Bash scripts to collect data for domoticz.
This project contains 2 simple bash scripts which I use to collect data and push it to domoticz.
Both scripts depend on the jq
binary. jq is a json processor for bash.
Both scripts check if there is already another process running the script. It's not possible to run multple instances of the same script simultaneously.
The phone-presence script also requires hping3.
This script connects the TADO thermostat with domotics.
The default behaviour of this script is to collect data from the thermostat (inside temperature, humidity and the outside temperature). It will store the result in domotics.
You can also push a certain temperature to the thermostat (in Celsius) for a given amount of minutes. I use this to disable the thermostat when we go to bed.
To make this script work you should have added two dummy devices to your domoticz.
virtual sensor for the inside temperature and humidity.Temperature
for the outside temperature.
You need to write down the IDX
id's of these devices. You can find these in the domoticz menu:
-> More options
-> Events
and then press the button in the right bottom corner: Show current states
You should have a Tado Thermostat installed, and thus have a Tado account. For the rest there is no preperation needed.
You should place a file called tado.conf
in the same directory as the script. This file should contain these variables:
# Enter here your TADO email address
TADO_USER="[email protected]"
# Enter here your TADO password
# Enter here your domoticz username
# Enter here your domoticz password
# Enter here your domoticz pincode. Leave blank if you do not use this
# Enter here the domoticz URL with port number.
# Id of the inside temp+humidity device
# Id of the outside temperature device
You can execute the script is easy. You can call it like this:
# Call the tado script (assume its in your current working directory)
bash ./
# Or call it in verbose mode:
bash ./ --verbose
# Or give the script execute permissions:
sudo chmod u+x ./
# and then call it like this:
./ --verbose
Date: 03-04-2017 21:27
Fetch result for url:
HOME ID: 1234
Fetch result for url:
Fetch result for url:
Temperature: 20.35
Humidity: 60.3
Outside Temperature: 8.03
Push values to domoticz...
{ "status" : "OK", "title" : "Update Device" }
{ "status" : "OK", "title" : "Update Device" }
I use this from an LUA script. When I disable the lights in the living room and in the hallway, this script will automatically set the temperature to 16 degrees Celsius for two hours.
-- disable TADO heating
os.execute('/home/admin/domoticz-bash-scripts/ --mins=120 --temp=16 &')
This script is used to detect if a phone is in the network. We use ARP because iPhone's won't respond on ping when the are in sleep mode.
To make this script work you should assign a static ip address to your device based on your devices mac address.
By default we will assume that your phone is "gone" after it has received 5 times an offline status. This is to prevent hickups which will keep flapping your device status.
In general the ON detection will be quite fast, but the OFF detection will take some longer. This is because there are a lot of "false-positives" where it seems that the device is offline, but it is not. This is also why the cooldown period is build in.
NOTE: This script should be run as root
To make this script work you should have added a dummy device (switch) to your domoticz. This represents the on/off (presence) state of your phone.
You need to write down the IDX
id of the device. You can find these in the domoticz menu:
-> More options
-> Events
and then press the button in the right bottom corner: Show current states
You should place a file called phone-presence.conf
in the same directory as the script. This file should contain these variables:
# Enter here your domoticz username
# Enter here your domoticz password
# Enter here your domoticz pincode. Leave blank if you do not use this
# Enter here the domoticz URL with port number.
# Here is a list of devices we want to check.
# Each line has:
# '${idx} ${ip} ${mac-address}'
# Note! Mac address is case sensitive!
'72 34:ee:fd:60:9a:11'
'71 e0:ff:45:9e:2c:22'
# attempts before we assume it's offline
You can execute the script is easy. You can call it like this:
# Call the tado script (assume its in your current working directory)
bash ./
# Or call it in verbose mode:
bash ./ --verbose
# Or give the script execute permissions:
sudo chmod u+x ./
# and then call it like this:
./ --verbose
=== Starting scan for device with idx 72 on ip with Mac address 34:ee:fd:60:9a:11 ===
Idx: 72, ip:, mac: 34:ee:fd:60:9a:11
Status of request: OK
Current device status: On
Mac address: 34:ee:fd:60:9a:11
State: ON, known state: On
=== Starting scan for device with idx 71 on ip with Mac address e0:ff:45:9e:2c:22 ===
Idx: 71, ip:, mac: e0:ff:45:9e:2c:22
Status of request: OK
Current device status: On
Mac address: e0:ff:45:9e:2c:22
State: OFF, known sate: On, attempt 5/5
{ "status" : "OK", "title" : "SwitchLight" }