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The notation and shortcuts used in latex-files of lectures, papers, ... of the Chair of Statistical Learning and Data Science is defined and maintained in this repository. Notation & shortcuts are split into multiple files depending on subject and can be integrated as needed.

  • basic-math: Basic mathematical notation such as mathematical spaces, sums & products, linear algebra, basic probability and statistics
  • basic-ml: Basic machine learning notation such as notation for data (x, y), prediction functions, likelihood, loss functions, generalization error
  • ml-ensembles: Ensemble methods
  • ml-eval: Evaluation metrics, resampling
  • ml-feature-sel: Feature selection
  • ml-gp: Gaussian processes
  • ml-hpo: Hyperparameter optimization
  • ml-infotheory: Information theory
  • ml-interpretable: IML / xAI
  • ml-mbo: Model-based optimization / Bayesian optimization
  • ml-multitarget: Multi-target learning
  • ml-nn: Neural networks
  • ml-online:
  • ml-regu: Regularization
  • ml-survival: Survival analysis
  • ml-svm: Support vector machines
  • ml-trees: Decision trees

⚠️ Important Usage Note: If you encounter these files within a lecture or project repository, do not make any changes locally.
Go to slds-lmu/latex-math and make your changes either directly or via pull request. Any local changes are assumed to be spurious and will be overridden with upstream slds-lmu/latex-math.

Using the notation

  • Clone this repository into the main directory of your repo.
  • Add latex-math to the gitignore file.
  • Add \input{../latex-math/*}, for every file /* you need to the preamble of your (TeX/Rmd) file but not into any common preamble file

This means you have to keep this repository in sync with each client repository by also doing git pull in the latex-math subdirectory when pulling changes for the client repo. The reason we do it this way is that work on latex-math is not duplicated.

Note that some of the macros defined here may use additional Latex packages -- a good set to start with is

\usepackage{bm}      % basic-ml, ml-gp
\usepackage{siunitx} % basic-ml
\usepackage{dsfont}  % basic-math, not package is called `doublestroke` when installing via tlmgr
\usepackage{xspace}  % ml-mbo
\usepackage{xifthen} % ml-interpretable

See latex-math.pdf for all currently defined commands & definitions.

Note that the file preamble.tex contains packages required for latex-math.Rmd to be rendered, which are not necessarily all packages you would need in a fresh LaTeX project, since RMarkdown by default includes various required packages already.

Updating / adding files

  • A new shortcut / notation that falls into the scope of one of the existing files should be added in the respective file with a short description.
  • Multiple shortcuts / notations belonging to another major subject should be summarized in a new .tex file.
  • ALWAYS check if a command is already contained in one of the files - overwriting a command might result in compiling errors.
  • ALWAYS recompile latex-math.Rmd if you add new commands so it is kept up-to-date and to check that you have committed all the changes your notation requires to work.
  • If you add a new file, make sure it is added as an include in the header of latex-math.Rmd such that it is included in the rendered preview


Use the included Makefile to render latex-math.pdf and to create the combined .tex file latex-math-combined.tex:

Usage: make <target>:

  pdf:      render latex-math.Rmd to latex-math.pdf
  combined: create the combined tex file latex-math-combined.tex
  clean:    remove latex-math.pdf and latex-math-combined.tex
  all:      render latex-math.Rmd to latex-math.pdf and create the combined tex file latex-math-combined.tex
  help:     show this message


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