • add tools:replace="android:allowBackup to the application
<manifest xmlns:android=""

    <application tools:replace="android:allowBackup">

Set dataBinding to true

In android/app/build.gradle add:

android {
    buildFeatures {
        dataBinding = true

Set the minSdkVersion

In android/build.gradle set the minSdkVersion to 26.


react-native-ticketmaster-ignite exports the following modules:

  • IgniteProvider
  • AccountsSDK
  • TicketsSdkModal (iOS only)
  • TicketsSdkEmbedded
  • RetailSDK
  • useIgnite


This is the only module that must be implemented for the library to work correctly. The purpose of IgniteProvider is to pass the config options to the native code.

Props accepted are:

  • apiKey
  • clientName
  • primaryColor

In order to use it, wrap your application with the IgniteProvider and pass the API key and client name as a prop:

import { IgniteProvider } from 'react-native-ticketmaster-ignite';

    apiKey: API_KEY,
    clientName: CLIENT_NAME,
    primaryColor: PRIMARY_COLOR
    <App />

The options prop also accepts a region property US or UK. The default value is US and should be used unless you have specifically been told to set your region to UK.

autoUpdate is a prop that can be set to false to prevent IgniteProvider from rerendering your app on app launch. (⚠️ warning: if set to false, authState's isLoggedIn, memberInfo and isConfigured will not automatically update and you will have to call getMemberInfo and getIsLoggedIn manually after app restarts. The default value is true. See more on authState later on.)

import { IgniteProvider } from 'react-native-ticketmaster-ignite';

    apiKey: API_KEY,
    clientName: CLIENT_NAME,
    primaryColor: PRIMARY_COLOR
    <App />


Exposes the following functions:

  • configureAccountsSDK - Configured in IgniteProvider before <App /> is mounted, generally no need to implement this method manually.
  • login
  • logout
  • refreshToken
  • getMemberInfo
  • getToken
  • isLoggedIn


To handle authentication in a React Native app you can either use the Accounts SDK module mentioned above directly or you can use the useIgnite hook.

The useIgnite hook implements all of the native Accounts SDK methods for easy out of the box use in a React Native apps. It also provides isLoggingIn and an authState object that with properties isLoggedIn, memberInfo and isConfigured, these properties update themselves during and after authenticaion.

Once the user authenticates isLoggedIn will remain true after app restarts

isConfigured becomes true after the SDK has successfully configured and the local storage isLoggedIn value and memberInfo response data have both been retrieved from by the SDK. This makes it useful to condition for any splash screen, loading spinners or animations during app launch.


import { ActivityIndicator, Text } from 'react-native';
import { useIgnite } from 'react-native-ticketmaster-ignite';

const {
  authState: { isLoggedIn, memberInfo, isConfigured },
} = useIgnite();

try {
  await login();
} catch (e) {
  console.log('Accounts SDK login error:', (e as Error).message);

  !!isLoggingIn && (
    <View style={styles.activityIndicator}>
      <ActivityIndicator color={'blue'} size={'small'} />

{isLoggedIn && <Text>You are logged in<Text/>}

getToken and refreshToken return different data types per platform. iOS returns a string and Android returns an object. See Android object type below:

type AuthSource = {
  hostAccessToken?: string;
  archticsAccessToken?: string;
  mfxAccessToken?: string;
  sportXRAccessToken?: string;

You can see the results of getToken(), getMemberInfo() and getIsLoggedIn() in the console when running the example app.

The login() method from the useIgnite hook accepts an object with properties onLogin and skipUpdate:

  • onLogin - a callback that fires after successful authentication
  • skipUpdate - Set value to true to prevent a rerender after successful authentication (⚠️ warning: if set to true, isLoggedIn, isLoggingIn and memberInfo will not automatically update and you will have to call getMemberInfo and getIsLoggedIn manually. It's recommended you implement AccountsSDK directly and not use this hook if you want complete control of React Native screen and state updates. The default value is false.)


import { ActivityIndicator } from 'react-native';
import { useIgnite } from 'react-native-ticketmaster-ignite';

const { login } = useIgnite();

const callback = () => {
  console.log('User logged in');

try {
  // If skipUpdate is not provided its default value is false
  await login({ onLogin: callback, skipUpdate: false });
} catch (e) {
  console.log('Accounts SDK login error:', (e as Error).message);

logout() accepts a similar object here are the shapes below:

type LoginParams = {
  onLogin?: () => void;
  skipUpdate?: boolean;

type LogoutParams = {
  onLogout?: () => void;
  skipUpdate?: boolean;

Reconfigure Accounts SDK

If you want to switch between different API keys within one app, you can call the refreshConfiguration method provided by the useIgnite() hook. This will also update the API configuration for the Tickets and Retail SDK's if your application uses them.


import { useIgnite } from 'react-native-ticketmaster-ignite';

try {
  await refreshConfiguration({
    apiKey: 'someApiKey',
    clientName: 'Team 2'
    primaryColor: '#FF0000',
} catch (e) {
  console.log('Account SDK refresh configuration error:', (e as Error).message);

The refreshConfiguration() method from the useIgnite accepts the below list of properties (apiKey is the only compulsory param):

