Based on Ubuntu 22.04 and LLVM 14. Check out for more information about Odin.
Pull the image from either registry:
- Docker Hub:
docker pull thetredev/odin:<version>
- GitHub Container Registry:
docker pull<version>
Check available versions here:
- Docker Hub:
- GitHub Container Registry:
docker run --rm -it<version>
odin@6e556c30d770:~$ odin
odin is a tool for managing Odin source code
odin command [arguments]
build compile directory of .odin files, as an executable.
one must contain the program's entry point, all must be in the same package.
run same as 'build', but also then runs the newly compiled executable.
check parse, and type check a directory of .odin files
strip-semicolon parse, type check, and remove unneeded semicolons from the entire program
test build and runs procedures with the attribute @(test) in the initial package
doc generate documentation on a directory of .odin files
version print version
report print information useful to reporting a bug
For further details on a command, invoke command help:
e.g. `odin build -help` or `odin help build`
odin@6e556c30d770:~$ odin version
odin version dev-2023-05:0c352213
docker run --rm -v <source code directory>:/home/odin/src<version> odin build src
- wget + curl
- git
- build-essential
- cmake
- LLVM 14 via
- dependencies to build Odin itself
- Odin + libraries (built as part of generating the container image)
- non-root user "odin" with GID/UID 1000
Full source: image/Dockerfile