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Building (Windows only)

Timothy Madden edited this page Feb 18, 2024 · 1 revision
  • Download and install Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition from Microsoft. Be sure to select C/C++ Desktop Development option for installation.

  • Download and install Python 3. Make sure you select the option to add python to PATH during installation.

  • Download and install git

  • Download and install CMake

  • Download and install NASM, and update environment variables NASM_PREFIX and PATH with the chosen install location. By default it is %ProgramFiles%\NASM. Set NASM_PREFIX environment variable to %ProgramFiles%\NASM\ (NOTE the backslash character \ at the end of the path), and also add %ProgramFiles%\NASM to the PATH environment variable (in Windows Settings). You can change your NASM_PREFIX and PATH variable from Start Menu | Windows Settings | System | About | Advanced Windows Settings | Environment Variables | System variables | PATH | Edit... | New...

  • You can check all installed commands are available on PATH: open a new cmd console window, and run the following commands:

    python --version
    pip --version
    git --version
    nasm --version
    cmake --version

    If the output from any of the above commands says 'cmd-name' is not recognized as an internal or external command... you need to check PATH environment variable again. Also make sure python --version outputs version 3 and not version 2.

  • Install pefile module for python:

    • Use Win+R to open a cmd window and run pip install pefile
  • Get edk2 framework from github. In a cmd window run:

    git -C "%UserProfile%" clone
    git -C "%UserProfile%\edk2" submodule update --init --jobs "%Number_Of_Processors%"
  • Build edk2. Open x86 Native Tools Command Prompt from the start menu (like in the image)


    and type the following commands in the resulting console window:

    • If Not Defined VSCMD_VER "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars32.bat"
    • ChDir "%UserProfile%\edk2"
    • edksetup.bat Rebuild
  • Configure edk2. Edit file %UserProfile%\edk2\Conf\target.txt with a text editor like Notepad for example and search, in order, for the lines begining with TARGET =, TARGET_ARCH = and TOOL_CHAIN_TAG = (without any # characters -- if needed remove the leading # character from such lines, to uncomment them). Modify these lines to read:

    TARGET                = RELEASE
    TARGET_ARCH           = X64
    TOOL_CHAIN_TAG        = VS2019
  • Get NvStrapsReBar from this repository, and place it as a subdirectory right under the edk2 directory, with the following commands:

    ChDir "%UserProfile%\edk2"
    git clone

You can now build the UEFI DXE driver NvStrapsReBar.ffs, and the Windows executable NvStrapsReBar.exe

  • To build UEFI DXE driver NvStrapsReBar.ffs, run the following commands in the x86 Native Tools Command Prompt window
    If Not Defined VSCMD_VER "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars32.bat"
    ChDir "%UserProfile%\edk2"
    If Not Defined EDK_TOOLS_BIN edksetup.bat
    ChDir NvStrapsReBar\ReBarDxe
    The NvStrapsReBar.ffs file will be found under the directory %UserProfile%\edk2\Build\NvStrapsReBar\RELEASE_VS2019\X64\.
  • To build the Windows executable NvStrapsReBar.exe, run the following commands in the x86 Native Tools Command Prompt window
    If Not Defined VSCMD_VER "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars32.bat"
    ChDir "%UserProfile%\edk2"
    If Not Defined EDK_TOOLS_BIN edksetup.bat
    ChDir NvStrapsRebar\ReBarState
    If Not Exist build MkDir build
    ChDir build
    cmake .. && cmake --build . --config Release
    The NvStrapsRebar.exe file will be found under the %UserProfile%\edk2\NvStrapsRebar\ReBarState\build\Release\ subdirectory
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