Advanced back-end service with Tapir, Akka-Http, Quill and Macwire
Task - create service, similar to some kind of shop using Tapir with Akka-Http interpreter, Quill, Macwire and circe json.
This example contains:
- work with database using Quill
- Simple jwt authentication and role authorization to access some endpoints
- sign in and sign out endpoints
- error handling customization
- failed decoding customization
- request wrappers (request handling time tracker)
- adding prometheus metrics
- connecting swagger docs
- set and describe http codes for error response
- Tapir endpoints testing, including mocking security
Also example contains Quill as library which works with database, similar to Slick and Macwire, which works similar to Guice.
Note: to run this example in first time, you have to apply sql scripts from resource directory!
- Tapir v1.0.3
- Akka-Http
- Quill v4.2.0
- Circe json 0.14.2
- Macwire v2.5.7
- Scalatest, Mockito (testing)
- Quill documentation:
- Tapir documentation:
- Macwire github:
- Circe documentation:
- Measuring response time in akka http (took implementation from there):
- Tapir endpoints testing: