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Usage: <Command or File_listing_packages_and_tags (one pair per line)>

epics-checkout (eco) is a script that wraps git clone/cvs checkout and does some additional things that make compilation of modules within the EPICS LCLS/PCDS environment easier.
The main intent of epics-checkout is to get hardcoded paths out of configure/RELEASE.
It generates a file called RELEASE_SITE that contains these hardcoded paths; the configure/RELEASE.local now instead includes RELEASE_SITE

epics-checkout has interactive and batch modes.
To start epics-checkout in interactive mode, simply type epics-checkout or eco
For the batch mode, you can pass in a file containing a list of the modules you want to checkout; for example, eco modulelist.txt.
Each line in this file contains the module name and the branch/tag label. 
For example, a line for the sequencer would have "seq  seq-R2-0-11-lcls4"

epics-checkout also supports a command called initrepo "eco initrepo" that creates a bare git repository for your package.
"epics-checkout initrepo" prompts you for a package name and type and repo location.
It then creates a bare git repo in the location specified; it also creates a default .gitignore and cram configuration for your package.

epics-checkout also supports a command called cvs2git "eco cvs2git" that imports a module from CVS into a git bare repo.
"eco cvs2git" prompts you for a module name and type and repo location.
It then creates a bare git repo in the location specified; imports the history from CVS and adds a default .gitignore.
It comments out the module location in the CVSROOT/modules file; however, it does NOT do a cvs remove of the software from CVS.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         print verbose output
  -b, --batch           Run without confirmation prompts
  -m MODULE, --module=MODULE
                        Module to checkout, optionally add the tag to use
                        Checkout the package to this folder. Uses cvs -d. For
                        example, eco -d CATER_12345 on MAIN_TRUNK checks out
                        MAIN_TRUNK into a folder called CATER_12345. This
                        option is ignored in batch mode.
usage: [options] MODULE ...
	MODULE can be one or more of:
		etc ...
	Ex: ioc/xpp
	For help: --help

Report on available module versions and dependencies

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all             display all revisions of each module
  -v, --verbose         show dependent modules
  -d, --debug           display more info for debugging script
  -b BASE, --base=BASE  Restrict output to modules for specified base version
                        ex. --base=R3.14.9-0.3.0
  -w, --wide            Wide output, all module info on one line
  --top=TOP             Top of EPICS module release area ex. --top=/afs/slac/g
  --allTops             Search all accessible known EPICS module release
usage: [-h] [-p PACKAGES] [-f INPUT_FILE_PATH] [-r REPO]
                      [-t TOP] [-v]

epics-build builds one or EPICS module releases.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PACKAGES, --package PACKAGES
                        EPICS module-name/release-version. Ex:
  -f INPUT_FILE_PATH, --input_file_path INPUT_FILE_PATH
                        Read list of module releases from this file
  -r REPO, --repo REPO  repo url
  -t TOP, --top TOP     Top of release area.
  -v, --verbose         show more verbose output.

Standard EPICS modules can be specified w/ just the module basename.
Similarly, modules or packages listed in eco_modulelist
(/afs/slac/g/lcls/tools/eco_modulelist/modulelist.txt) can be specified w/
just the module or package name. Longer module repo paths will be checked
against GIT_TOP (/afs/slac/g/cd/swe/git/repos). and also against svn tags top
(file:///afs/slac/g/pcds/vol2/svn/pcds). and also cvs root
(/afs/slac/g/lcls/cvs). i.e. Repo searched for in $TOP/[module-path/]module-
Usage: [options] [ <module> ] -r <release> -m "My release comments"
	Ex: ioc/xpp/vacuum -r R0.1.0 -m "Adding baratron gauge"
	For help: --help

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        release version string, ex. -r R1.2.3-0.1.0
  -m MESSAGE, --message=MESSAGE
                        release message in quotes
  -v, --verbose         show commands as they are executed
  -q, --quiet           do not show build or checkout output
  --revision=REVISION   specify revision or branch, defaults to HEAD
  --noMsg               do not include a release message
  -n, --noTag           do not tag, just rebuild an existing release
  --notag               do not tag, just rebuild an existing release
  -b BRANCH, --branch=BRANCH
                        branch to release, ex.
                        install directory, ex.
  -d, --debug           display more info for debugging script
  --dryRun              Do test build but no tag or install
  --noTestBuild         Skip test build
  --rmBuild             Remove release build.  Does not do a new release.
  --rmTag               Remove release tag.  Does not do a new release.
  -x, --nukeRelease     Remove tag and build of release.  Does not do a new
  --keeptmp             do not erase the temp build directory
  --batch               do not prompt for confirmation