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PowerShell module with useful cmdlets I've written

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PS-Tools is a collection of tools to simplify the administrative processes.

Build Status

Build Status

** The Pester tests are having issues but the 'Fail if there are test failures' is set to false **


Table of Contents

Change Log

  • v1.2.0 - 2020-7-17
    • New Cmdlets
      • Set-PSToolsConfig
        • Remove-AzAppGwConfig
          • Can remove multiple configuration items during a single transaction.
          • Currently text based can can remove routing rules, redirect configurations, http settings, probes, and listeners.
          • Has a confirmation and support -whatif but be VERY careful!
  • v1.1.0 - 2020-7-13
    • New Cmdlets
      • Set-PSToolsConfig
        • Created JSON config file to hold values required for other cmdlets. Solves issue around editing cmdlets for each environments
      • Test-PSToolsConfig (Internal)
        • Used internally to validate the required settings exist for a specific cmdlet.
    • Updated Cmdlets
      • New-SA
        • Adapted for PSToolsConfig values
      • Set-AzAppGwConfig
        • Added TrustedCA switch to support Application Gateway v2 and the ability to use a Trusted CA instead of an uploaded certificate.
  • v1.0.1 - 2020-6-29
    • New Cmdlets
      • Write-InformationPlus
        • Adds foreground\background color and nonewline options when calling Write-Information
    • Fixes
      • Lots of internal changes to resolve PSScriptAnalyzer findings
    • Breaking changes
      • Renamed commands
        • Login-AzureAD to Connect-AzureADTenant
        • Handle-Error to Format-Error
        • Refresh-Module to Update-CustomModule
  • v1.0.0 - 2020-06-24
    • Initial collection


To download the module, add the PowerShell Repository to your system.

Register-PSRepository -Name 'PS-Tools' -SourceLocation 'tbd'

Then install the module as usual.

Install-Module -Name PS-Tools

Several of the cmdlets require other modules be preset as well, including, but not limited to:

  • Az


  • New-AADServicePrincipal
    • Creates an Azure AD service principal. Can use generate either a password or certificate to be used for authentication.
    • Outputs the client id and the password or certificate as a PFX.
  • New-User
    • Create an AD user. There are three parameter sets, RSA, NoRSA, or FromFile. RSA and NoRSA are for creating single users from the command line.
    • FromFile uses a CSV to provide data for multiple users at once. When RSA is used an additional email is sent to the Security team to request an RSA token with the phone type.
    • With the AADSync switch, the user account will be created in the AAD synchronized OU and the user will be sent a single email explaining the AAD user registration process and a link to set the password. A phone number is required with the AADSync option.
    • Without the AADSync switch, the user account will created in the non-AAD syncronised OU and the user will be sent an email with their account information and then a separate email with a one-time link to receive their password.
    • AD and/or AAD groups can be specified as a parameters when creating a user from the command line. Groups should be an array of strings.
    • AD and/or AAD groups can be specified in the CSV file when creating a user from a file. Groups should be separated by semi-colons.
  • New-OneTimeSecret
    • Create a URL that can be used to retrieve a secret.
    • Currently the API access information is hard-coded in the function as defaults, but there is no data accessed with this identity, it only allows access to use the API.
  • New-Password
    • Create a strong password from 8 to 20 characters
  • New-SA
    • Create an AD service account
    • More detail to come.
  • Reset-Password
    • Reset and AD password. Uses the New-Password, New-OneTimeSecret, and Send-Email cmdlets.
    • More detail to come.
  • Send-Email
    • Sends an email with internal server or O365. Provides email templates for common emails.
    • More detail to come.



  • For more details use:
Get-Help New-AADServicePrincipal
  • Syntax
New-AADServicePrincipal [[-Name] <string>] [-CertAuth] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]  [<CommonParameters>]
  • Creating a Service Principal using a 44 character password.
PS> New-AADServicePrincipal -Name SP-SomeApp-Environment
ClientId: 22f2c1fa-417b-40bf-9ee4-9c0172b9dc83
Password: +xHndbf2pZYPTgqlbwhd1GUvGFamNsTOJVtQatW3ny0=
  • Creating a Service Principal using certificate authentication.
PS> New-AADServicePrincipal -Name 'SP-App-Env' -CertAuth
ClientId: 5b9b0e39-b209-4a85-9c33-1f84092337f0
Cert: EA7D1880733501BA11DA8DBA58578A7DBCB6DE6C
Cert PFX password: ********
Certificate exported to C:\Temp\SP-App-Env.pfx


  • For more details use:
Get-Help New-User
  • Syntax
New-User -FirstName <string> -LastName <string> -EmailAddress <string> -Description <string> [-Domain <string>] [-ADGroups <string[]>] [-AADGroups <string[]>] [-MobileNumber <string>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]

New-User -FirstName <string> -LastName <string> -EmailAddress <string> -Description <string> -RSA -PhoneType {Android | iPhone} [-Domain <string>] [-ADGroups <string[]>] [-AADGroups <string[]>] [-MobileNumber <string>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]  [<CommonParameters>]

New-User -UserFile <string> [-Domain <string>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]  [<CommonParameters>]
  • Create new user from command line (With RSA request)
New-User -FirstName 'Nancy' -LastName 'Drew' -EmailAddress '[email protected]' -Description 'Some Description' -PhoneType iPhone -RSA
  • Create new user from command line (No RSA request)
New-User -FirstName 'Nancy' -LastName 'Drew' -EmailAddress '[email protected]' -Description 'Some Description'
  • Create new user from command line (Specify groups, No RSA request)
New-User -FirstName 'Nancy' -LastName 'Drew' -EmailAddress '[email protected]' -Description 'Some Description' -ADGroups @('ADGroup1','ADGroup2') -AADGroups @('AADGroup1','AADGroup2')
  • Create new user from command line (Copy groups from SourceUser)
New-User -FirstName 'Nancy' -LastName 'Drew' -EmailAddress '[email protected]' -Description 'Some Description' -SourceUser '[email protected]'
  • Create new users from a file
users.csv content:
Joe,Hardy,Test User,[email protected],,,,,+1 555-444-1234
Nancy,Drew,Test User,[email protected],,,,,+1 555-444-5678

New-User -FromFile <path>\users.csv
  • Create new users from a file (Specify Groups)
users.csv content:
Joe,Hardy,Test User,[email protected],ADGroup1;ADGroup2,AADGroup1;AADGroup2,,,+1 555-444-1234
Nancy,Drew,Test User,[email protected],ADGroup1;ADGroup2,AADGroup3;AADGroup4,,,+1 555-444-5678

New-User -FromFile <path>\users.csv
  • Create new users from a file (With RSA)
users.csv content:
Joe,Hardy,Test User,[email protected],,,true,iPhone,+1 555-444-1234
Nancy,Drew,Test User,[email protected],,,true,Android,+1 555-444-5678

New-User -FromFile <path>\users.csv


  • For more details use:
Get-Help New-OneTimeSecret
  • Syntax
New-OneTimeSecret [[-Username] <string>] [[-Key] <string>] [-Secret] <string> [[-SecretTTL] <int>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
  • Create a secret url.
$Password = New-Password
$SecretKey = New-OneTimeSecret -Secret $Password
  • Create a secret url.
$Password = New-Password
$SecretKey = New-OneTimeSecret -Secret $Password -SecretTTL 24

Pending Improvements

  • Add function to all commands that checks the repo version of the module.
  • Add #requries to all commands for any other needed modules
  • Need to fix most of the tests due to name changes


PowerShell module with useful cmdlets I've written






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