** /!\ This tool is under heavy development.**
The tools help symfony developers to sync their translation between branches or with other teams such as translator.
php bin/console debug
show what translations that the tools has been capable to detect.php bin/console clean
generate a copy of the translations in a separate folder and order all key alphabetically, flatten keys.php bin/console find
search for translation files, it helps you to understand how the tool detect files thanks to Symfony Finder Component.php bin/console yaml:xlsx
convert yaml translation files to Excel (xlsx).php bin/console xlsx:yaml
convert Excel (xlsx) to yaml translation files.
- clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/sportfinder/translation-tools.git
- install vendors:
composer install
This command will search for your translations files and create a clean copy of them ordered alphabetically and add #fixme where translation is missing.
- path: where to find yaml translation files (eg:
) - name: the pattern of the yaml translation files (most of the time:
) - output: file to generate (eg
) - locales: add as many locale as you want (eg:
fr nl en
, in my case I have fr and en, and you want to add nl.)
- path: where to find yaml translation files (eg:
) - name: the pattern of the yaml translation files (most of the time:
) - output: file to generate (eg
) - locales: add as many locale as you want (eg:
fr nl en
, in my case I have fr and en, and you want to add nl.)
php bin\console yaml:xlsx \www\project\translations\ *.yaml \tmp\translations.xlsx en nl fr it
- xlsx: where is located the Excel (xlsx) file
- output: Where to store newly generated files
php bin\console xlsx:yaml \tmp\translations.xlsx \www\project\translations\