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Releases: tcalmant/python-javaobj

javobj-py3 0.4.4

07 Apr 19:31
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  • @madaaraisok : Added support for java.lang.Class arrays (#48)
  • @ElDavoo : Fixed marshalling of JavaByteArrays (#53)
  • Tests ran with pytest manually on Python 2.7, 3.6-3.12

Full Changelog: 0.4.3...0.4.4

javobj-py3 0.4.3

14 May 14:25
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  • Added support for TC_NULL as array sub-type in _read_field_value (see #46, thanks to @photoniker)
  • javaobj can now read GZipped files directly (trick done in load(), which is also the underlying method used by loads())
  • Fixed a type issue in BlockData/str content comparison

javobj-py3 0.4.2

02 Feb 19:55
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  • NumPy is now loaded lately, only if the use of numpy arrays is expected.
    This allows the calling modules to load and configure numpy beforehand.
    Contribution from @sarimak

javobj-py3 0.4.1

16 Apr 19:59
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  • Added the custom transformer contributed by @UruDev, allowing a finer loading of custom Java streams


01 Jan 18:04
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Small fix on metadata:

  • has been fixed, to include the requirements for Python < 3.4
  • Added a to include README, LICENSE and AUTHORS in distribution.

javobj-py3 0.4.0

30 Dec 15:34
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  • Added a new implementation of the parser, based on the code of jdeserialize.
    It is provided by the javaobj.v2 package.
    It can parse more cases than the previous implementation and provides a new API for the object transformers.
    This implementation doesn't support writing serialized objects.
  • Moved the old implementation to the javaobj.v1 package.
    The import from javaobj redirect to the v1 package.

javobj-py3 0.3.0

26 Apr 13:30
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  • Added support for custom post-loading operations on JavaObject returned by the DefaultObjectTransformer
    (if the returned object implements an __extra_loading__(self, unmarshaller, ident=0) method)
  • Added support for primitive classes (Boolean, Integer, Long), thanks to @qistoph (#27)
  • Added support for HashSet, LinkedHashSet and TreeSet (#25)
  • Added support for java.time types (#15)
  • Better handling of unicode strings (#26): all loaded java.lang.String objects are now unicode
  • Added support for Java's modified UTFG-8, thanks to @guywithface (#24)
  • Fixed handling of char arrays (see #16 and PR #21 by @moriyoshi)

javobj-py3 0.2.4

21 Jan 14:44
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  • Added use of bytearray for JavaByteArray
  • Added support for decoding CESU-8 strings, thanks to @nlitsme (#17)
  • Added class flags inheritance, thanks to @ggjspencer (#20)

javobj-py3 0.2.3

15 Nov 16:22
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  • Faster loading of bytes arrays, thanks to @vmarkovtsev. Bytes arrays are now loaded as a bytes Python object, not an array of integers
  • JavaObjectUnmarshaller() now supports a use_numpy_arrays keyword argument, to load numeric arrays as numpy arrays (thanks to @vmarkovtsev)
  • Added theorical support of TYPE_CHAR (defined but not used in the Java specification)

javobj-py3 0.2.2

10 Sep 11:49
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  • Better marshalling of byte array, by @voetsjoeba
  • Better handling of references while marshalling
  • Marshalling of arrays and of child classes produces a byte array close to the Java output.