  • apiKey - An API configuration key from your Ticketmaster developer account
  • clientName - Company name
  • primaryColor - Company brand color
  • onSuccess - a callback that fires after successful Accounts SDK configuration
  • onLoginSuccess - a callback that fires after successful login
  • skipAutoLogin - Set value to true to prevent automatic login after Account SDK configuration, users will need to enter their username and password the first time they login after switching to a new API key configuration. The default value is false. See here for more information about switching between multiple API keys within one app.
  • skipUpdate - Set value to true to prevent a rerender after successful authentication (⚠️ warning: if set to true, isLoggedIn, isLoggingIn and memberInfo will not automatically update and you will have to call getMemberInfo and getIsLoggedIn manually. It's recommended you implement AccountsSDK directly and not use this hook if you want complete control of React Native screen and state updates. The default value is false.)

Here are the types:

type RefreshConfigParams = {
  apiKey: string;
  clientName?: string;
  primaryColor?: string;
  skipAutoLogin?: boolean;
  skipUpdate?: boolean;
  onSuccess?: () => void;
  onLoginSuccess?: () => void;

IgniteProvider always requires an API key so make sure you have set a default/fallback for app launch. This library does not persist API keys, so you will need to persist the users previous team selection to make sure the correct API key is used after app restarts.

TicketsSdkModal (iOS only)


import { Pressable, Text } from 'react-native';
import { TicketsSdkModal } from 'react-native-ticketmaster-ignite';

const [showTicketsSdk, setShowTicketsSdk] = useState(false);

const onShowTicketsSDK = () => {

return (
      onPress={() => onShowTicketsSDK()}
      <Text>Show Tickets SDK Modal</Text>


import { TicketsSdkEmbedded } from 'react-native-ticketmaster-ignite';

return <TicketsSdkEmbedded style={{ flex: 1 }} />;

React Navigation note: Initially, the altered RN Bottom Tabs View frame height is not available to Native code on iOS, if you notice the embedded SDK view is not fitting inside your RN view with Bottom Tabs on the first render, try adding a 500ms delay to the SDK view:

import { TicketsSdkEmbedded } from 'react-native-ticketmaster-ignite';

return <TicketsSdkEmbedded style={{ height: '100%' }} renderTimeDelay={500}/>;

⚠️  Please note that style and renderTimeDelay props only affect iOS.

The Android implementation can be as simple as the below:

import { TicketsSdkEmbedded } from 'react-native-ticketmaster-ignite';

return <TicketsSdkEmbedded />;

SecureEntryView (Android only)

Replace SECURE_ENTRY_TOKEN with a token for a secure entry barcode.


import { SecureEntryAndroid } from 'react-native-ticketmaster-ignite';

  <SecureEntryAndroid token="SECURE_ENTRY_TOKEN" />


Module responsible for the purchase and prepurchase flows in the Retail SDK.

Events Purchase

Purchase flow (also known as Events Details Page or EDP - see more here) should be used for buying single events by their IDs.


import { RetailSDK } from 'react-native-ticketmaster-ignite';

const onShowPurchase = async () => {
  try {
    await RetailSDK.presentPurchase(DEMO_EVENT_ID);
  } catch (e) {
    console.log((e as Error).message);
Venue PrePurchase

The venue prepurchase flow (also known as Venue Details Page or VDP - see more here) should be used for showing events for a particular venue. From there, the user will be able to progress with a selected event into the purchase flow.


import { RetailSDK } from 'react-native-ticketmaster-ignite';

const onShowPrePurchaseVenue = async () => {
  try {
    await RetailSDK.presentPrePurchaseVenue(DEMO_VENUE_ID);
  } catch (e) {
    console.log((e as Error).message);
Attraction PrePurchase

The attraction prepurchase flow (also known as Attraction Details Page or VDP - see more here) should be used for showing events for a particular attraction, eg. a sports team or musicial. From there, the user will be able to progress with a selected event into the purchase flow.


import { RetailSDK } from 'react-native-ticketmaster-ignite';

const onShowPrePurchaseAttraction = async () => {
  try {
    await RetailSDK.presentPrePurchaseAttraction(DEMO_ATTRACTION_ID);
  } catch (e) {
    console.log((e as Error).message);


You can send a callback method to IgniteProvider to receive Ignite SDK analytics in your app which you can then send off to your chosen analytics service.

To see the full list of available analytics in this library see: Analytics

import { IgniteProvider, IgniteAnalytics, IgniteAnalyticName } from 'react-native-ticketmaster-ignite';

const igniteAnalytics = async (data: IgniteAnalytics) => {
    const key = Object.keys(data)[0];
    switch (key) {
          'EDP started for',

    apiKey: API_KEY,
    clientName: CLIENT_NAME,
    primaryColor: PRIMARY_COLOR
    <App />

Environment variables

You will need an API key for this app to run, you can get one here Developer Account.

For the Retail SDK (PrePurchase and Purchase) views, you will need ID's which you can get that from the Discovery API. For the purpose of initial testing you can use the below.

Replace "someApiKey" with the API key from your Ticketmaster Developer Account. Replace "clientName" with your company name, for example "My Company Name". You can set this in the options prop of <IgniteProvider>. Replace "#026cdf" with the main color theme of your app.
