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About the MarkerDemos project

bitstars edited this page Feb 8, 2013 · 1 revision

The MarkerDemos project

A short intro to the marker demos example application

This small demo demonstrates how an example application using marker detection could look like.

The expected behavior is as follows:

  • A button appears.
  • When clicked the camera will start and a live preview is seen.
  • If a marker with the ID 0 is detected a white hexagon will be placed on top of the marker and 3 colored objects will be rotating somewhere around the center of the marker.

This is a very basic example, but the source should explain the general idea of how to use the ARMarkers library in combination with DroidAR.

How to run the project

  • First get both the DroidAR and ARMarker projects and set them up as [ described].
  • Download the MarkerDemos project from [ here] and set both the DroidAR and ARMarker projects as libraries for the MarkerDemos project.
  • Run the project on an android device with a camera.
  • Either generate the 0-marker using the MarkerGenerator, which is a java applet, or download the marker from the [ Downloads section].