ShareLatex with all Latex packages installed by default.
This is an extension of the official sharelatex.
The texlive-full package and tlmgr full scheme are installed on top of Sharelatex.
The is to create an image with many Latex packages as possible, so you do not have (hopefully) to worry about missing packages. The downside is the large size of the image.
TeX Live repositories are pretty slow, you can clone it locally:
wget -c --mirror --no-parent
Or download the ISO image and extract:
Then, build the image with local repository. You have to dit Dockerfile
to use local instance of nginx:
docker network create build_sharelatex
docker run --network build_sharelatex --name nginx -v $PWD:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -d nginx
docker build --network build_sharelatex -t sharelatex-full .
The default for the overlay config metacopy was switched from N to Y in kernel 4.19. The following should do the trick to get you going:
echo N | sudo tee /sys/module/overlay/parameters/metacopy
This image can be used in the same way as the official image.
Since Sharelatex requires MongoDB and Redis, it is easier to setup via docker-compose (just the sharelatex image needs to be changed to t4skforce/sharelatex-full):
See Overleaf wiki Creating and managing users