This project is inspired by David Fifield's paper, "A better zipbomb" (
Take an unassuming zip file and turn it into a zipbomb using the overlapped files strategy.
The provided zip file is expected to contain a single file, but the bombification process should work as long as the first file header correspons to the first central directory header.
For ease of implementation, I assumed the filename is only one byte, and there are no comments or extra fields. This allows the file header and central directory header sizes to be known.
Unzip a zip file recursivelly, i.e. any zip files found inside the initial one, will be unzipped too.
Zip a file in the most basic manner, to avoid comments and extra fields added by common zipping tools.
Explanation of zipfile contents and 2 examples of zipfiles split into their corresponding records. The purpose of this analysis is to figure out which header fields can be reused from a file previously found in the zipfile and which fields should be modified.
Zipfiles analysed here were produced with David Fifield's zipbomb script.