From book Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL
Only runs on AMD GPU as it is assuming the vector width is 64.
See Introduction to GPU Radix Sort for implementation detail.
title={Introduction to GPU Radix Sort},
author={Harada, T. and Howes, L.},
booktitle={Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL},
An environmental variable needs to be set correctly to find OpenCL.
- Set AMDAPPSDKROOT = OpenCL root (e.g., C:/workspace/CL1000/). It searches for the enviromnent variable.
- Set CUDA_PATH to OpenCL root.
Main directories
- UnitTest: Unit tests
- Tahoe: Where Parallel Primitives are
- Adl: OpenCL wrapper
- docs: Documentation
- contrib: External libraries
- dist: Generated files (executables, libraries)
- tools: Premake related
- Execute the executable from UnitTest directory.
- 64 bit executables are generated at ./dist/debug/bin/x86_64/ or ./dist/release/bin/x86_64/.
- Create Visual Studio Solution
./tools/premake4/win/premake4.exe vs2013
- Create Xcode project
chmod +x tools/premake4/osx/premake4
./tools/premake4/osx/premake4 xcode4
- Set working directory
Product > Schema > Edit Schema, Option tab, there is Working Directory.
- Create Makefile
chmod +x tools/premake4/linux64/premake4
./tools/premake4/linux64/premake4 gmake
make config=debug64
make config=release64
- Scan does not work for a large buffer (Unit test fails when scanning 1024K elems).
The expected output from the unit test is
$ ../dist/release/bin/x86_64/UnitTest64.exe
[==========] Running 3 tests from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 3 tests from Demo
[ RUN ] Demo.Sort32
test 1.0K elems
test 2.0K elems
test 4.0K elems
test 8.0K elems
test 16.0K elems
test 32.0K elems
test 64.0K elems
test 128.0K elems
test 256.0K elems
test 512.0K elems
test 1024.0K elems
[ OK ] Demo.Sort32 (1352 ms)
[ RUN ] Demo.SortKeyValue
test 1.0K elems
test 2.0K elems
test 4.1K elems
test 8.2K elems
test 16.4K elems
test 32.8K elems
test 65.6K elems
test 131.2K elems
test 262.5K elems
test 525.0K elems
test 1050.0K elems
[ OK ] Demo.SortKeyValue (512 ms)
[ RUN ] Demo.Scan
test 1.0K elems
test 2.0K elems
test 4.0K elems
test 8.0K elems
test 16.0K elems
test 32.0K elems
test 64.0K elems
test 128.0K elems
test 256.0K elems
test 512.0K elems
test 1024.0K elems
main.cpp(200): error: Value of: fail == 0
Actual: false
Expected: true
[ FAILED ] Demo.Scan (251 ms)
[----------] 3 tests from Demo (2118 ms total)
[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 3 tests from 1 test case ran. (2121 ms total)
[ PASSED ] 2 tests.
[ FAILED ] 1 test, listed below:
[ FAILED ] Demo.Scan