Moving from Hack to vanilla PHP, I miss XHP T__T
This isn't XHP, but it does provide a minimum-bullshit method of generating HTML in a consistent and secure manner
use function MicroHTML\{HTML,SECTION,H1,P,DIV};
$page = HTML(
H1("My title"),
P("Here's some content")
DIV("Oh noes: <script>alert('a haxxor is attacking us');</script>")
<section id='news'>
<h1>My title</h1>
<p>Here's some content</p>
<section id='comments'>
<div>Oh noes: <script>alert('a haxxor is attacking us');</script></div>
composer install
./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix
./vendor/bin/phpunit tests
./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse src tests --level 5
git tag v1.2.3
git push --tags